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Supermarkets like sainsburies, airports, etc, spying on disabled and sick people

They can match it with banks statements, atm, etc, in airports time of flights, etc.

Now they’ve served a court order to your bank and Sainsbury’s - this is all adding up !

You are forgetting that big mad conspiracies involving lots of people or organisations cost a lot of money, and sometimes the old fashioned ways are better.

Now they’ve served a court order to your bank and Sainsbury’s - this is all adding up !

You are forgetting that big mad conspiracies involving lots of people or organisations cost a lot of money, and sometimes the old fashioned ways are better.


Yes, the headline in the Guardian was clearly to attract attention,maybe justifiable due to the neglect i pointed out, the core argument is that many insitutions are willingly sharing their CCTV with the DWP and such 'snapshots' are being used to build a case.

btw, someone posted this on another forum, it is open so i think its ok to repost.

"Maybe people keep telling you they’re ill because the benefits system they rely on is denying them.
I’ve noticed how the benefit scrounger mentality has affected my inner narrative when awaiting two Work Capability Assessments.
For months my mind constantly played out an inner narrative where I would mentally note my all my health insufficiencies, meticulously observing how they restrict my functions, rehearsing for the day when I would have to account for my disabilities to an unsympathetic audience, desperate in the knowledge that the game was rigged by the psycho-social model of benefit claim denial of multiply-prosecuted ATOS originating in the US.
Even though the dreaded WCAs took place months ago, I am still finding it hard to silence those obsessive thoughts and hopefully return to having a positive outlook on life although I’ve noticed I’m becoming increasingly hermit-like."
And you assume that sainsburys cameras will provide footage of high enough quality ?

Of course. Tech gets cheaper. It would certainly be in there intrests to be able to track repeat thiefs and other people they consider undesirable so they can be stopped shortly after coming in store.

On the other side they can track high value customers for more specific advertising and marketing.
I think the impact of this is much more likely to be on the day-to-day feelings and behaviour of people on benefits than on actual investigations. I have experienced the paranoia and it is horrible, corrosive, disabling, and discourages you from doing things that might promote your wellbeing :(

This can only get worse as we become more and more of a surveillance society.
I think the impact of this is much more likely to be on the day-to-day feelings and behaviour of people on benefits than on actual investigations. I have experienced the paranoia and it is horrible, corrosive, disabling, and discourages you from doing things that might promote your wellbeing :(

This can only get worse as we become more and more of a surveillance society.
Surveillance in society: key issues for the 2010 Parliament 2010
Thank you for that not very relevant link.
You're welcome. If you look at the readily available material such as Lace's 2005 book the glass consumer or the link I provided which you disparage you'd understand how much of a surveillance society this is and has been for years. But let's refuse to inform ourselves and keep the discussion at a level of platitudes.
But RubyToogood why not have a look at del fletcher's article about criminalising claimants and the other recent studies and information you'll find by searching dwp claimants surveillance filetype[colon]pdf?
Of course. Tech gets cheaper. It would certainly be in there intrests to be able to track repeat thiefs and other people they consider undesirable so they can be stopped shortly after coming in store.

I’m pretty sure this thread is about what is happening today, not what could be done with as yet not successfully implemented technology in the future.

For facial recognition see...

UK police use of facial recognition technology a failure, says report

Would a better way of limiting the power of conspiracists within disability/MH politics be to support those struggles, and to support the development of class-struggle analysis/activity within those struggles?

As irritating as treelover is, his complaint isn’t entirely without merit
Would a better way of limiting the power of conspiracists within disability/MH politics be to support those struggles, and to support the development of class-struggle analysis/activity within those struggles?

As irritating as treelover is, his complaint isn’t entirely without merit
Have you ever looked into the West German socialist patients collective?
I’m pretty sure this thread is about what is happening today, not what could be done with as yet not successfully implemented technology in the future.

For facial recognition see...

UK police use of facial recognition technology a failure, says report


Fair enough. Its not here yet, so I'll keep it of this thread.

It doesn't surprise me the UK can spend lots of get its implementation wrong, but I am sure it will be here real soon and once Google and Amazon get the tech flawless it will be adopted by the police, at which point most people will just accept it. Ten years max.
Would a better way of limiting the power of conspiracists within disability/MH politics be to support those struggles, and to support the development of class-struggle analysis/activity within those struggles?

As irritating as treelover is, his complaint isn’t entirely without merit
His complaints are often about things that do have merit - that's what is so irritating about them, because he always presents them as if he is the lone voice in the wilderness, championing freedom and justice for the underdog, while whining that nobody else is doing anything, when all he appears to be doing is griping about stuff and the inaction of others, and not actually doing any more than he complains other people are (not) doing.

