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Strange goings on in Birmingham...

Jazzz said:
oh and fuck you with your 'anti-semitic' smears, pk. I am alive because my great-grandfather fled pre-war nazi Germany, suddenly whisking the family off to London one day without warning in 1952. He was, doubtless, a 'conspiracy theorist' of his day, and one of the lucky ones. My mother still has her mother's passport, with a large 'J' stamped in it.

Why do you keep promoting blatant rabid anti-semitism then?

Are you some kind of schizophrenic?

And how could 1952 possibly be anything to do with pre-war nazi Germany?

You haven't even bothered to do the basic research on your own family history!!! What a tosser!!!

:D :D
Why, if Icke is not anti-semitic, would he have said the following:

"why do we play a part in suppressing alternative information to the official line of the Second World War?
How is it right that while this fierce suppression goes on, free copies of the Spielberg film, Schindler's List, are given to schools to indoctrinate children with the unchallenged version of events.
And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history."

Can someone so blatantly endorsing theories of holocaust denial NOT be anti-semitic?

Rarely have the words "gullible" and "twat" been more appropriate than when describing you, Jazzzzzz.
Tempting though it is, could people please leave off the abuse directed towards Jazz, we've made him look stupid enough without doing that thus far and it'll just detract from that and get the thread binned. Let's just take his relavent 'data' apart.
This is always the bit where he runs away though - the point where clear evidence points to the fact that David Icke shares his views on Jewish people with the likes of the BNP and those extremists who want to see Israel wiped off the map - yet according to Jazzz he's just a lovable former sports reporter who likes wearing purple and thinks the Queen is a lizard.

And if all Jazz is doing is copy and pasting nasty anti-semitic stories, then he should be banned just like any other Stormfront headcase.

It's no secret I think he's a twat but that shouldn't have any bearing on the life of a thread.

I agree this makes sense to keep as an example of why he is so wrong, mind.
You're right, dickhead, it was 1934 - I just had 1952 in my head for some reason, and I wrote it fast because you are beyond the pale. They went to Paris first, and it seems they had to keep checking back in the Germany as they were still German citizens.

Thank fuck my great-grandfather didn't listen to arseholes like you, and got out while he still could.

Just to settle this one I'm going to show you all my grandmother's passport.
Jazzz said:
Just to settle this one I'm going to show you all my grandmother's passport.
your grandmothers passport is utterly irrelevant- as I am sure you are aware.

The point is that you refuse to recognise what is[/ib] blatant anti-semitism (from Icke) because he supports some of your whacky 'theories' (actually its more like you copy such theiries of him, but the point is the same).

Now, can you respond to any of the criticisms raised latterly on the thread, or are you still going to avoid them?
pidgeonhead said:
This is always the bit where he runs away though - the point where clear evidence points to the fact that David Icke shares his views on Jewish people with the likes of the BNP and those extremists who want to see Israel wiped off the map - yet according to Jazzz he's just a lovable former sports reporter who likes wearing purple and thinks the Queen is a lizard.

And if all Jazz is doing is copy and pasting nasty anti-semitic stories, then he should be banned just like any other Stormfront headcase.

It's no secret I think he's a twat but that shouldn't have any bearing on the life of a thread.

I agree this makes sense to keep as an example of why he is so wrong, mind.
The thing is, it's opens up an opportunity for him to back out of the thread, saying that he won't take part in threads where he's being abused. Which is just what he wants - a chance to get off the hook. Don't give it to him.
No particular reason for it to be binned if people address the issue. I'm interested to see said evidence myself.

(ph - leave it with the images please)
belboid said:
your grandmothers passport is utterly irrelevant- as I am sure you are aware.
I rather think the fact that I am not only Jewish, but that my family escaped the Nazis - might just have SOME fucking bearing on the question of whether I am anti-semitic. :mad: :rolleyes:

Jazzz said:
I rather think the fact that I am not only Jewish, but that my family escaped the Nazis - might just have SOME fucking bearing on the question of whether I am anti-semitic. :mad: :rolleyes:

why then do you support david icke who clearly is anti-semitic, or can you explain why the paragraph quoted above is not anti-semitic?
FM said:
I don't think that any of this Icke/anti-semitism stuff is relevant to the topic really.

Oh I think it is.

It's a typical Jazzzism.

Post an absurd conspiranoid claim, and then cite the ranting of some lunatic anti-semite/homophobic religious extremist as proof of absurd conspiranoid claim.

Then spend the rest of the thread avoiding requests to provide proof, concentrating instead on making repeated statements to the tune of "I'm not anti-semitic, some of my best friends are semitic" etc. etc. repeat until bin.

When pressure to provide evidence sourced from respectable websites as opposed to lunatic lizard-fearing purple-clad former sports presenters... ask that the whole debate get binned.

Wait two weeks - then start the entire process again, all the while inferring that those who scorn his ridiculous stories are mere "sheep" and "unable to see the truth that The Man doesn't want you to see".

Nice diversion with the passport Jazzz - unfortunately not enough of a diversion to change the subject as you'd hoped though.
Jazzz said:
Hang on - I've been up to Birmingham to verify this story. I have now heard it first hand. Although there are significant errors in the account which came via Dr. Naseem (he is eighty, and got the story second hand)

Interesting, isn't it, how Dr Naseem's political positions include opposition to “intermarriage” between people of different religions, and the introduction of the death penalty for “displays of homosexual lewdness”.

There is evidence, real evidence mind, that he also praises the Taliban regime for establishing “protection for ordinary people in Afghanistan” and he also claims that the 7/7 bombings were the work of Mossad.

But of course - he's not trying to blame the Jews for everything the way David Icke is.

No. That would be silly. Would Jazzz support him if he were?

We've already covered all this ground within this thread - and another in P&P. The Drs credibility has alreay been destroyed and Jazz wheeling him out once more only further weakens his. But we don't need to go over it all again.
You don't need him. I've heard the story first hand, from more than one source, and there's also the Daily Jang article where the journalist witnessed to find too.

There will be more besides - but I tell you, I'm not going to rush my article for you lot.

So, I don't mind if this thread is binned in the slightest.
The last thing we want is for this thread to turn into a general freewheeling "you said this and it's rubbish" one and detract from and lose sight of the actual point of it.
Well, what do we need to go over?

The possibility that Jazzz suffers from some bizarre self hatred, which compells him to want to promote what is blatantly anti-semitic propaganda?

The fact that he can't defend Icke, Naseem, or any other of his "experts"?

Besides, he's clearly scarpered again, having posted some irrelevant passport pictures which could belong to anyone.
Jazzz said:
You don't need him. I've heard the story first hand, from more than one source, and there's also the Daily Jang article where the journalist witnessed to find too.

There will be more besides - but I tell you, I'm not going to rush my article for you lot.

So, I don't mind if this thread is binned in the slightest.

What article?

Are you reading or writing an article?

If you're reading an article - shouldn't you have done that before you started posting about it?

And if you're writing one - where do you suppose it'll get published?


We don't need the above - i'm sorry if we've already done all the work before you got here, but please don't ruin the thread in the manner FM outlines above. Just wait for Jazz to post his report then criticise that.
But this thread isn't about Icke, it's about this article and the evidence that has supposedly been collected regarding it - which I for one would like to see, given that it's been promised. Banter and insults and derailing don't help that at all.
pidgeonhead said:
Besides, he's clearly scarpered again, having posted some irrelevant passport pictures which could belong to anyone.
The passport belonged to Hanna Mayer, who was my grandmother - forgive me but I really can't be fucked to dig out my mother's birth certificate etc. for the likes of you, multiple.
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