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The 2023 Russian Coup.

I agree, I think. A well-organised coup would have seen significant figures in Moscow and leading army and FSB figures already showing their hands and making demands on Putin. As far as reported, this doesn't seem to be happening.

If it's no more than the trumpted 25000 Wagnerists plus rumoured unresisting conscripts, this smacks more of an ill-planned putsch based on a whim.
Coups are by their nature chaotic and dynamic. We have no idea what planning has gone on or what may happen next. But it's all gone wagners way so far, rostov sized and on the brink of rolling into Moscow with barely a shot fired, meanwhile vlad has skidaddled to his bunker.
Nobody was predicting that 24 hours ago when this kicked off.
Who knows where we will be this time tomorrow?
Shades of the fall of caeucescaua. It's certainly clear that the Russian military who could have acted have done next to nothing to stop wagner.
Do we know if the Ukranians are taking full advantage and pouring it onto the fuckers elsewhere?
I think they're waiting to see what weak points develop over the next few days, but I'm sure they'll try pushing somewhere soon.

It does seem to take a while for info to come out though. Ukraine took back some territory that has been held by Russia since 2014 a week ago, but have only just released the news.

What seems to me unanswered is what action wagner would take to Ukraine if they get rid of shoigu and gerasimov, let alone putin. There's no way that I can see Russia would go whoops my bad atm with likely punitive reparations - my bet is they'd look to be more effective than the last lot: e2a if it turns out so simple tho i would be surprised. lots of unhappiness - more than we've seen over the past year - may unfold

TBF the punitive reparations thing would not probably not have survived a diplomatic process anyway; if Ukraine and a post-Putin Russia came to terms Western sanctions being stood down and seized assets returned were always going to happen.
Just catching up on this - so according to the net, Vlad has fled town and turned his plane's transponder's off right near his palace?

And according to Twitter, flight trackers showing oligarchs' private jets also show them legging it. Also massive traffic jams on the M4.
There's been multiple reports of planes "that Putin has flown in" being described as "Putin's plane" flying to the East, to the North, blah blah. Don't give much credence to that stuff yet. Definitely some of the oligarchs and Muscovite rich are legging it tho
I dont think anyone knows how this will play out - Wagner could get squashed very quickly. Althernatively Putin might struggle to find troops (other than the chechyans) prepared to open fire on those they see as on their own side - and ordering them to do so may provoke a wider mutiny. It absolutely could be the end game for putin and/or the war in Ukraine- things like this can snowball very very quickly.
I dont think it will be something that will just blow over and then they can get back to reducing urlaine to rubble.
Civil war in Russia - and whatever bunch of cunts comes out on top - is going to be very grim though. Dont think we are going to see a nice colour revolution and a new cuddly russian regime waving rainbow flags any time soon.
Just emailed my Russian colleague asking if he's OK.
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