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The 2017 General Election campaign

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I like the way she says 'my manifesto' rather than 'our manifesto'. Contemptible arrogance that will hopefully come back to bite her on the arse.
Surely not a May thing, it's a Crosby etc thing. They know she's more popular than her party and they're going to town on that
Getting excited by Pink Floyd endorsements, have we reached that level already? ffs

Be honest; you have been sneering at Corbyn support for two years. You clearly never expected this latest upswing in support and I ask myself whether you welcome it either.

Is it just me or is anyone else finding the excited reaction of lots of radicals to this Corbyn thing really quite depressing?

It feels like people who should have better politics grasping at ever increasingly desperate straws uncritically: Syriza, The Green Surge, voting Labour/The Green Party, and now Corbyn... all of which so far have disappointed, as IMO Corbyn obviously will as well.


You're constructing a straw man argument.

I never said any of that guff about not talking to people outside the 'radical' milieu, in fact the cultural/friendship scene like nature of much of the UK left is something I think is a real stumbling block to a better movement.

And not 'sneering', I'm being critical of thinking parliamentary politics are the direction to go in, and the blind enthusiasm for Corbyn and Labour.
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Surely not a May thing, it's a Crosby etc thing. They know she's more popular than her party and they're going to town on that

Well I know I'm biased but this must be a new definition of 'popular' that I have been hitherto unacquainted with. I think she's fucking toxic, she makes my skin crawl. Moreover I think there that although you may in part for all I know be right, she has a massive autocratic streak. By all accounts the now discredited 'dementia tax' was not discussed in advance with other ministers, the first they knew of it was it's appearance in the manifesto.
Well I know I'm biased but this must be a new definition of 'popular' that I have been hitherto unacquainted with. I think she's fucking toxic, she makes my skin crawl. Moreover I think there that although you may in part for all I know be right, she has a massive autocratic streak. By all accounts the now discredited 'dementia tax' was not discussed in advance with other ministers, the first they knew of it was it's appearance in the manifesto.
She has a net +ve approval rating (approx. 17% IIRC) so better than many politicians
Be honest; you have been seering about Corbyn support for two years. You clearly never expected this latest upswing in support and I ask myself whether you welcome it either.

Actually, I'm one of the few that seem to think Labour could actually win. Would I be pleased about that? Mixed feelings, but overall mostly yes. Although ask me ten years afterwards for a more accurate answer.

Do I find all the 'revolutionary anarchists/communists' getting so excited about Corbyn deeply depressing and desperate? Yes, although I do understand why.
I am enjoying this election campaign far more than i thought i would.

I assumed it would be a relentlessly depressing coronation parade with Corbyn being dragged behind Teresa's triumphal carriage.

But instead the tory's seem to have climbed aboard a clown car and are doing their very best to drive it into the nearest ditch.

Meanwhile plucky jezza is appearing in their wing mirror on his (maoist) Bicycle ...

(the vermin are still going to win - but they wont enjoy it nearly as much. and nor will the blairites - so :))
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She has a net +ve approval rating (approx. 17% IIRC) so better than many politicians

She does, but I am not sure why she does - after all, she isn't associated with any positive reform, policy or other measure by which the public / some of the public would cherish her for it.
She has a net +ve approval rating (approx. 17% IIRC) so better than many politicians

You'd think that's probably quite weak though wouldn't you. She's been given a very easy ride by the press, I don't know that will hold up when she has some trouble.

It's certainly hard to imagine many people (even Tories) being genuinely enthusiastic about her.
Saw a bit of the Q&A after the speech in Wales on BBC news, May looks knackered.

yeah - I was just thinking the same thing. Shes seems to have aged about 20 years in six months.
Corby seems to be going the opposite way - being all high energy rock star at the libertines gig.
One thing I haven't missed in this election is the asinine rolling up of sleeves thing that Cameron and Gideon were doing to look 'workmanlike'.
May's whole schtick is that she appears competent and tough enough to handle the Brexit negotiations.

Now if she's flip-flopping all over the place about the Dementia Tax and the pressure from Jeremy fuckin' Corbyn is physically taking its toll, then that whole image is very very vulnerable, and she's got nothin' else.
You'd think that's probably quite weak though wouldn't you. She's been given a very easy ride by the press, I don't know that will hold up when she has some trouble.

It's certainly hard to imagine many people (even Tories) being genuinely enthusiastic about her.
It's way way better than any other party leader in the polls.

I'm not offering a personal opinion about her. This is what the polls say and this is why the Tory campaign literature, speeches and sloganeering uses the language it does. Because right now, May > Tory
Watched John McDonnell on the Andrew Marr show yesterday and he didn't seem to understand to understand what borrowing was which is a bit worrying.
It's way way better than any other party leader in the polls.

I'm not offering a personal opinion about her. This is what the polls say and this is why the Tory campaign literature, speeches and sloganeering uses the language it does. Because right now, May > Tory

yeah - its all about making her a leader who is somehow "above politics" - a unifying, patriotic figurehead , fighting for the national interest etc.
the best bit about this is finding out JME is a vegan.

now I want to know ~Skinnyman's dietary habits. He's been endorsing c-byn since before any mandem. islington is his ends
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