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The 2019 General Election

There hasn't been an election this close to Christmas since 1918, I'm surprised the Tories want to have one at a time of year when people are talking about peace on Earth and goodwill to all men - wouldn't they do better in January when everybody's miserable and grumpy?
they want to destroy what remains of the yule spirit so it's no surprise they're angling for an election at that time
There hasn't been an election this close to Christmas since 1918, I'm surprised the Tories want to have one at a time of year when people are talking about peace on Earth and goodwill to all men - wouldn't they do better in January when everybody's miserable and grumpy?

They don't - they want to expose that the opposition parties don't want one and are 'blocking Brexit'.
I Remember that Blair discussed with the BoE joining the Euro during jubilee year as everyone would be in a good mood and summer
I've just heard on the radio that pub opening hours will be extended to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day. If we can just hold on till next May for the GE...
Typical LibDems, having pushed for the Fixed Term Parliaments Act during the coalition years, they are now plotting with the SNP to circumvent it.

The Lib Dems and the SNP intend to introduce a short amendment to the Fixed Term Parliaments Act, which would specify the polling day for the next election as 9 December.

Mr Johnson's plan for an election would require the agreement of two-thirds of MPs, under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act rules for calling an early general election.

The Lib Dem and SNP amendment to the act would only need a simple majority, if they can get the Parliamentary time for it to be debated.

Lib Dems and SNP push for earlier election
BREAKING NEWS - if the government loses the vote under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act this evening, they will bring forward their own bill, similiar to that proposed by the LibDems & SNP, in order to circumvent it.
Not sure how this stops the speaker ruling it out of order

Well, firstly, it would be a totally different vote, on a new bill, so I can't see how he can rule it out of order.

If, in the unlikely event he did, they could bring it back after he's gone.
Is there a more useless piece of legislation than the FTPA? It was the libdems' idea, too, and they now support measures to subvert it? :facepalm:

When it was brought in, I saw it as simply being there so that the press did not speculate about the coalition collapsing from the moment it was formed. That and providing a clear timetable to stop either coalition partner from electioneering at each others expense prematurely.

It served its purpose with the above. I am glad it caused unintended problems years later.
When it was brought in, I saw it as simply being there so that the press did not speculate about the coalition collapsing from the moment it was formed. That and providing a clear timetable to stop either coalition partner from electioneering at each others expense prematurely.

It served its purpose with the above. I am glad it caused unintended problems years later.
I seem to remember at the time that there was quite a deal of comment about how the FTPA was really introduced to assuage LD fears that the tories might destabilise the coalition when it suited them to. It was introduced as an 'insurance policy' for the junior partner. And, tbf, the LDs (along with Labour) had actually proposed a FTPA in their 2010 manifesto(s).
Disgraced Prime Minister Johnson seems annoyed with the result.

Was that not a Tory/Cameron change to voting policy?
The joy of seeing Anna Soubry on Sky News getting all upset about a December election, knowing she will be out of a job. :cool:
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