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Strange goings on in Birmingham...

Jazzz said:
But tell you what, come Monday I'll call up the hotel to try to obtain a denial of the story - after all if it's not true they would want to deny it, surely?
Hello? It's now Thursday, so what did they say?

You can't give the excuse that you couldn't find the number because it's all over the web: 0121 454 4079
TAE said:
Or maybe jazzz is part of a government conspiracy to discredit all possible conspiracy theories. :D

Whilst I wouldn't level that accusation at this individual, that does actually seem the most plausible and only believable conspiracy theory there is to me.
Techno303 said:
I would like to know if Jazzz has got through to the managers of the hotel yet…
The friend who alerted me to this story is calling Appas Malik tomorrow. I haven't yet attempted any calls. Been busy, and quite frankly, you lot haven't exactly been filling me with enthusiasm.
Jazzz said:
The friend who alerted me to this story is calling Appas Malik tomorrow. I haven't yet attempted any calls.
So why did you say, "But tell you what, come Monday I'll call up the hotel to try to obtain a denial of the story - after all if it's not true they would want to deny it, surely?"

And who's this "friend" of yours? Why couldn't you ring the hotel yourself like you said you would several days ago?

Why cant you do any research yourself before posting up such improbable yarns?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Oh please Jazz, this hot story, set to turn the world upside down and you couldn't be bothered?

Tell you what, PM me any guff you've got like this and i'll do the research for you - it take about 16 minutes tops, and you've just got to make a few intuitive leaps. It's easy. On second thoughts, just do it yourself then post it up here.
Jazzz said:
Been busy, and quite frankly, you lot haven't exactly been filling me with enthusiasm.
<notes edit>

If you're "too busy" to bother with even the most basic of research for your wild conspiraloon claims, don't bother posting up the "story" in the first place, please.
I said my friend was calling Appas Malik tomorrow. That should be interesting if he doesn't actually exist. I'm sorry if like, I haven't devoted loads of attention lately to people who would rather believe I was some government plant than think this stuff could be true.
Jazzz said:
I said my friend was calling Appas Malik tomorrow. That should be interesting if he doesn't actually exist. I'm sorry if like, I haven't devoted loads of attention lately to people who would rather believe I was some government plant than think this stuff could be true.
But did you get a reply off the Dr, and can you further explain your *own*actions please. Yes or no on the first one (and a copy of the e-mail would be nice), and a simple defence of yourself on the second.

5 minutes tops.

This is world turning stuff remember!
Jazzz said:
The friend who alerted me to this story is calling Appas Malik tomorrow. I haven't yet attempted any calls. Been busy, and quite frankly, you lot haven't exactly been filling me with enthusiasm.

I like the “…alerted me” bit.

Do you have a special red telephone to take these whispered calls on?

Whilst the hotline is not engaged can you phone the hotel as you stated right at the beginning of this thread?
TAE said:
Or maybe jazzz is part of a government conspiracy to discredit all possible conspiracy theories.

Harold Hill said:
Whilst I wouldn't level that accusation at this individual, that does actually seem the most plausible and only believable conspiracy theory there is to me.

Jazzz said:
I haven't devoted loads of attention lately to people who would rather believe I was some government plant than think this stuff could be true.

Note bold bit I've added to Harold's post above ...

I do tend to agree with HH on very many conspiracy theories being so utterly farfetched that the 'Govenment conspiracy' is the only plausible conspiracy ...

Doesn't mean YOU personally are in any way a Govt plant, Jazz, but you have to see the mad logic of that thinking generally ... :oops: :confused:

And this latest one is plainly ridiculous .... butchers' refutations are far more convincing.
Jazzz said:
I'm sorry if like, I haven't devoted loads of attention lately to people who would rather believe I was some government plant than think this stuff could be true.

Although I've never actually heard you, I believe that your ability to play music should be what you devote your attention to.
Lock&Light said:
Although I've never actually heard you, I believe that your ability to play music should be what you devote your attention to.
Thank you for your advise L&L, I think doing my bit to stop us turning into a global fascist superstate is not a bad idea though. Maybe you'll thank me for it one day.

My friend has spoken to Appas Malik. I haven't spoken to either of them yet though so don't know much more than that. But we might go up to Birmingham to check this out. I didn't hear back from Birmingham Central Mosque.
Jazzz said:
Thank you for your advise L&L, I think doing my bit to stop us turning into a global fascist superstate is not a bad idea though. Maybe you'll thank me for it one day.

My friend has spoken to Appas Malik. I haven't spoken to either of them yet though so don't know much more than that. But we might go up to Birmingham to check this out. I didn't hear back from Birmingham Central Mosque.

Well, if you won’t even call the hotel (as you said you would) then what are the chances of you going to Birmingham, eh? In fact exactly what are you trying to achieve by going to Birmingham? Surely the price of a phone call is a damn sight cheaper than a train ticket?
Techno303 said:
Well, if you won’t even call the hotel (as you said you would) then what are the chances of you going to Birmingham, eh?
I don't know, do you want to start a book on it? :p
FridgeMagnet said:
Naseem is a leading figure in the Islamic Party of Britain which has certainly indicated, if not come out and said it directly, that it thinks Western governments are responsible for the July bombs, and informed Mossad. This article on their site, for instance, is full of "Qui (sic) Bono?" stuff; it's obvious what they mean.

Naseem himself I can't find having made public statements blaming the government for the bombs but he certainly maintains that it wasn't Muslims.

(Also a big RESPECT donor, incidentally.)

correct me if I'm wrong, but If the only thing that Naseem is maintaining is that the bombers were not MUSLIMS, in other words, that the July bombers might well have been brought up in an Islamic culture/faith, but that whatever the bombers' personal reasons for committing that despicable crime, it was for them, the ultimate act of renouncing Islam. Surely this means that these murderers renounced Islam when they chose to commit the crime of indiscriminate mass-murder against their fellow citizens, not that 'non-Muslims' eg. Mossad, were responsible for the bombs.
Yoohooo! Jazzz!

It's been way over a week now, so have you finally managed to ring up the hotel yet, like you said you would last week?

And did you go to Birmingham on your fact finding mission?

In fact, have you done anything at all to verify the wild claims being thrown around by you when you started this thread?

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