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Strange goings on in Birmingham...

Jesus wept jazzz. We're all human here. Even I have posted bollocks up before. No honestly, I have. :) The difference is I admit my mistake, thank the person for pointing out the bollocks in my post and move on. Dignity intact.
Your refusal to do that has made your credibility drop to below zero.
It means that if you were to post up something that I had firmly believed to be true all my life, then I would have to say that I was wrong for all those years and become very dissilusioned and depressed and would probably lose the will to live.
So please, for the love of God, don't ever post anything that supports anything I say on these boards.

Sorry for any spelling errors. I'm not on my own PC.
Gaze in awe at the investigative, no-stone-unturned, conspiracy-revealing, sleuthing powers of Jazzz!

Here's his very own words, from October 23rd:
But tell you what, come Monday I'll call up the hotel to try to obtain a denial of the story - after all if it's not true they would want to deny it, surely?
From Oct 24th (re: looking up a claimed story in the Daily Jang)
ok I'm registering! If it's not there I'll chase it up.
And on 27th Oct:
The friend who alerted me to this story is calling Appas Malik tomorrow.
My friend has spoken to Appas Malik. I haven't spoken to either of them yet though so don't know much more than that. But we might go up to Birmingham to check this out
So, despite it being a hot, hot story proving an evil conspiracy, so far you've managed to:
1. Not ring up the hotel
2. Not look up and verify a newspaper report central to your yarn
3. Not contact your "friend" who "alerted" you to the story
4. Not go to Birmingham to "check this out"
5. Ignore all posters requests for information

Face it, Jazzz, your laughable lack of effort in researching your barking yarns has turned you into something of a joke. All you can do is regurgitate shit found on the Internet.
As another day rolls by, I wonder if our resident conspiracy-unearthing, truth seeking, super-sleuth Jazzz has rung up the hotel yet, or verified the amazing
newspaper report, or contracted his mysterious friend who "alerted" him to the story or gone to Birmingham to check things out.

What's the news Jazzz? Or are you hoping that this latest stinking piece of conspirashite will just quietly be ignored?
Oddly enough, the link to the original article has now been removed from the site. edit: no it's been renamed as 'FAILED' TERROR IN BIRMINGHAM: JULY 17TH - note the change in date and implication, this was offered as explanation for the change:

"We finally got the 'Daily Jang' report on this incident, and it turns out that it was on the 12th July - and Dr N. accepts that his memory was mistaken here: so the above-described event happened on the 11th. Concerning the bit about some men coming to remove a lot of bags from the room, he now reckons that would have been the 9th of July.
so the event has been pushed back earlier, much nearer now to the 7/7 event itself - and more deeply connected with the evacuation of central B'ham on the 10th July.
From talking with Dr N I'd say he is a reliable witness, but as regards his getting the date wrong by 5 days, hey he is 80 years old."
Yes and you want to know why it's changed? Because I chased it up. :rolleyes:

It was my friend, Nick Kollerstrom, who wrote that up, and who spoke to Dr. Naseem. And who I've been exchanging emails with. I've been getting him to chase up Appas Malik. Hopefully, for you bunch of extremely ungrateful sneerers, we'll have the link for the Daily Jang story for you.

I haven't called the hotel or Dr. Naseem myself because Nick is a friend, he was the point of contact so I'm not going to piss him off and risk annoying Dr Naseem or the hotel proprietor in the name of the 9-11 sceptics group. If he wants to go to Birmingham though I'll happily accompany him.
Jazzz said:
Yes and you want to know why it's changed? Because I chased it up. :rolleyes:

It was my friend, Nick Kollerstrom, who wrote that up, and who spoke to Dr. Naseem. And who I've been exchanging emails with. I've been getting him to chase up Appas Malik. Hopefully, for you bunch of extremely ungrateful sneerers, we'll have the link for the Daily Jang story for you.

I haven't called the hotel or Dr. Naseem myself because Nick is a friend, he was the point of contact so I'm not going to piss him off and risk annoying Dr Naseem or the hotel proprietor in the name of the 9-11 sceptics group. If he wants to go to Birmingham though I'll happily accompany him.

Hold on, the story changing doesn't add a damn thing to the original claim, in fact it undermines it even further. The whole story has now suddenly shifted from these were the people who really were behind the London trains bombs, obviously, working with state help, to one where an al-Q attack in Birmingham was foiled! It's ridiculous.

