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The 2019 General Election

This really sums up your politics. It’s culled from old tabloid headlines from Thatcherite newspaper bosses. Its entirety is “Micheal Foot’s duffel coat disgrace”, and Thatcherite privatisation propaganda.

I’m old enough to remember nationalised utilities, rail, Mail. And I remember who privatised them. Your definition of “sensible socialism” seems to mean electing a Labour Party which accepts Thatcherite doctrine - neoliberalism - as “common sense”. This was tried. It was called New Labour. It entailed further attacks on the working class. I see no point in electing a non Tory government in name only. And yet that for you is “sensible socialism”.

You, sir, are a buffoon.
Yeah, this. Labour are in a complete mess, particularly its relationship with working class voters, but the policies they are likely to include in the manifesto might be seen as the very essence of 'sensible social democracy'.
The popularity of Corbyn’s policies has also forced the Tory party to track left in its own policy proposals. No way would they be promising to invest in the NHS etc if they weren’t losing ground to Corbyn on those issues. His condemnation of austerity has demonstrated it is not just inevitable and forced them to give way on the policy. The Blairite approval of austerity was what greenlit it in the first place.

One of the editors of the the Telegraph was bemoaning this on Sky New, the magic money tree is now growing in the Tory garden, etc.
Yeah, this. Labour are in a complete mess, particularly its relationship with working class voters, but the policies they are likely to include in the manifesto might be seen as the very essence of 'sensible social democracy'.
It’s instructive that people who repeat the headline tabloid scare stories that Corbyn’s programme is “hard left” are unable to define “hard left”, other than Don Troooomp ’s risible complaint that it’s something to do with “nationalisation”.

The thing is that Labour’s 2017 manifesto was actually pretty mealie mouthed about nationalisation. It talked about “transition to a publicly owned, decentralised energy system”. That is frankly pretty disappointing. Their 2019 Manifesto isn’t published yet, as far as I know, but I imagined it’ll be similarly couched with “eventually” and “as far as possible”.

Anyone who thinks that’s “far left” has got a knackered compass.
if you'd taken a moment to look at the polling rather than just thinking whatever the papers tell you to think you'd see that it's actually incredibly popular.

Ah, that's why Labour is so far ahead in the polls.I must go to an opticians and see about my chronic red/blue colourblindness.

Daft fucker
Shame the media have already shaped the message, Johnson by a whisker, no real winner, etc.
perhaps you should check all the media before making such statements. and upthread there's a post about how on a couple of radio stations they were saying this morning johnson had won it. not suggesting you can do better but now and then you might like to at least try
I'm not pushing an agenda that's giving the tory cunts this election on a silver bastard platter.

Let's say your preferred leader - Starmer - was the leader.

Let's also assume he'd dropped the programme on nationalisation. He would also presumably be campaigning on a remain pledge.

What else should he dump from the current policies? The National Investment Bank? Broadband? Health and Education policy?

What would he add?
I'm not pushing an agenda that's giving the tory cunts this election on a silver bastard platter.
your agenda is that the labour party is unelectable and this election has already been handed to johnson. you have at every turn derided corbyn with on rare occasion a dig at johnson: but your attacks on the labour party have been unremitting. and they've been based on a view that they must move to the right. that the right is where the population of this country is, despite numerous observations to the contrary - eg the popularity of nationalisation. i don't know how you can say without lying (again) through your teeth that you're not acting in the conservative and unionist party's interests.
Given latest polls suggest most of the country is 'far left' by your definition shall we all just fuck work off today and get on with the revolution?

Nationalisation vs privatisation: the public view | YouGov

Bollocks. Most people, rightly, don't want the police and army in private hands, but telecoms can't even get to 40% support for nationalisation. Given that's one of the stated aims and the majority don't want it, Labour is wrong both politically and strategically.
Let's say your preferred leader - Starmer - was the leader.

Let's also assume he'd dropped the programme on nationalisation. He would also presumably be campaigning on a remain pledge.

What else should he dump from the current policies? The National Investment Bank? Broadband? Health and Education policy?

What would he add?
Add in a few Tory lite policies and just think what Boris would be pushing. As it is he's had to reign in the manifesto a little. Might even get a bit more free childcare. Up against a Blair clone promising more privatisations and benefit crackdowns he'd be promising to cut corporation tax to 0%.
Nationalisation vs privatisation: the public view | YouGov

Bollocks. Most people, rightly, don't want the police and army in private hands, but telecoms can't even get to 40% support for nationalisation. Given that's one of the stated aims and the majority don't want it, Labour is wrong both politically and strategically.
Why didn't you read that old article:

While support for nationalisation drops off beyond these services, state ownership is still the preferred option for a majority of people across most of the industries we asked about. In fact, there were only three sectors on the list that the majority of British people wanted to remain in private hands: telephone and internet providers (53% want them run by the private sector), banks (also 53%) and airlines (68%).

Why am i bothering?
That's just nasty, even for a troll job.
is it? you're a liar (numerous requests for you to back your claims about what i've said have been met with silence or ridicule). you want the labour party to move to the right, describing nationalisation as far-left politics when it's nothing of the sort. you obsessively criticise jeremy corbyn for all manner of things which appear plucked straight from the pages of the more barking daily mail articles. and you big up mrs thatcher. you make out how you want rid of the tories but it's clear that you want everyone to move towards that nefandous party. you're a fraud and a fake and a tory-aiding cunt
Ah, that's why Labour is so far ahead in the polls.I must go to an opticians and see about my chronic red/blue colourblindness.

Daft fucker
Here's a thought - maybe they'd be even further behind without nationalisation as a policy? Maybe they're behind for some other reason?

You'd have thought you'd get something right by accident occasionally but it appears not.
Here's a thought - maybe they'd be even further behind without nationalisation as a policy? Maybe they're behind for some other reason?

You'd have thought you'd get something right by accident occasionally but it appears not.
perhaps a reason like the last few years of relentless anti-corbyn nonsense like this gem from the mail website
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