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Strange goings on in Birmingham...

butchersapron said:
They do have entire back issues in the archive though - and i did go through them for the relavent dates as well as trying the search. I couldn't find anything at all. I expect Jazz can help us out though.

That does seem to be 'The News International' which would appear a different kettle of fish to your Daily Jang.
Jazzz said:
That does seem to be 'The News International' which would appear a different kettle of fish to your Daily Jang.
Well, given that the claim is that it was filed by a local Birmingham journalist (who there is no record of anywhere other than the article you linked to despite the claim that he is well known and respeceted) and that it directly concerned events in the UK i expect that would be precisely the sort of thing that they'd be running in an English language International edition - esp one that's clearly aimed at at the UK. Don't you?

Have we yet made any progress towards establishing why you claimed that the article in question came "from Dr. Mohammed Naseem." - did you add that? It's not in the source article or any other versions extant on the web.
I received an email from someone I know and trust, a member of the 9-11 sceptic's group that is in contact with Dr Naseem saying that his testimony had been posted.
Well I've now emailed Birmingham Central Mosque for clarification of that. Just for you belboid.
Jazzz said:
I received an email from someone I know and trust, a member of the 9-11 sceptic's group that is in contact with Dr Naseem saying that his testimony had been posted.
Wow. There's a reliable, impartial source for you.
Jazzz said:
Well I've now emailed Birmingham Central Mosque for clarification of that. Just for you belboid.
Again: why not do such basic research FIRST before posting up your usual stream of 'found on the internet' drivel?
Jazzz said:
I received an email from someone I know and trust, a member of the 9-11 sceptic's group that is in contact with Dr Naseem saying that his testimony had been posted.
What did they tell you? That the article was written by Dr. Mohammed Naseem? (clearly it wasn't). Or did you add that bit to the article yourself? Make sure to let us know Dr. Mohammed Naseem's reply.
butchersapron said:
And guess what, as well as this, the only reference to the journalist said to write for the Daily Jang and who was given the story and then wrote if for the Daily Jang (Appas Malik) on the web is from Jazz's story. No mentions at all other than that. How odd.
No references to Appas Malik (in Latin) in Factiva, one of the 2-3 big press archives.
Little factette for those interested in these things....

The Daily Jang was, for a while, printed by East End Offset - the printshop owned (before they sold it off last year) by the SWP.

Pure coincidence, of course, but I thought I'd drop it in.....
editor said:
otherwise you mind find them being deposited straight in the bin.

You have often promised to do this, but, as yet, have always failed to match your deeds to your words.
Any response from Dr. Mohammed Naseem yet Jazz? Or maybe the hotel has picked up the phone by now? Have you decided what you meant when you claimed that the article was "From Dr. Mohammed Naseem"?
Lock&Light said:
You have often promised to do this, but, as yet, have always failed to match your deeds to your words.
That's because I like to give jazzz's fairy stories every chance.

Who knows, one day he may stumble across something that really is of interest.
Monkeys and typewriters and all that....
Struth, this 'Netanyahu knew in advance about the London bombings' story has taken on a life of it's own on the web.

There is probably a very good reason Bibi knew about the bombings before anyone else -- not because of a conspiracy, but because of employing well-trained personnel.

Since Bibi was supposed to be at an economics conference at a hotel near the explosion site, it is guaranteed that Israeli security personnel were in the area before he arrived.

They would have heard the explosion, realized what it was, and instantly told Bibi what it was.

The security personnel would all be ex-combat soldiers, so they would immediately recognize the sound of an explosion.

They would have been in direct contact (over a secure private radio network) with Bibi's personal guards

So I reckon that Bibi knew within about 5 seconds after the explosion that a bombing had occurred in the area of the hotel.

They would have immediately diverted him back to a secure location, and would have taken no chances -- it is better to make a small mistake (diverting him) than a massive one (getting him killed).

After the Rabin assassination, the Israeli security personnel take no chances.
Jazzz said:
from Dr. Mohammed Naseem.
They then asked the hotel proprietor to sign a blank sheet of paper. He strongly objected to doing any such thing, but eventually he complied.
That's when I stopped reading ... :rolleyes:
editor said:
That's because I like to give jazzz's fairy stories every chance.

Who knows, one day he may stumble across something that really is of interest.
Monkeys and typewriters and all that....
Or maybe jazzz is part of a government conspiracy to discredit all possible conspiracy theories. :D
TAE said:
That's when I stopped reading ... :rolleyes:
"I WON'T sign that piece of paper...
I WON'T sign that piece of paper...
I WON'T sign that piece of paper...
..well, alright then.. here you go"
Techno303 said:
I would like to know if Jazzz has got through to the managers of the hotel yet…
Oh, I don't know.

Things must be very busy there, what with all those herds of non-uniformed, unidentified officers charging about demanding that the manager signs blank bits of paper.
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