And no, you still have not a jot of evidence, all you have is the bloke who wrote the story sying 'yeah it's true - esp those bits that i got wrong and based my whole story on - and, btw, the story is diff now, but it was still right'. This, of course, still leaves the credibility of Dr N in serious doubt (if your mate has actually talked to him).

So, has Nick Kollerstrom told you:

a) that he's personally been in contact with:

1) Appas Malik
2) Dr N
3) Mr Barki
4) local plod, esp The Deputy Chief constable of Birmingham

b) And that he's:

1) Seen the relavent Daily Jang
2) Confirmed that the article exists
3) Been given a translation of the relavent article

You see, your 'research', adds precisely nothing to the story, it doesn't offer us any evidence, it doesn't confirm any part of the original story, it doesn't show it's correctness - it does none of the things you're rather smugly assuming that it does.

Show us some evidence for gods sake. All we have is two people telling us that they assure us it's true.

And would this be the alchemist Nick Kollerstrom btw? The one who believes he can turn base metal into gold?
butchersapron said:
And would this be the alchemist Nick Kollerstrom btw? The one who believes he can turn base metal into gold?

He'd need to do a damn sight better than that to pull Jazz out of the fire on this one. ;)
butchersapron said:
Hold on, the story changing doesn't add a damn thing to the original claim, in fact it undermines it even further. The whole story has now suddenly shifted from these were the people who really were behind the London trains bombs, obviously, working with state help, to one where an al-Q attack in Birmingham was foiled! It's ridiculous.

And no, you still have not a jot of evidence, all you have is the bloke who wrote the story sying 'yeah it's true - esp those bits that i got wrong and based my whole story on - and, btw, the story is diff now, but it was still right'. This, of course, still leaves the credibility of Dr N in serious doubt (if your mate has actually talked to him).
Succinctly put. I was lumbering up to just taking the piss such was the pathetic anti-climax of Jazzz’s post. I’m particularly enjoying this Dr. Naseem character, the senile sage. You couldn’t make it up…oh, hang on.
butchersapron said:
"We finally got the 'Daily Jang' report on this incident, and it turns out that it was on the 12th July - and Dr N. accepts that his memory was mistaken here: so the above-described event happened on the 11th. Concerning the bit about some men coming to remove a lot of bags from the room, he now reckons that would have been the 9th of July.
so the event has been pushed back earlier, much nearer now to the 7/7 event itself - and more deeply connected with the evacuation of central B'ham on the 10th July."
It's a fucking farce, alright.

Anbd there's no shortage of gullible "truth seekers" ready and willing to scoop up such shit without even questioning or checking a single internet-found 'fact'.

It's pathetic.

he can fashion nuggets of purplest gold! :eek:!


nick kollerstrom^

Jesus wept. You'd have thought Jazzzz would have managed to do the most basic of research before he piped up with this kind of crap again.

Strrange how someone so critical of the 'official line' seems to leave his critical faculties behind as soon as he sniffs the slightest hint of any remarkable conspiracy tale.

Worra surprise eh...
nutty nick?


Nick is author of the book Crop Circles: The Hidden Form, which explores the geometry and form of the circles. This book was reviewed by a school maths teachers’ journal, which said, 'every school library should have a copy'. Nick also does a yearly
Moon-gardening calendar based on his experience working upon bio-dynamic
farms. As a science historian who writes for magazines such as Astronomy Now, his recent researches on the discovery of Neptune have made newspaper headlines.

Lecture: Triune Geometry of the Circlemakers
Will tomorrow's schoolteachers use the inspiring cereal geometry that has appeared over the last decade? Nick will focus here especially upon analysing the three-fold geometrical forms found in crop formations.
Crop circles? Moon-gardening calendars? Cereal geometry? (is that, like, arranging your weetabix in rows or something?)

This story just keeps on getting better and better!

Still, it's great to hear that his book was reviewed by a "school maths teachers’ journal". Shame they forget to mention the name. Or author. Or publisher.
I have to say.......I think the moon gardening thing is quite effective.......

other than that tho.......the purplest gold.....hehehe, I'll be chuckling about that all day...
editor called it urban75 all by himself I'm afraid pidgeonhead... nice of you to chase me around the boards, btw... are you an alternate login?
soon? what's kept you so long?

What do you think the chances of anyone believing you after all this time are? 0 is putting it qite high, imo.

Hope MI5 pay you well.
has everyone already ripped the piss out of Jazz for the Nov 5th mini-nuke bollocks, or did I miss it?
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