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Strange goings on in Birmingham...

Jazzz said:
The passport belonged to Hanna Mayer, who was my grandmother - forgive me but I really can't be fucked to dig out my mother's birth certificate etc. for the likes of you, multiple.

I don't think anyone doubts your Jewish origins, Jazzz. The difficulty comes in reconciling that with your enthusiasm for David Icke, who is clearly an anti-semitic.
Enough Icke. If anybody really wants to talk about Icke and anti-semitism again, they can start a thread about it. It is detracting from the point here.
from Daily Jang, UK edition, 12 July 2005

if anyone can provide a translation (I know it's a bit blurry though) that would be very welcome
Jazzz said:

if anyone can provide a translation (I know it's a bit blurry though) that would be very welcome

it says "fuck off you daft bastard"

and "why haven't you voted on the lizard poll cos' "only you can see"
Just imagine if those were bomb making instructions and going to jail for downloading a random piece of arabic text!
butchersapron said:
So you've not read an English translation of the article then? Presumably neither has your mate up there?

you couldn't translate that even if you worked for stargate SG1
Jazzz said:
if anyone can provide a translation (I know it's a bit blurry though) that would be very welcome
FFS: if you haven't the slightest clue what's written in those texts what is the fucking point of posting them up here?

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Is this your idea of proof for your claims?

And what haven't you rung up this hotel three weeks after saying you were going to?
Jazzz said:
The passport belonged to Hanna Mayer, who was my grandmother - forgive me but I really can't be fucked to dig out my mother's birth certificate etc. for the likes of you, multiple.

That's OK, surplus.

It's completely irrelevant to the fact you still have no factual grounding to your little Birmingham fairy-tale, as well you know.

Of course, I have absolute faith in your being able to produce solid evidence that any details of your story actually happened Jazzz, oh, really quite soon...

Oh, and I reckon you've had long enough to provide a translation for that Jang text... seeing as you were asking about it on that fruitloop forum on the 24th of October, the very same thread from which you cut and pasted your initial post in fact, so I'm sure you'll remember it :

Joined: 01 Aug 2005
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:36 pm*
So far I've been unable to locate the Daily Jang story of this on their online back issues - can this be clarified?


Is "astro3" aware you're touting his unresearched theories to non-gullible people?
editor said:
FFS: if you haven't the slightest clue what's written in those texts what is the fucking point of posting them up here?

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Is this your idea of proof for your claims?

And what haven't you rung up this hotel three weeks after saying you were going to?
<as patiently as I can muster>

You aren't even reading my replies to your posts, are you?

I refer to you to my post #171. :rolleyes:

I have a very fair idea of what is contained in the Daily Jang article. You can count this as good evidence that the Daily Jang article existed. That was being questioned earlier in the thread.

Really, if you are going be abusive like this and let mr second login do the same I insist that you bin the thread. I would if I could. :mad:
Jazzz said:
I have a very fair idea of what is contained in the Daily Jang article.
How's that then seeing as you're reduced to desperately posting up screen grabs in the hope that someone can translate it for you?

Face it: you haven't a fucking clue about what's written in that article and you lied when you said you were going to call up the hotel weeks ago.

Jazzz said:
Really, if you are going be abusive like this and let mr second login do the same I insist that you bin the thread. I would if I could.
If you think that this latest piece of horseshit fruitloopery is going to be swept under the carpet you're mistaken.

Have you PM'd the other poster to ask about their previous user name? Or is that stunningly obvious move too much like research for you?
Christ editor, you don't read the thread, you aren't at all interested in whether this story is true or not, you are simply interested in having a go.

I've heard a brief translation of a few lines of the article, from Dr. Naseem. Nick K. (astro3) has heard the full thing, from the guy that wrote it.

It's the genuine article. Getting a translation is part of my agenda, but I've put it now just for you all (butchersapron in particular) to keep you happy. here's a better version of the main page for you, showing the logos

oh and yes I have exchanged pms with our charming newbie, pidgeonhead, who just happened to start posting when pk stopped. :rolleyes:

<editor: FAQ annihilating near-300k image removed>
Do NOT, repeat DO NOT post up images nearly 300k in size.

I'm getting really fucking fed up with your antics.
Jazzz said:
oh and yes I have exchanged pms with our charming newbie, pidgeonhead, who just happened to start posting when pk stopped. :rolleyes:


Another interesting attempt to divert the topic away from the fact that you have, once again, provided FUCK ALL evidence to back up your story.

Just as predicted!

How apt, that for a jazz musician, you produce more shit than George Melly after a night out on the fava beans.

editor said:
Do NOT, repeat DO NOT post up images nearly 300k in size.

I'm getting really fucking fed up with your antics.
That image - the Daily Jang article - has been the subject of pages of thread. So maybe you might want to credit me for finding it and providing it for you all.

I've replaced it with a thumbnail.
editor said:
Do NOT, repeat DO NOT post up images nearly 300k in size.

I'm getting really fucking fed up with your antics.

But he's desperate to get it translated!

So now Jazzz says he heard the full version from this Nick K (aka astro3), who is in fact a fruitloop loonspud pro-anti-semitic theorist, like Jazzz, and who in fact wrote the entire text of Jazzz's first post on this thread on another forum, 911.co.uk, which means it needn't have been cut and pasted here at all, as it was obviously another bullshit unresearched unproven holograms lizards and missiles yarns that Jazzz cannot prove.

