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Strange goings on in Birmingham...

Jazzz said:
editor - however many articles you post up saying that Naseem has accused 'The Jews' or Mossad as being responsible, it counts for absolutely zilch unless you can find a source of him actually saying that. He certainly wouldn't use the term 'The Jews' - that would be racist, which is why he is being alluded to have said that. Do you not believe that falsely accusing others of racism is as bad as racism itself? :rolleyes:
he's hardly the most trustworthy of people is he? naseem, that is.
Jazzz said:
editor - however many articles you post up saying that Naseem has accused 'The Jews' or Mossad as being responsible, it counts for absolutely zilch unless you can find a source of him actually saying that. He certainly wouldn't use the term 'The Jews' - that would be racist, which is why he is being alluded to have said that. Do you not believe that falsely accusing others of racism is as bad as racism itself? :rolleyes:
Are you blind? Did you even read my post above? The Party that he is on the 5 person leadership of (as Executive Member) put out a long and detailed article clearly suggesting that Mossad had prior knowledge of the bombs and that they were precisely what the British Government wanted at that time, and invited readers to draw the obvious conclusion. I even quoted the exact passages from the text for you.
Jazzz said:
editor - however many articles you post up saying that Naseem has accused 'The Jews' or Mossad as being responsible, it counts for absolutely zilch unless you can find a source of him actually saying that. He certainly wouldn't use the term 'The Jews' - that would be racist, which is why he is being alluded to have said that. Do you not believe that falsely accusing others of racism is as bad as racism itself? :rolleyes:
And you want to see some of the stuff on his site about 'the jews' and the stuff about the Protocols of The Elders of Zion that contributors have written. You know nothing about this man and the crap he believes in - are you aware of his previous leading role in the religious minority massacaring Jamaat-i-Islami?
At the very, very least one, could say that Mr Naseem had not been as circumspect as he might have been as regards disassociating himself from the publicised opinions of the party of which he is an important member.
butchersapron said:
It suggests two things very clearly:

a) That mossad had prior knowledge of the bombs and so were able to warn the Israeli Embassy and Netanyahu before the actual explosions.

"Then there is the timing and method of the blasts. First the various explosions were spread out over more than an hour, until people began to ask why, seeing that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad had been able to warn Netanyahu (who was conveniently on location) not to leave his hotel"


b) that the British Government was in some way involved as these attacks were precisely what they needed politically at that time.

"London needed a real terror attack in order to numb people sufficiently for the government to push through legislation that they had not been able to push through even before their electoral fiasco."

Surely such a thorough investigator as you can manage to read between the lines here, or simply just put two and two togther as the article so clearly and so often invites you to do? Here's another inviting tid-bit:

"What is more, in a multi-million people city like London there are inevitably people who see things they were not meant to see, like station closures before the event, for example, or the shooting of alleged perpetrators by police in Canary Wharf which was hushed up very quickly. As the saying goes: you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time."

Whatever can they be suggesting?
I did actually miss this post while formulating a reply.

The Netanyahu question is very well covered by Justin Raimondo in his Anti-War blog
See No Evil: Spinning Netanyahu's London Terror Tip-off
Mossad Chief Confirms Netanyahu's Warning of London Bombing

it's a perfectly valid question to be asking. It doesn't mean the finger is necessarily being pointed at the perpetrator. There are plenty of people saying that the USA had prior warnings of 9-11. That doesn't necessarily mean that anyone doing that is saying that the USG perpetrated them. You can tell the people who say that - because they'll come out and say so.

Likewise I'll concur with the need for a terror attack in order to push through legislation. That doesn't mean I'll say 'The British Government did it'. In fact, I wouldn't say that at all.

When 'reading between this lines' you have to be careful not to put words in people's mouths.
butchersapron said:
notorious fascist, homophobic and anti-semitic conspiracy loon Alexander Baron
Is he the one that writes limericks? I've always hated limericks.
Jazzz said:
At last, on 17 July the hotel proprietor decided to take a look inside the room. In it he found:
* a ‘Bin Laden’ tape;
* ‘Al Qaeda’ manuals on “How to make bombs” and “ How to blow up an air-liner”; and
LOL! Did they take their Official Al-Qaeda Member's Card with them in their wallet? :D
FridgeMagnet said:
At the very, very least one, could say that Mr Naseem had not been as circumspect as he might have been as regards disassociating himself from the publicised opinions of the party of which he is an important member.
That's Dr Naseem. Knowing how important titles are around here I'm surprised FM ;)
Jazzz said:
When 'reading between this lines' you have to be careful not to put words in people's mouths.

And when placed in the context of the other views held by a group (as i tried to do by mentioning the other loony beliefs of the Party of which he is one of the major figures, you know 'the jewsih stuff', the record of other contributors to his site and his own background) it becomes clear what they are in fact, suggesting . Do have a look at those other articles, the 911 in particular, which i think do establish their support for the idea of a 'jewish conspiracy' (and many other conspiracies).
JWH said:
Is he the one that writes limericks? I've always hated limericks.

Yep here's an example:

A good year was 1984,
With Bhopal, Ethiopia and more,
Like the miners on strike,
And the gay man and dike
Both dying of AIDS by the score.

Nice people your mates knock about with Jazz.
Jazzz said:
I did actually miss this post while formulating a reply.

The Netanyahu question is very well covered by Justin Raimondo in his Anti-War blog
See No Evil: Spinning Netanyahu's London Terror Tip-off
Mossad Chief Confirms Netanyahu's Warning of London Bombing

it's a perfectly valid question to be asking. It doesn't mean the finger is necessarily being pointed at the perpetrator. There are plenty of people saying that the USA had prior warnings of 9-11. That doesn't necessarily mean that anyone doing that is saying that the USG perpetrated them. You can tell the people who say that - because they'll come out and say so.

