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The 2019 General Election

Astonishing that the Tories still have a healthy lead in the polls - Boris and the affair/corruption is getting media play - the Russian thing is also, they might as well print the bloody report, it's being talked about anyway - the JRM Grenfell stuff - and still the support does not seem to be ebbing away .
Astonishing that the Tories still have a healthy lead in the polls - Boris and the affair/corruption is getting media play - the Russian thing is also, they might as well print the bloody report, it's being talked about anyway - the JRM Grenfell stuff - and still the support does not seem to be ebbing away .
there are still 24 fucking-up days for the tories before the polls close
Was interesting to spend some time with my mum yesterday discussing the election and the current political situation. She (unlike my dad) has never been that politically active and very green leaning in her views. Over the years she has wobbled between the Green, Labour and LibDem parties mostly on policy rather than the party leaders. Right now she is really scared :( partly about another Tory era but mostly about Johnson coming to power and what that stands for.

She is far from rich but financially secure compared to many. She is just afraid of the hostility, the greed and what what is lying ahead. It seems in part for herself (older woman living alone) but also for society as a whole. Was sad to see.
there are still 24 fucking-up days for the tories before the polls close
For the loyal Tories, all this Boris shit is just Boris being Boris so they'll still vote for him as the alternative is that Commie Corbyn - it's the moderates he has to be concerned about , if they get pissed off with the Affair/Corruption/Russia stuff , then the lead may start to decrease.
For the loyal Tories, all this Boris shit is just Boris being Boris so they'll still vote for him as the alternative is that Commie Corbyn - it's the moderates he has to be concerned about , if they get pissed off with the Affair/Corruption/Russia stuff , then the lead may start to decrease.
I'm pretty sure none of it will make any difference if it hasn't done by now tbh. There's nothing there in any of those three things that everyone doesn't already know to some degree.
Astonishing that the Tories still have a healthy lead in the polls - Boris and the affair/corruption is getting media play - the Russian thing is also, they might as well print the bloody report, it's being talked about anyway - the JRM Grenfell stuff - and still the support does not seem to be ebbing away .

They were polling slightly higher at this stage in 2017.
Got mine already too. We're in the church itself this time cause the church hall is usually a homeless shelter for the month. Gives me a chance for a nose around. I know I'm welcome anytime but I worry about being too welcome.
The Tories have now dropped their pledge to cut corporation tax because they want the money for public services. Which kind of shows uo their claim that cutting taxes raises money for the blatant lie it always was.

If we had a nice 'moderate' labour party with a Tory lite manifesto they'd probably bably be committing to an extra two percent cut.
Got mine already. Bet you all wish you got to vote in a caravan.

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Part of a ward near me have, for years, voted in a portakabin in a builders' merchant's yard...this time, even that's gone & they all have to schlep best part of a mile through industrial estates to the 'new' one in another polling district. Surprise, surprise...one of the most deprived/most Labour parts of the borough given a huge barrier to vote. This is the way voter suppression starts.
I'm pretty sure none of it will make any difference if it hasn't done by now tbh. There's nothing there in any of those three things that everyone doesn't already know to some degree.
I agree, but it might swing the undecided - and they could be crucial.
How they expect the good people of Barnes to vote in a caravan? #appalled

In reality it's more of a proper portacabin with wheelchair access these days than a caravan.

What I don't understand though is why whenever I've been to vote, in a swing constituency where the Tories only won by 45 votes last time, there have been no exit pollsters.
In reality it's more of a proper portacabin with wheelchair access these days than a caravan.

What I don't understand though is why whenever I've been to vote, in a swing constituency where the Tories only won by 45 votes last time, there have been no exit pollsters.
they don't do exit polls in all constituencies - they use the same ones each time and extrapolate nationally from the changes observed in the sample seats.
Astonishing that the Tories still have a healthy lead in the polls - Boris and the affair/corruption is getting media play - the Russian thing is also, they might as well print the bloody report, it's being talked about anyway - the JRM Grenfell stuff - and still the support does not seem to be ebbing away .

It’s all ‘get Brexit done’ and nothing much else to offer. People aren’t really reading the small print that says this also comes with five fucking years of Tory rule.

We’ve seen what they’ve done to hospitals over the last nine years, who the fuck would think ‘yes, let’s have some more of that’. It’s almost like people want to die of something preventable on a trolley in a corridor.
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