Glad we cleared that up.
Jazzz said:
No, I was answering editor's question, twatface. :rolleyes:

Funny how you're the one getting so abusive, and I am not.

Not keen to get this thread binned are you?

Anyone would think you're unable to provide any kind of evidence for your story!

Seriously, you went all the way to Birmingham for this, and you have the nerve to call me "twatface" ?

Jazzz, such comedy moments are so rare in life.

Don't ever become a journalist - you're crap at it.

Jazzz said:
That image - the Daily Jang article - has been the subject of pages of thread. So maybe you might want to credit me for finding it and providing it for you all.
I'm supposed to credit you for posting up a FAQ-busting 300k incomprehensible image in a language that no one understands?

What fucking planet do you inhabit?
editor said:
I'm supposed to credit you for posting up a FAQ-busting 300k incomprehensible image in a language that no one understands?

What fucking planet do you inhabit?
Pictures that large are posted in general on a regular basis. The pictures rule for the politics forums was, I understood, brought in to stop the kind of frivolous crap posted by pk. Because pictures - on the whole - aren't necessary for political discussion.

But in this case, the picture is highly pertinent.

And what am I supposed to do, magic the Daily Jang UK - an urdu only publication - into having an English edition? Jesus. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I take it that we are all allowed secondary logins now? :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
Pictures that large are posted in general on a regular basis. The pictures rule for the politics forums was, I understood, brought in to stop the kind of frivolous crap posted by pk. Because pictures - on the whole - aren't necessary for political discussion.
Stop fucking wriggling.

Keep posting up gibberish 300k images and you'll be banned. It's that simple.
Jazzz said:
Anyway, I take it that we are all allowed secondary logins now?
Firstly, it's not a 'secondary login'. He hasn't posted under his previous name for three weeks. In fact, it's a bit like you now posting as Jazzz instead of Dr Jazzz when you think about it.

Secondly, name changes/secondary logins are permissable under certain circumstances, but only after they have been cleared by the mods, as this this one was.

I do hope that clears up any misunderstanding and stops your whining/post reporting etc etc.
Jazzz - thus far all you have is a few assertions that you have, personally, backed up your own account of this tale. Rather later than you said you would.

Now, as an entirely reasonable chap, I am sure you understand why most people find this rather unconvincing evidence.

I happen to work with people from a translation agency, if you could PM me a link to a high quality picture of the relevant article, then I could possibly get one of them to give it a quick once over to see if the you have posted up anything like an accurate translation earlier on. Obviously they won't translate it word for word, as that's rather to time consuming, tho were you to contract with them they would give you a guaranteed service.
Jazzz said:
Anyway, I take it that we are all allowed secondary logins now? :rolleyes:

Oh do shut up you boring little deluded tin-foil hatted turd.
I only have one login. One.

Instead of pleading for this thread to be binned, or trying to get me to insult you far enough for your little fingers to be able to hit "report post" repeatedly until this bullshit story of yours ends up in the dustbin... why not try and come up with some real evidence?

Your little friend astro3 managed to write your opening post for you - what can you do that isn't cut and paste from someone else?

You say you went to Birmingham, what exactly did you achieve?
editor said:
I do hope that clears up any misunderstanding and stops your whining/post reporting etc etc.

Has this little shit actually been reporting my posts?

Seriously?? :D


Proves everything I suspected about the pint-sized propaganda-pushing panicking provocateur.

You're a joke Jazzz, and the fact that you still can't back-up your Jazzzshit after nearly a month almost defies belief.
editor said:
Stop fucking wriggling.

Keep posting up gibberish 300k images and you'll be banned. It's that simple.Firstly, it's not a 'secondary login'. He hasn't posted under his previous name for three weeks. In fact, it's a bit like you now posting as Jazzz instead of Dr Jazzz when you think about it.
I've replaced the picture in question with a thumbnail. Yes it was a large one, I just think it's a bit rich you coming down on that like a ton of bricks and threatening to ban (!) me for one on-subject picture, whereas pk has posted countless upon countless frivolous pictures of bins etc. and he just gets light knuckle raps.

Secondly, name changes/secondary logins are permissable under certain circumstances, but only after they have been cleared by the mods, as this this one was.
o.k., I guess it's fair for pk to have a rebirth that reflects his small-mindedness. :)
belboid said:
Jazzz - thus far all you have is a few assertions that you have, personally, backed up your own account of this tale. Rather later than you said you would.

Now, as an entirely reasonable chap, I am sure you understand why most people find this rather unconvincing evidence.

I happen to work with people from a translation agency, if you could PM me a link to a high quality picture of the relevant article, then I could possibly get one of them to give it a quick once over to see if the you have posted up anything like an accurate translation earlier on. Obviously they won't translate it word for word, as that's rather to time consuming, tho were you to contract with them they would give you a guaranteed service.
belboid - I've also explained that I'm working on the finished product, for various reasons. You haven't seen it yet. However, the fact that I went up to the hotel and chatted to the staff and had the story verified should count as pretty good research I reckon in itself. Of course, nothing will be good enough for editor.

The last picture I posted - here it is again

should be pretty good, the article is outlined in yellow marker.

The other part was pretty good first time out

genuine thanks for any help.
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