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Hatred against people on disability benefits getting ramped up again

I'm really not sure how to take this comment tbh. A huge amount of people would probably starve to death before they even stole from Tesco let alone breaking in and robbing your family.

Oh TF it's not just me!

I'm trying to be generous and hoping I've just misunderstood the sentence structure or something
I think we could probably all spend our time better than arguing over tax affairs about which we don’t have all the information. The only person close to having the information is one of the interlocutors. This truly is an example where all the heat will result in no light.
Taking their figures at a not very accurate face value my contribution to the Universal Credit budget for people seeking work is only £38 pa which strikes me as great value tbh, since I am basically paying them to not come and try and nick my stuff instead.

Taking their figures at a not very accurate face value my contribution to the Universal Credit budget for people seeking work is only £38 pa which strikes me as great value tbh, since I am basically paying them to not come and try and nick my stuff instead.
Actually, hold on. It took me a while to parse this. I’m not firing on all cylinders today.

Did you just come on a thread about the hatred being pumped up towards people with disabilities to imply that people on disability benefits are thieves?

I think you need to interrogate your assumptions there. Really quite strenuously.
Actually, hold on. It took me a while to parse this. I’m not firing on all cylinders today.

Did you just come on a thread about the hatred being pumped up towards people with disabilities to imply that people on disability benefits are thieves?

I think you need to interrogate your assumptions there. Really quite strenuously.
No of course not but let's face it if we stop paying money to the unemployed and the disabled do you imagine they would just quietly sit there and starve to death in order to not inconvenience the rest of us?
They would turn to a) crime and b) civil disorder as they rightly should. I'm in favour of paying benefits to both the unemployed and disabled and not in favour of crime and civil disorder.
I was just amazed at how low the money I contribute to UC was, probably the opposite of what the Telegraph wants people to think. £38 a year is hardly a crippling tax burden is it?
WIlling to pay a bit more if it was asked tbh both to keep the starving/thieving/disorder down to the bare minimum (plus the added benefit of annoying Frank)
“They” are me.
And I have no problems chipping in cash to support you, don't resent it all. The calculator clearly is meant to stir up a good bit of hate but to me has indicated that it's probably good value.
The full breakdown of how my tax is spent on welfare is (actual numbers aren't really relevant but I'll give them if you want) is.

Old Age Pensions 13.5%
Sickness and Disability 6.4%
Social Exclusion (immigrants/refugees/abusers/domestic violence) 5.9%
Family and Children (Child benefit) 2.8%
Housing 1.9%
Social Protection (bit of a catch-all) 0.6%
Survivors (bit of another catch-all) 0.1%
Unemployment 0.1% This is the one that really got me, £38 that's all I'm paying to support the unemployed? (The Telegraph would have me think they're costing me £thousands) and most other people pay less of course.

It doesn't tell me where the rest of my tax goes but surely that includes the NHS, helping the Ukrainians kill Russians, the Royals and non-existent ferries.

You just told us how much tax you avoid paying by giving yourself a dividend instead of a salary so this bit is obviously horseshit.
And you don't look at your payslip and think I wish there was a way to reduce how much tax you pay Frank? Just so happens that for me there is and for you there isn't. That's unfair yes I agree but I make no apologies for taking advantage of a system I had no hand in building.
I'll give them if you want
I don’t. You started this by saying that 6.4% of the tax you pay is £38. Therefore you pay just under £600 in tax. That’s great. I’ve been paying tax for decades, and never felt the need to declare it on an internet bulletin board. But I really think this is all charging off in a bizarre direction we could all do without.

How about we go back to the point of the thread? It’s important.
Taking their figures at a not very accurate face value my contribution to the Universal Credit budget for people seeking work is only £38 pa which strikes me as great value tbh, since I am basically paying them to not come and try and nick my stuff instead.
And I have no problems chipping in cash to support you, don't resent it all.
It's not just Frank that sees a problem. Maybe it is just clumsy language but there are a few posters, including myself, that would take issue with some of what you've posted.

EDIT: Apols danny la rouge, will delete if you want?
I don’t. You started this by saying that 6.4% of the tax you pay is £38. Therefore you pay just under £600 in tax. That’s great. I’ve been paying tax for decades, and never felt the need to declare it on an internet bulletin board. But I really think this is all charging off in a bizarre direction we could all do without.

