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The 2019 General Election

Asking for a GE 35 times, voting against one 3 times, before changing his mind, because he's outmanoeuvred by the LibDems & SNP, isn't a good look for Corbyn IMO.

Yeah, but no, but yeah.
well, let's speculate. after all, that's the fun bit.

let's say the tories again fail to get an outright majority (which is difficult now snp have cleaned up in scotland)... and for whatever reason, a coalition with the DUP won't deliver a majority either.

you've got the lib dems and the SNP both potentially ready to go into coalition with the tories (have the SNP ever explicity said they wouldn't? even if they had, do we trust them?)... but each making a separate demand: the lib dems that there be a second ref / peoples vote and the SNP that there be indyref2...

what does boris do then?
Sky is now reporting 'rumours' tweeted by a Labour backbench MP that some shadow cabinet members & whips have resigned over Corbyn's change of direction. :hmm:
well, let's speculate. after all, that's the fun bit.

let's say the tories again fail to get an outright majority (which is difficult now snp have cleaned up in scotland)... and for whatever reason, a coalition with the DUP won't deliver a majority either.

you've got the lib dems and the SNP both potentially ready to go into coalition with the tories (have the SNP ever explicity said they wouldn't? even if they had, do we trust them?)... but each making a separate demand: the lib dems that there be a second ref / peoples vote and the SNP that there be indyref2...

what does boris do then?
Can't he just bungle along till we crash out on 31 Jan?
well, let's speculate. after all, that's the fun bit.

let's say the tories again fail to get an outright majority (which is difficult now snp have cleaned up in scotland)... and for whatever reason, a coalition with the DUP won't deliver a majority either.

you've got the lib dems and the SNP both potentially ready to go into coalition with the tories (have the SNP ever explicity said they wouldn't? even if they had, do we trust them?)... but each making a separate demand: the lib dems that there be a second ref / peoples vote and the SNP that there be indyref2...

what does boris do then?

Fancy sharing whatever you have been smoking?
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