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The 2023 Russian Coup.

Funds not an issue apparently !

Whether true or not him saying he’s got busloads of billions of cash to pay his fighters has to be a good move- will people defect and join ?
Not sure. Despite the enthusiasm and military know how of some posters on here I think for them its probably a case of the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing
Russian TV broadcasting a documentary about Berlusconi according to reports so trying carry on as normal then
Kevin Rothrock on Twitter saying Musocvites are getting robocalls from Prigozhin's troll facilities promoting the freedom march on Moscow. He obviously knows he needs it to snowball, Wagner won't be able to sustain much of an assault for long. Any reports on how near they are to Moscow now?
It's like the Netflix Paradox but with widespread violence and lethality:

“Let's watch Die Hard With A Vengeance...
“I'd prefer Executive Decision.
“No! Gotta have Air Force One!”
“What about The Sum Of All Fears?”
Looks like some fighting between Wagner and the Chechens is on the cards, and then if Wagner survive that strong enough it all depends on the loyalty of the Russian army/FSB etc. and how that fractures (or not) doesn't it?

My bet is it'll last a week or 2, and at the end Putin will remain and Prigozhin will be dead and things will have stalled generally, but it'll slow or stop any chance of Russia making any kind of significant gains in Ukraine in the near future.

Whether Ukraine goes all in now and tries to push things hard for a collapse of the Russian forces there as well will be interesting. At the very least they should be engaging in a flurry of psyops encouraging Russian soldiers in Ukraine to give up and head back to Russia to join Wagner.
Kevin Rothrock on Twitter saying Musocvites are getting robocalls from Prigozhin's troll facilities promoting the freedom march on Moscow. He obviously knows he needs it to snowball, Wagner won't be able to sustain much of an assault for long. Any reports on how near they are to Moscow now?
I think about 4 hours, but you know how unpredictable traffic is at the weekend
Looks like some fighting between Wagner and the Chechens is on the cards, and then if Wagner survive that strong enough it all depends on the loyalty of the Russian army/FSB etc. and how that fractures (or not) doesn't it?
There seem to be at least 3 distinct Wagner groupings, though. 1 in Rostov-on-Don, 1 in Voronezh, and 1 on the move through Lipetsk and Tula toward Moscow.

The Chechens are still yet to actually show up for the fight in Rostov, but that could potentially fuck Wagner's plans. But my money would be on the Chechen threat not manifesting
whilst we are doing clueless predictions, i think putin will never be seen again and the hot dog vendor is the new tsar.
Just because of a video i saw of civilians in the occupied city coming up to his troops for a friendly chat and offering them snacks and drinks.
I dont think anyone knows how this will play out - Wagner could get squashed very quickly. Althernatively Putin might struggle to find troops (other than the chechyans) prepared to open fire on those they see as on their own side - and ordering them to do so may provoke a wider mutiny. It absolutely could be the end game for putin and/or the war in Ukraine- things like this can snowball very very quickly.
I dont think it will be something that will just blow over and then they can get back to reducing urlaine to rubble.
Civil war in Russia - and whatever bunch of cunts comes out on top - is going to be very grim though. Dont think we are going to see a nice colour revolution and a new cuddly russian regime waving rainbow flags any time soon.
The Chechens are still yet to actually show up for the fight in Rostov, but that could potentially fuck Wagner's plans. But my money would be on the Chechen threat not manifesting

"Yeah Vlad, we're totally on the way. We're just had to stop at the services. And we've had a few flats that have slowed us down a bit. And then Aminat had to call his mum as she's not been able to find the TV remote and reception was really poor so we took a bit of a detour. And then Deshi stopped to upload his latest TikTok. But we're absolutely heading there though, honest. Yeah, will give you a call when we're nearly there."
Given the combat record of the Kadyrov crew in Ukraine mainly consists of making tiktok videos in Chechnya, I think that if old Vlad is betting his chips on them, he may be in for a disappointing afternoon....
From the Graun live feed:

Russian authorities have reportedly offered the Wagner mutineers an amnesty if they surrender.

Russian state owned news agency Tass has been told by a Russian lawmaker that the Wagner fighters have been promised an amnesty if they law down their weapons but they need to act fast, Reuters reports.

Sounds like the position you would take when you really and truly had the upper hand doesn't it?

No honestly, you can keep my lunch money it's absolutely fine.
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