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The 2019 General Election

They asked Nigel Farage what he personally did to help climate change - he basically said "fuck all - i drive and fly all the time".

The man is a nobhead, but are least he didnt try and style it out like you know the main two would have done


Has Tommy Corbyn and Elijah Wood ever been in the same room at the same time?
Parliamentary politics is a sham if the leader of the opposition is given constant unfavourable press by billionaire owned propaganda outlets. The BBC is failing also. 'Unnamed sources said this' etc. The talking points are set by billionaire interests and the BBC follow suit. Careerism is rife. It's not partisanship, I really do think these things need to be spoken about by Labour. Call it out, tell people the truth. There is too much at stake to be scammed like this.
It really is awful I had to shower six times afterwards and listen to 'Cocaine Socialism' on repeat.

Why not sensible socialism?
There's fuck all point pushing nationalization and other far left stuff when there's zero chance of getting elected because of it.
Try realism that can get elected, then do as much as possible for as many people as possible. An elected Labour government can ensure social welfare is revitalized and stop tory shit happening, but a far left opposition party with no power can do shit all.
Oh, and the climate crisis - a Labour government could push renewables and anti-pollution legislation, but the tories are more than likely to push profits for their mates.
Labour can't do shit as a weak opposition party.

Fuck the tories over by making Labour electable.
Yes, and the polls are telling us Labour has fucked up and the same old far left shit has buggered up the chances of sensible government.
This election MUST be a lesson learnt, one that previous fuckups should have been enough to do but people were too deaf and stupid to take note of.
Are the far left going to keep getting the fucking tories elected, or are they going to grow a brain?
There's still time for an upset and a chance the tories will get kicked out, but it's looking bloody bad at the moment.
The manifesto is going to be a big deal, and the indications for that aren't looking good.
Nationalisation is a dirty word for a lot of people who remember the messes of old, labour is being depicted as copying tory NHS spending plans, and the tories scrapping tampon tax is a snappy vote winner, a simple sort of tactic labour isn't engaging in.
Yes, I know it's just a blatant attempt at vote winning, but it's working, and that's the point.
If this election is to be won, and that's going to be tough now, a change of direction is needed immediately.
Don Troooomp I don't like Corbyn and can't stand the Labour Party but you sir are a cunt.

I don't like Corbyn because he's a useless cunt that's dragging the labour party down, but I do like Labour and want them to form the new government.

I might very well be a cunt, but that's better than being a tory cunt. :)
Rail Nationalisation is backed by something like 70% of people if you look at polling. They should be shouting about it, not cowering. Fuck off with this being some sort of ‘far left’ extremist nonsense, people want to take back control. Most other European countries still have nationalised systems, it’s not some soviet fantasy.
There's fuck all point pushing nationalization and other far left stuff when there's zero chance of getting elected because of it.

Nationalisation vs privatisation: the public view | YouGov

Given latest polls suggest most of the country is 'far left' by your definition shall we all just fuck work off today and get on with the revolution?

It's not that you're a cunt Troomp, though you probably are, it's that you're an idiot. People aren't objecting to your posts because they disagree with them, it's because you're foolish and annoying. You've consistently failed to engage when posters have bothered responding to you and when you've tried you've misrepresented their positions. But mostly you just keep repeating the same dumb rants. You haven't a clue what you're talking about and you're boring to boot. Just stop it.
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Rail Nationalisation is backed by something like 70% of people if you look at polling. They should be shouting about it, not cowering. Fuck off with this being some sort of ‘far left’ extremist nonsense, people want to take back control. Most other European countries still have nationalised systems, it’s not some soviet fantasy.

Nationalised rail systems that have won the contracts to run half the railway franchises in the UK.
Bollocks. You don't like Labour, because this is what Labour is.
Is it? Then why did it spend so many years arguing in favour of the private sector, why are it's councils currently attacking workers, why are so many of its MPs, councillors and party members in favour of tacking right? Are Watson, Creasy, Cooper, Benn etc not Labour?

DT is a moronic berk but the idea that Labour is the politics of Corbyn/McDonnell is as one dimensional as the idea that Labour was the politics of Blair/Brown. There has always been a very large strand of the LP that views "managing" capitalism as the aim.
I don't like Corbyn because he's a useless cunt that's dragging the labour party down, but I do like Labour and want them to form the new government.

I might very well be a cunt, but that's better than being a tory cunt. :)
No you don't like Labour you mendacious piece of shit. The second you stopped getting your own way you left like the rat you are.

You also don't know what the fuck you're on about, nationalisation is not 'far left' and if you'd taken a moment to look at the polling rather than just thinking whatever the papers tell you to think you'd see that it's actually incredibly popular.

You thick twat.
It's not that you're a cunt Troomp, though you probably are, it's that you're an idiot. People aren't objecting to your posts because they disagree with them, it's because you're foolish and annoying. You've consistently failed to engage when posters have bothered responding to you and when you've tried you've misrepresented their positions. But mostly you just keep repeating the same dumb rants. You haven't a clue what you're talking about and you're boring to boot. Just stop it.
Nothing to add— it just bears repetition.
Nationalisation vs privatisation: the public view | YouGov

Given latest polls suggest most of the country is 'far left' by your definition shall we all just fuck work off today and get on with the revolution?

It's not that you're a cunt Troomp, though you probably are, it's that you're an idiot. People aren't objecting to your posts because they disagree with them, it's because you're foolish and annoying. You've consistently failed to engage when posters have bothered responding to you and when you've tried you've misrepresented their positions. But mostly you just keep repeating the same dumb rants. You haven't a clue what you're talking about and you're boring to boot. Just stop it.
If id seen this I wouldn't have bothered with my last post. Says it all.
The popularity of Corbyn’s policies has also forced the Tory party to track left in its own policy proposals. No way would they be promising to invest in the NHS etc if they weren’t losing ground to Corbyn on those issues. His condemnation of austerity has demonstrated it is not just inevitable and forced them to give way on the policy. The Blairite approval of austerity was what greenlit it in the first place.
Is it? Then why did it spend so many years arguing in favour of the private sector, why are it's councils currently attacking workers, why are so many of its MPs, councillors and party members in favour of tacking right? Are Watson, Creasy, Cooper, Benn etc not Labour?

DT is a moronic berk but the idea that Labour is the politics of Corbyn/McDonnell is as one dimensional as the idea that Labour was the politics of Blair/Brown. There has always been a very large strand of the LP that views "managing" capitalism as the aim.
I ain't quite that dim thank you. But it's what the current form of the LP is and derailing that is not easy. Ask Owen Who? Smith how well attempting to change it goes. DT wants us to believe it's simply a matter of leadership but it's not a new leader he wants, it's a change of what the LP (currently) fundamentally is, thus he does not like it.

I really love beer you guys, always have, real big fan, but I think it'd work better if it was just made from fermented grapes instead of barley, hops and yeast.
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