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The 2019 General Election

I find the whole Labour support thing fascinating, independently of what I personally think about it.

If you took a very Machiavellian and distinctly non-parliamentary approach to class struggle, then you've got some interesting questions to answer.

Would a Labour Party success at best placate the people and therefore further delay more meaningful change? Conversely, would a Tory win hasten a dramatic collapse of existing systems and therefore be a long term positive?

But simultaneously if the people can't even be convinced that Labour's if-you-prefer-a-milder-reform is necessary and positive even at this late juncture, then you've also got to address or recognise that the political landscape is really not aligned to whatever you're banging on about. Maybe you can explain that away as being a facet of the current system rather than true expression of goals but it's not the easiest of sells.

Immiseration never really works in the west, ask the RCP
blustercunt won't be happy with that performance.Broken record doesn't cover it.It is quite frightening to think that he could get a majority and actually start making his things happen.
"Leaving aside your own party preference, who do you think performed best overall in tonight’s debate?"

Boris Johnson - 51%
Jeremy Corbyn - 49%

(Figures rebased to exclude don't knows)

guardian, snapyougov(its always them) saying Johnson wins, just, ffs.
I watched the debate with someone who hasn't had a good word to say about Corbyn before and who expressed anger before now that he would be the reason we would get a Johnson government after the election. He is now delighted that Corbyn performed so much better than De Pfeffel Johnson, albeit surprised after believing so much propaganda beforehand. If people like that believe Corbyn came out as the more credible prospective PM, that's what counts.

CIF, straws in the wind?
CCHQ is now "factcheckUK"

View attachment 190427

:D Lily Allen quick off the mark on the rebrand

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haven't seen it, but was JC heckled when he alluded to poor people in poorer countries,?
It was in response to a question about climate change. He said it's the biggest issue facing the world. People abroad suffering, eratic weather... Was going on to talk about the rain here and sort of geering, harrumphing, comments of "come on" cut across.
I'm quite surprised Corbyn let him off on the 'labour ruined the economy' line when the information is widely available that national debt has skyrocketed under the Tories. It's quite clear neither government is managing to get a grip of the economy or national debt.

Also irritating how many times the SNP and Sturgeon were mentioned, would have been good to maybe have the third largest political party in the UK present. I'm sure they would have had a few things to say.
Honestly, the whole thing was a complete waste of time, even if a waste of a couple of hours on a dull Tuesday evening is reasonable. But I could have read a book or at least watched some Netflix.
I went to the library and heard a crime fiction writer I’ve never read drop names I’ve mostly never heard of. It was much better than I imagine the debate was.
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