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The 2023 Russian Coup.

From the Graun live feed:
Russian authorities have reportedly offered the Wagner mutineers an amnesty if they surrender.
Russian state owned news agency Tass has been told by a Russian lawmaker that the Wagner fighters have been promised an amnesty if they law down their weapons but they need to act fast, Reuters reports.
Sounds like the position you would take when you really and truly had the upper hand doesn't it?
No honestly, you can keep my lunch money it's absolutely fine.
seems like so far there hasnt been a blitz against the coloumn/coloumns.
Either thats because Russian soldiers are refusing, or what seems more likely to me is that it's yet to come and will do soon. In which case you've got to give people an official chance to surrender before you try and kill them, so you can say they are definitely "enemy combatants"
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Russian troops by a highway in Moscow. I'm not a military man but I reckon they'd want some heavy weapons and some kind of fortification besides a grassy verge...

The pictures of the Moscow defences do look desperate tbh, blokes lying about like that, a few poorly made sandbag positions, some trucks full of sand, etc. Where's the tanks, AFVs, etc.? Looks really shit.
seems like so far there hasnt been a blitz against the coloumn/coloumns.
Either thats because Russian soldiers are refusing, or what seems more likely to me is that it's yet to come and will do soon. In which case you've got to give people an official chance to surrender before you try and kill them, so you can say they are definitely "enemy combatants"

I reckon Putin going on telly and calling them mutineers means they have already crossed that line (as far as he's concerned anyway).

They're moving so quickly that it's also possible the Russians haven't managed to react in time and also they won't necessarily have had loads of air support waiting next to the M4 to Moscow as they probably didn't think they needed it.

There's also probably a lot of "wait and see" going on in Russian military circles alongside lower level reluctance to start dropping artillery/bombs on Russian cities and towns as you say.

eta: it's also bad optics. /irony
The pictures of the Moscow defences do look desperate tbh, blokes lying about like that, a few poorly made sandbag positions, some trucks full of sand, etc. Where's the tanks, AFVs, etc.? Looks really shit.

Remember they could only muster up a single dinky little tank for the parade in Moscow a few weeks back?

I suspect that may make an appearance at some point, if they can find the guy with the keys to the museum it's in. :D
Putins desk later this evening

I can’t vouch for its veracity, and certainly I despise the paper in general and don’t wish to promote it, but the Telegraph’s live updates are not behind its paywall, and they seem to be ahead of the likes of the BBC and Grauniad on breaking new developments
Al jazeera are reporting they are only about 200 miles from Moscow now, that would seem pretty organised to me.
A well organised coup would have seen the revolutionairies already in the capital.

As it stands I doubt they will make it to Moskow as there will be defences erected, the roads are already closed,
A well organised coup would have seen the revolutionairies already in the capital.

This only started under 24 hours ago and it's a long way to Moscow.

As it stands I doubt they will make it to Moskow as there will be defences erected, the roads are already closed,

They may not make it to Moscow, but the defences seem very limited to me, not enough to stop an advancing army.
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