The reality is that there a lot of people who are doing a lot more than he is. He undermines the cause by continually playing on the shortfalls, without making any acknowledgement of, eg., the fact that the stories are even out there is down to the work that someone (not he) is doing.
His complaints usually do have merit - that's what is so irritating about them, because he always presents them as if he is the lone voice in the wilderness, championing freedom and justice for the under dog, while whining that nobody else is doing anything, while all he appears to be doing is griping about stuff and the inaction of others, and not actually doing any more than he complains other people are (not) doing.

The reality is that there a lot of people who are doing a lot more than he is. He undermines the cause by continually playing on the shortfalls, without making any acknowledgement of, eg., the fact that the stories are even out there is down to the work that someone (not he) is doing.
Not to mention that his constant whines about the left betray his real political inclinations
His complaints are often about things that do have merit - that's what is so irritating about them, because he always presents them as if he is the lone voice in the wilderness, championing freedom and justice for the underdog, while whining that nobody else is doing anything, when all he appears to be doing is griping about stuff and the inaction of others, and not actually doing any more than he complains other people are (not) doing.

The reality is that there a lot of people who are doing a lot more than he is. He undermines the cause by continually playing on the shortfalls, without making any acknowledgement of, eg., the fact that the stories are even out there is down to the work that someone (not he) is doing.
It boils my piss when people whinge about others doing nothing to 'help the cause', when they themselves are only hurting 'the cause', with their incessant whining and finger pointing at those who may actually be doing something.
I think the impact of this is much more likely to be on the day-to-day feelings and behaviour of people on benefits than on actual investigations. I have experienced the paranoia and it is horrible, corrosive, disabling, and discourages you from doing things that might promote your wellbeing :(

This can only get worse as we become more and more of a surveillance society.
Yeah, I am a bit baffled as to why the conversation is all about how likely it is that you’re going to be stitched up by CCTV footage from Sainsbury’s (answer: not very likely at all) when the article makes it clear that it’s just an example of a system.

Also it’s interesting (/depressing) that they blithely put the DWP and the cops in the same bracket of people they’ll hand over data to without being required to by law, suggesting that they think there’s a general attitude that the two are equivalent. Not that the cops shouldn’t have to go through legal procedures either, but if they’d said “traffic wardens” I think there’d be a lot more media outrage.
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No one on posting on this thread knows anything about what i am doing in RL, so less of that please

more of the helpful stuff, like tracking down info, FOI, tx
Say 30 cameras in store, open 0800-2200, 420 hours of footage, but can't watch in real time, maybe 4200 hours to go through it all. If you're lucky

Except that even if you were just trawling like that you wouldn't need to watch all the footage, as soon as you've found them on one camera you know what time they were there and you can follow them on the other cameras. I'd guess stores like sainsbury's are likely to have cameras on their entrances so you can watch one camera until you see them.

But I think it's far more likely they only ask for cctv footage when they already know at least roughly what time someone was meant to be there, whether that's part of a case they are building for prosecution or following up a grassing phone call from someone.
I would expect that sainsbury's have at some point(s) been asked for and supplied footage to the dwp and that's why they are stated in the privacy policy. I doubt that anyone is sitting watching through store CCTV footage in case some claimant turns up that they can harass using it.
Does that ironing burn?
You're spouting bollocks about what everyone else isn't doing, when you have no clue what they're doing.

Edit: great minds :D

i am not discussing regular posters on here,, please reply to the substantive points, that the above groups do not have the allies they need, it is not at all about individuals, its about resources, where they go, it is a political argument, Fridge Magnet and Co, can make it about race, call out/call me, reactionaries if he wants, but it is about where energies are put, why they are distributed that way, and why others miss out, for me, its about a hierarchy of oppression, something posters on here have satirised in other circumstances.

tx, big tom, that will be helpful.

Big Tom Said "I would expect that sainsbury's have at some point(s) been asked for and supplied footage to the dwp and that's why they are stated in the privacy policy. I doubt that anyone is sitting watching through store CCTV footage in case some claimant turns up that they can harass using it"

I think the headline of the article is not done by the author, its more like you say, the pending FOI will help.
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i am not discussing regular posters on here,, please reply to the substantive points, that the above groups do not have the allies they need, it is not at all about individuals, its about resources, where they go, it is a political argument, Fridge Magnet and Co, can make it about race, call out/call me, reactionaries if he wants, but it is about where energies are put, why they are distributed that way, and why others miss out, for me, its about a hierarchy of oppression, something posters on here have satirised in other circumstances.

tx, big tom, that will be helpful.

I think the headline of the article is not done by the author, its more like you say, the pending FOI will help.
You really are a pompous, self-important cock, you know...
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