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Strange goings on in Birmingham...

Jazzz said:
Of course, nothing will be good enough for editor.
I think you'll find that you'll be unlikely to find a single poster here who thinks that a poorly scanned page in a language that no one understands could possibly pass for credible evidence.

And your powers of research are hardly likely to impress anyone, coming from the clown who recently claimed that "The Masons want to chip your children" - an idiotic boast created entirely from your devastating inability to read and research a simple article correctly.
Jazzz - take yourself back to the time when you first read astro3's Birmingham fairy tale on the 911.co.uk boards (boasting a maximum readership of 15 people at once!)

When you read it, you must have had your tiny and seemingly fragile little mind tested, as this kind of thing floats your boat.

But whatever made you think "ooh, I know, I'll cut and paste this wholesale onto Urban75" needs to be addressed.

In other words - the next time you come across some anti-semitic theory regarding 9/11, or 7/7, or denying that the holocaust happened as your friend David Icke appears to be doing - keep it to yourself, or on the little 911.co.uk boards for schizonoid shitheads such as yourself.

Just don't bring it here, especially since you can't prove a fucking thing.

And bear in mind, I'd personally have no qualms about physically attacking David Icke, or any of his supporters, because I see him as being in the same league as your bog standard nazi sympathising cunt, even if his granny was Jewish.

So fuck you and fuck him too.
Would you please leave this thread alone PK, you're ruining it for the rest of the posters who've spent some substantial time taking apart Jazz'z posts and forcing him to actually go to Birmingham as a result and do some basic research. You're not adding a damn thing with your threats of physical attack or just simple abuse. We're doing a far more effective and damaging job without you.You've been asked nicely by both posters and mods already.
Jazzz said:
belboid - I've also explained that I'm working on the finished product, for various reasons. You haven't seen it yet. However, the fact that I went up to the hotel and chatted to the staff and had the story verified should count as pretty good research I reckon in itself. Of course, nothing will be good enough for editor.

The last picture I posted - here it is again

should be pretty good, the article is outlined in yellow marker.

The other part was pretty good first time out

genuine thanks for any help.
right, I've saved the images now, so they can be remoived if there are size/space issues.

Now, this is meant to report the same story as the initial post, yes?
butchersapron said:
Would you please leave this thread alone PK, you're ruining it for the rest of the posters who've spent some substantial time taking apart Jazz'z posts and forcing him to actually go to Birmingham as a result and do some basic research. You're not adding a damn thing with your threats of physical attack or just simple abuse. We're doing a far more effective and damaging job without you.You've been asked nicely by both posters and mods already.

And you seriously expected anything but bluster and excuses from him when asked to provide evidence?

More fool you for the substantial time you've wasted on all this then.

And anyone supporting Icke and his dodgy theories on the holocaust should expect to be insulted, at the very least... or banned from this website like any other right wing revisionist I would hope.
No you miss the point, his comebacks, specifically the substandard nature of them, are undermining any remaining credibility he may have, far more so than just abuse could ever do. You're letting him off the hook and you're dragging the thread down with you and now you're probably going to drag it even further OT by arguing with people trying to keep it on track. You've been told by the mods already so stop it.
butchersapron said:
No you miss the point, his comebacks, specifically the substandard nature of them, are undermining any remaining credibility he may have, far more so than just abuse could ever do.

Been here before, dozens of times, I fail to see what you're trying to prove that hasn't been proved many times already.

You're letting him off the hook and you're dragging the thread down with you and now you're probably going to drag it even further OT by arguing with people trying to keep it on track. You've been told by the mods already so stop it.

What have I been told by the mods? Stop posting pictures? Fine.

What irks me most is one one post he'll post proof of his granny's Jewish background and yet on another unequivocably support the ranting of a proven anti-semite with an agenda to discredit the horrors of the holocaust.

Sorry if my irritation at this is disrupting your mission to prove what is already clearly beyond question - that Jazzz couldn't even research a pizza menu if he was Italian and hungry.
Does anyone else want a go at explaining the point to PK as he can't seem to get past the fact that it's me having to point out the painfully obvious to him?
It's painfully obvious you're wasting your time.

He'll do his evasive thing and his head in the sand thing and beg for this to be binned.

Two weeks later, he'll post yet another dodgy 9/11 or 7/7 theory supported by nasty anti-semitic agenda websites, whole thing starts again.

Best of luck achieving, erm, not much... I just find it easier to take the piss out of him, as I don't expect anything in the way of evidence after several years of this weird behaviour.

But if you want me out the way so you can prove whatever it is you're trying to prove, fine, as long as it results in a permaban for the revisionist "blame the Jews, of which I am one" conspiranoid idiot.
belboid said:
right, I've saved the images now, so they can be remoived if there are size/space issues.

Now, this is meant to report the same story as the initial post, yes?
The story as related from Dr. Naseem came from that article and discussion with the journalist IIRC. He did, however, introduce errors - the most notable being that the date is wrong. The event took place on the 11th July, the Daily Jang article coming out the next day. But yes, the article should relate the discovery of an Al-Qaeda cell at the Waqar Hotel.
Dilzybhoy said:
I like the idea of Irish/spanish/Al Qa'ida links. :D
Has cropped up before, no? :rolleyes:
In Birmingham no less.
How did they know if they were Irish, Spanish or Islamic.
Was the proprietor a linguist or do you have to show Passports to stay in Birmingham?
Nigel said:
How did they know if they were Irish, Spanish or Islamic.
Was the proprietor a linguist or do you have to show Passports to stay in Birmingham?

You'd hardly expect them to admit to being lizards, would you?
The Hereford Connection//////

I met this guy from Hereford recentely whose accent was very close to that of East Coast Irish. Perhaps the Home Counties are trying to invade Brommy.
Could this be a Countryside Alliance Detente????
Any news or breakthroughs on your incredible investigation, Jazzz? It's been a while and I've been awfully patient.
Not that I can be bothered to read through all of this to see whether this has been mentioned before, but quoting Mohammed Naseem is rarely if ever the best way to avoid being labelled a loonspud. Or indeed just people pointing and laughing.
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