How about we go back to the point of the thread? It’s important.
Apologies. Unemployment was 0.1%. You’re paying £38,000 in tax. Felicitazioni.
If you’re not asking us to work out your tax, and therefore your income, I’m at a loss to know the point of your posts. I have no interest in your income. I have no idea why you brought it up.
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Apologies. Unemployment was 0.1%. You’re paying £38,000 in tax. Felicitazioni.
No I don't the Telegraph told me I paid £30,011 in tax in reality I pay about £19,000 but that reinforces the point I am trying to make which is that someone who is paying the amount of tax the Telegraph thinks I am is only paying relatively small sums compared to what they are implying.
I am afraid this media circus will resonate with some, and not just right wingers, some people resent anything their taxes are funding and would prefer to keep all of their earnings. I was shocked some years ago that someone I called a friend strongly resented the migrants in Calais and didn't want any of "their money" spent on migrants or their issues.

I made the point, what if it was you? to be met with well it isn't me!

Were I to have mentioned the disabled I am sure their response would have been the same.

Their position seemed to be - everyone out for themselves. Not overly charitable.
Do you think it's what people with empty stomachs do, riot?
Not straight away no but if they have any sense they will eventually. There are already lots of stories about people turning to shoplifting because money is short (a selection)

How is it a stretch of imagination to imagine if people get hungry enough they won't riot?
Not straight away no but if they have any sense they will eventually. There are already lots of stories about people turning to shoplifting because money is short (a selection)

How is it a stretch of imagination to imagine if people get hungry enough they won't riot?
The Long Covid Riots. The streets are full of people napping or walking towards windows very slowly before running out of steam.
Actually, hold on. It took me a while to parse this. I’m not firing on all cylinders today.

Did you just come on a thread about the hatred being pumped up towards people with disabilities to imply that people on disability benefits are thieves?

I think you need to interrogate your assumptions there. Really quite strenuously.

No. He meant he's happy for the tax he does pay to provide some kind of safety net so the starving hoards don't kick his door in.
It was probably a bit unwise to be so brasen about his accountants tax minimisation efforts though. But meh, loads of self employed people on here and I doubt many are paying more tax than they legally have to.
No. He meant he's happy for the tax he does pay to provide some kind of safety net so the starving hoards don't kick his door in.
It was probably a bit unwise to be so brasen about his accountants tax minimisation efforts though. But meh, loads of self employed people on here and I doubt many are paying more tax than they legally have to.
OK, thanks. I was having trouble working it out.
Not straight away no but if they have any sense they will eventually. There are already lots of stories about people turning to shoplifting because money is short (a selection)

How is it a stretch of imagination to imagine if people get hungry enough they won't riot?
Do you know how much energy it takes to riot? It's not going to be people starving who riot but it may be people who fear starving
Not straight away no but if they have any sense they will eventually. There are already lots of stories about people turning to shoplifting because money is short (a selection)

How is it a stretch of imagination to imagine if people get hungry enough they won't riot?
There's one dick in Yorkshire keeps breaking into a food bank to help himself even though they will give out food to anyone that turns up. :(
What has pissed me off for several years is I have a relative that is fraudulently claiming, they could work and completed month long charity walks etc despite being apparently unable to walk 20m. While also having no issue with a day walking round a theme park and kids on shoulders. I am on about 50x his pain killers and work, I would much rather not work, as I imagine almostr everyone in the world would. But they are taking the piss, I would never report them in my life, they have kids, thats not their fault. IB would have changed a lot. The particular person concerned is highly intelligent and could easily get a wfh job but chooses not to, every single qualification criteria I have seen them break. But kids need food and stable housing.

I would rather my taxes went to helping people in need than any money was spent investigating the very small amount of fraud, even if I know a specific case. This is supposed to be a developed country, you do not treat people with potentially sever conditions like this when that is the case. Whether right or wrong the basis should be have you the ability to hold down employment The ability to get basic tasks done is bullshit, I know someone with ME who was rejected partly cos they got their kid to school, which was 50 metres away and took them an hour then most of the day resting. How else were they to get there? They tried and got fucked by the system for it. Health is not a choice for the vast majority, why is someone with problems of whatever kind treated with suspicion?
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