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The 2023 Russian Coup.

sounds like the town were the made the russia show 2 pints of vodka and a packet of crisps

Really dont wish to open old wounds but can you get your keyboard fixed or stop talking Yorkshire please
I feel this needs to be separate from the Ukrainian War thread. For the moment I have nothing to say myself, but hope that those with a better understanding of the dynamics might be able to keep us up to date with the situation and some insight into the background.
I also have nothing to say, but I'm not going to let that stop me.
Explosions reported at headquarters of Southern Military District HQ in Rostov (which was occupied by Wagner last night)
Putin reported to have had phone calls with the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan:

Presumably just last minute prep for their upcoming golf holiday
Sounds like Kazakhstan has told Putin to fuck off and no you can't borrow any of my security apparatus.

“Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that what is happening now is an internal problem of Russia. Constitutional order and the rule of law are the main conditions for maintaining the legal order in the country. This is the basis of society’s security and its successful development.

“Vladimir Putin thanked Kazakhstan for understanding the current situation in the Russian Federation.”
The Russian advance on, err... Russia continues apace.

Russian AF blew up the fuel depot at Voronezh to stop Wagner getting the fuel so they can't get to Moscow.

Normal country.

Some posters, particularly those who have spent a lot of time there, have been arguing for a while that Russia is not a normal country when judged by western European standards.

Or at least I have.
If armed conflict does reach Moscow, it will be the second time in the space of a mere 30 years (or the third if you include the small skirmishes that happened in August '91). Any unblinkered long-term visitor to the place could glimpse Russia's future even back then.

Facile optimism was the fashion, both in Russia and abroad, however.
From Ukraine now telegram channel:

Moscow is preparing for a siege. All military equipment, which has so far remained in reserve and border regions, is being pulled into the city, - GUR The security forces received permission to: ➡️ listening to any conversations and checking correspondence ➡️ carrying out arrests and searches without additional approvals ➡️ power access to private and office premises ➡️ use of road transport of citizens and organizations ➡️ disconnection of all types of communication ➡️ "Removal of individuals from areas of terrain and objects."

Photos of trenches being dug ostensibly in Moscow outskirts
If armed conflict does reach Moscow,
Can't see it
Reuters wire apparently reporting that Russian air force engaging Wagner convoy outside of Voronezh:

Surely the column will be toast, can't imagine how it wouldn't be
Can't see it

Surely the column will be toast, can't imagine how it wouldn't be
Nor can I, but what I say still applies in terms of it being the second/third time there's been armed conflict within the elites in three short decades.

Like it or not, it does help explain why Russia has been governed by no-frills dictatorship most of the time.
Is this a Ukraine "out" for Putin , I have to save my people from an internal coup (by folk I used for dirty work) so have to delay the "liberation" of Ukraine

If this is yet another galaxy brain move by Putin, then I can't say I'm confident it won't blow up in his face, just like his attempt to expedite the takeover of Ukraine back in February 2022.
No idea of the provenance of the video here, machine translated:

‘And here is the Akhamat [Kadyrovite special forces?] column itself going towards Rostov. The subscriber said that it stretched for several kilometers’

Ukrainian news is reporting that the Russians are mining bridges leading to Moscow.

Also that Wagner is breaking open prisons in Rostov and arming the inmates.

Take with the standard issue 'enemy propaganda' pinch of salt obviously.
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