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The 2017 General Election campaign

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This has been the weirdest fucking election campaign I can remember.

Fingers crossed that Yougov are right and ICM are wrong...
Headlines like that work on the "mere exposure" effect, which is a major way advertising in general works. When you have to make a decision, the brain looks for short cuts. It can't possibly compute through thousands of data points -- we aren't built that way -- so it uses things like patterns and familiarity to drive emotional responses instead. Being exposed to an idea a lot predisposes us to notice evidence that corroborates the idea (confirmation bias) and provides a ready-made solution to difficult decisions.
Another of the DM's headlines today (online) goes like this:
"PM vows to rip up human rights laws in war on terror: May pledges to extend sentences, bring in 28-day detention powers, kick foreign suspects out and crack down on extremists even if they can't be brought before the courts"

Under which this is one of the top rated comments.
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Labour leafleting at Dorking station again today. I took their leaflets and am going to leave them prominently on the train when I change in one stop.

I'm impressed at their dedication. 7am leafleting in a constituency that they lost by 54% last time round -- 60% to 6%!
Libscum at the station this morning, traditionally the closest rivals to the Tories (albeit about 30% behind). I think I recognised their actual candidate, although I swept by too quickly to be certain.

Nobody was taking their leaflets. Absolutely nobody. Total contrast to the Labour canvassing. It'll be interesting to see the final results, because the general atmosphere of this election is certainly pro-Labour, even in the most surprising areas.
I'd like to assume that these headlines show that they really are rattled but im sure we'd see them or similar no matter how things were looking.
Yep, been on Lynton's 'master-plan' calendar for weeks.
Nearly put this in the Scotland forum, but what the Hell, it's a Westminster election.

I didn't see the TV debate between the Scottish party leaders last night, but on it apparently Nicola Sturgeon made an unverifiable claim about something she alleges Kezia Dugdale said to her in private. Dugdale immediately denied this categorically. Whoever you believe, it seems to be an uncharacteristic misstep from Sturgeon. It invites the electorate to a) speculate on who it believes over something there's no proof of either way. Why do that? b) encourages the electorate to speculate on who it believes on independence, when Yes is still polling in the 40s and No in the 50s. c) it seems petty.

Even if it's true, I think she fucked up here.

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Yeah reading the front page was a very "is that it?" experience, I'm surprised they've not got something a bit more impressive for the day before the election tbh.

They've already raked up all the dirt they can find at least twice.
Nearly put this in the Scotland forum, but what the Hell, it's a Westminster election.

I didn't see the TV debate between the Scottish party leaders last night, but on it apparently Nicola Sturgeon made an unverifiable claim about something she alleges Kezia Dugdale said to her in private. Dugdale immediately denied this categorically. Whoever you believe, it seems to be an uncharacteristic misstep from Sturgeon. It invites the electorate to a) speculate on who it believes over something there's no proof of either way. Why do that? b) encourages the electorate to speculate on who it believes on independence, when Yes is still polling in the 40s and No in the 50s. c) it seems petty.

Even if it's true, I think she fucked up here.

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Difficult for Dugdale to deny it, I would have thought.

There's a gap between the two claims, though. There could easily have been a conversation without Dugdale having said what Sturgeon says she said. So it comes down to whom you believe.
Pretty sure Dugdale would have had something to say if the Times had published a lie when the journo printed her interview. She's never challenged it.

Labour won't be looking forward to tomorrow in Scotland.
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