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The 2017 General Election campaign

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Bit confused about why people who have already decided on their vote are watching these TV things. What do they get out of it?
My timelines on social media are mostly Labour confirmed, yet they are still watching the leaders talk shit on the telly and getting all cross and capital-lettery about it on Twitter and Facebook.

They want other people to vote the same way and they want to see how the campaign is progressing.
I watched this, I think Boris knew what he was doing. He's too polished with is Tim nice but dim act to just melt down. To overwhelmed that space and got out the basic line we'll see for the next two weeks: brexit and immigration.

Aye, someone told him to be aggressive to make up for the nonentity May, still did a bad job of it though.

I really don't think the title of this vid is entirely helpful, I hope it doesn't put people off.
However, the information is jaw-dropping and well researched, the established journalist had a similar piece in Salon a few days back - this is not conspiraloon tinfoil hattery.
We must not diminish the personal agency and evil of the bomber, but the back story really does matter too.
Theresa May was Home Secretary when MI5 re-established the "rat line" to Syria.
The press is not asking enough questions. They obsess about what Corbyn may have said to the IRA 30 years ago and keep their trap shuts about what May presided over in regards to Islamic terror in North Africa within this very decade.
We don't really have mainstream "journalism" as much as a sophisticated network of disinformation.

Those Tory youtube ads can fuck off, and keep fucking off when they get there. Not sure annoying people like this is a good electoral strategy.
Back in 2015 on this very website I posted a series of information about what would happen if a certain percentage of non-voters were persuaded to vote Labour post-Corbyn. Since it didn't anticipate the Brexit vote and collapse of UKIP, it's of limited value (the Tories are picking up those ex-UKIP votes now). But it's kind of interesting nonetheless. Here's just a few of the charts I posted at the time:

Pure additional non-voter engagement

20% NV engagement.png

Non-voter engagement plus some swing from other parties (including UKIP, which now looks rather stupid!)

20% NV engagement multiple swing.png
Aaaargh noooo, thanks. And there's me always pointing this out to people on fb. :oops:
I had a check and Cohen hasn't had a go at Corbyn for almost three weeks, since A progressive alliance is misbegotten and doomed | Nick Cohen - he must be going bananas with the strain. Mind you, I'm sure we'll get them non-stop after the election, whatever happens. Even if Labour were to win we'd get "why Labour won in spite of Jeremy Corbyn".
I had a check and Cohen hasn't had a go at Corbyn for almost three weeks, since A progressive alliance is misbegotten and doomed | Nick Cohen - he must be going bananas with the strain. Mind you, I'm sure we'll get them non-stop after the election, whatever happens. Even if Labour were to win we'd get "why Labour won in spite of Jeremy Corbyn".
He's done it today on Twitter over the Women's Hour thing. Rentoul's had a go as well. The pricks
Non-voter engagement plus some swing from other parties (including UKIP, which now looks rather stupid!)
Not stupid at all - somebody has posted some data on one of the other threads showing that perhaps as many as 20% of 2015 UKIP voters have switched to Labour. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Got home this evening to a second Labour leaflet delivered to this Tory bit of Tory Bristol NW. Highlights the candidate's local credentials, attacks on the elderly in the Tory manifesto, education cuts and mentions the danger of a hard Brexit. Nothing about Corbyn, just goes heavy on who we want representing us in Westminster and that whatever Charlotte Leslie's claims of "getting things done" locally, it means nowt if she's busy voting away all our nice things on national legislation.

It's a good leaflet, the second different Labour leaflet delivered here and I think it shows some awareness of what it'll take to persuade people here to swing back to Labour as well as being evidence of a decent ground game locally.

The Greens have stopped campaigning in Bristol NW. I think there's a possibility Leslie's 4,000ish majority could go if Labour successfully mobilise their vote on the day
Got home this evening to a second Labour leaflet delivered to this Tory bit of Tory Bristol NW. Highlights the candidate's local credentials, attacks on the elderly in the Tory manifesto, education cuts and mentions the danger of a hard Brexit. Nothing about Corbyn, just goes heavy on who we want representing us in Westminster and that whatever Charlotte Leslie's claims of "getting things done" locally, it means nowt if she's busy voting away all our nice things on national legislation.

It's a good leaflet, the second different Labour leaflet delivered here and I think it shows some awareness of what it'll take to persuade people here to swing back to Labour as well as being evidence of a decent ground game locally.

The Greens have stopped campaigning in Bristol NW. I think there's a possibility Leslie's 4,000ish majority could go if Labour successfully mobilise their vote on the day

In another corner of Bristol BW I've witnessed the Tories ringing up to try and rally footsoldiers for the remaining days...

I really hope Leslie goes.
In another corner of Bristol BW I've witnessed the Tories ringing up to try and rally footsoldiers for the remaining days...

I really hope Leslie goes.
Discovered this morning that the council didn't receive my application for a postal ballot so have been trying to organise a proxy vote today. No way am I missing out on the chance to tip her out

As I've said before, if Labour can get Southmead/Lockleaze to turn out in force and persuade enough of Henbury/Avonmouth/Horfield/Lawrence Weston/Shire to swing then she's gone. They have the latent support, it just needs to be pushed out the door and into the polling station
Friends in Leeds that have been getting involved (most for the first time) have been getting out in marginals like Pudsey and Morley leafleting and canvassing. If what I see is replicated, Labour has a lot of motivated ground troops and are giving some thought as to where to send them. I reckon the Lib Dem in Leeds NW will be vulnerable to the student vote too.
Leeds NW is my constituency, and I remain hopeful. There's a lot more students around each election and the younger vote might be more mobilised this time.
In another corner of Bristol BW I've witnessed the Tories ringing up to try and rally footsoldiers for the remaining days...

I really hope Leslie goes.

One thing of note about this overheard conversation is that whilst the footsoldier was "fully committed" to helping, they really struggled to find a slot in their diary to do so. Social engagements took priority. I can but hope that the same is true across the country and the Tories' on the ground campaign is hobbled by their inherent selfishness...
One thing of note about this overheard conversation is that whilst the footsoldier was "fully committed" to helping, they really struggled to find a slot in their diary to do so. Social engagements took priority. I can but hope that the same is true across the country and the Tories' on the ground campaign is hobbled by their inherent selfishness...

A lot of Tory footsoldiers, many of which last go round were accountacy firm employees, must surely be Cameroonians who are not half as enthused with May as they were previous leader.
Friends in Leeds that have been getting involved (most for the first time) have been getting out in marginals like Pudsey and Morley leafleting and canvassing. If what I see is replicated, Labour has a lot of motivated ground troops and are giving some thought as to where to send them. I reckon the Lib Dem in Leeds NW will be vulnerable to the student vote too.

i should be out canvassing in leeds nw this week - first time ive done it my life. Same goes for a lot of friends. So yeah - labour seem to have a lot more people out their.
As part of the Corbyn fightback we need to see if he can do the eating food without being weird trick which has floored May and Milliband. Possibly toast made with jam from fruit of his own allotment.

Update - found one he passes the test with flying colours.

A lot of Tory footsoldiers, many of which last go round were accountacy firm employees, must surely be Cameroonians who are not half as enthused with May as they were previous leader.

Yeah. I've heard precious little support for May just rote anti-Corbynism from Tories I've spoken too. One reason I hope the polls don't tip too far in his favour too early.
As part of the Corbyn fightback we need to see if he can do the eating food without being weird trick which has floored May and Milliband. Possibly toast made with jam from fruit of his own allotment.

Update - found one he passes the test with flying colours.


wtf is he eating there?
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