Likewise I'll concur with the need for a terror attack in order to push through legislation. That doesn't mean I'll say 'The British Government did it'. In fact, I wouldn't say that at all.

When 'reading between this lines' you have to be careful not to put words in people's mouths.
Straw man. You're not addressing the issue - that they are clearly saying that it was a false flag operation.
butchersapron said:
Yep here's an example:

A good year was 1984,
With Bhopal, Ethiopia and more,
Like the miners on strike,
And the gay man and dike
Both dying of AIDS by the score.

Nice people your mates knock about with Jazz.
I don't know where you got this charming ditty from but I really don't care for guilt by association, which is clearly a big part of your style. I'm not 'mates' with Dr Naseem nor anyone in the Islamist Party. Out of the writings of Dr Naseem that I have seen, and you have put forward, I see nothing objectionable nor do I see him coming up with a theory as to who perpetrated it. That is all that concerns me.
Jazzz said:
I don't know where you got this charming ditty from but I really don't care for guilt by association, which is clearly a big part of your style. I'm not 'mates' with Dr Naseem nor anyone in the Islamist Party. Out of the writings of Dr Naseem that I have seen, and you have put forward, I see nothing objectionable nor do I see him coming up with a theory as to who perpetrated it. That is all that concerns me.
If you'd very carefully read my either my posts on this thread, or the website of the Party of Dr Naseem you'd know where it came from. I'm attempting to demonstrate the prior record of the man you're claiming to believe. That's very relavent and anyone with any critical faculties would know why - certainly someone involed in any sort of objective reseach or investigation - if they're at all compotent that is - would be very interested in this hearing this sort of thing. You're not though. Which speaks absolute volumes about you i'm sorry to say.
butchersapron said:
If you'd very carefully read my either my posts on this thread, or the website of the Party of Dr Naseem you'd know where it came from. I'm attempting to demonstrate the prior record of the man you're claiming to believe. That's very relavent and anyone with any critical faculties would know why - certainly someone involed in any sort of objective reseach or investigation - if they're at all compotent that is - would be very interested in this hearing this sort of thing. You're not though. Which speaks absolute volumes about you i'm sorry to say.
You are not interested in investigation here; you are simply interested in finding excuses to dismiss out of hand anything that is uncomfortable to your belief system. You have provided nothing to suggest that Dr Naseem, a respected cleric amongst his community, would completely fabricate an account. You have misrepresented his comments and have been attempting the most tenuous smears.
Jazzz said:
You are not interested in investigation here; you are simply interested in finding excuses to dismiss out of hand anything that is uncomfortable to your belief system. You have provided nothing to suggest that Dr Naseem, a respected cleric amongst his community, would completely fabricate an account. You have misrepresented his comments and have been attempting the most tenuous smears.
Well I think, in my most humble opinion, you are quite mad.
Everything you write on these boards is bollocks to the core.
How decent people like ernesto are banned and you are not is well beyond me.
In fact how 3stripes is banned and you are allowed to spew your filth is beyond me.
:mad: x200000000
"What is more, in a multi-million people city like London there are inevitably people who see things they were not meant to see, like station closures before the event, for example, or the shooting of alleged perpetrators by police in Canary Wharf which was hushed up very quickly. As the saying goes: you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time."

Canary Wharf, home to four national newspapers & the place of work for tens of thousands & no-one saw anything.. why, because it did not happen..
Jazzz said:
You are not interested in investigation here; you are simply interested in finding excuses to dismiss out of hand anything that is uncomfortable to your belief system. You have provided nothing to suggest that Dr Naseem, a respected cleric amongst his community, would completely fabricate an account. You have misrepresented his comments and have been attempting the most tenuous smears.

I think you'll find that i've actually done some background research om some of the people alleged to be involved in this story - research that you either simply couldn't be bothered to do or and are now dismissing out of hand because it damages the credibility of that person and the story - and this failure combined with the Ostrich character of you reaction, in turn damages what little credibility you yourself have left on these boards. Bacground research is absolutley crucial in determining motivations, history, possible bias and other subjectivities. This is a basic investigative tool Jazz - i can see just why you reject it though, given your often demonstrated antipathy to proper critical investigation.

And i repeat, the source you gave for the story does not claim that it came from "from Dr. Mohammed Naseem." and the story itself makes that clear. So why have you appended it to the original article?
Having just searched the Daily Jang, the Pakistani paper that it was claimed the story was printed in on 17th July i cannot find the story at all - can anyone else (nor could i find it in the editions from the 18th or 19th):


And guess what, as well as this, the only reference to the journalist said to write for the Daily Jang and who was given the story and then wrote if for the Daily Jang (Appas Malik) on the web is from Jazz's story. No mentions at all other than that. How odd.
butchersapron said:
Having just searched the Daily Jang, the Pakistani paper that it was claimed the story was printed in on 17th July i cannot find the story at all - can anyone else (nor could i find it in the editions from the 18th or 19th):


And guess what, as well as this, the only reference to the journalist said to write for the Daily Jang and who was given the story and then wrote if for the Daily Jang (Appas Malik) on the web is from Jazz's story. No mentions at all other than that. How odd.


whoops! Another utterly laughable Jazz 'theory' clean bowled.

butchersapron said:
Having just searched the Daily Jang, the Pakistani paper that it was claimed the story was printed in on 17th July i cannot find the story at all - can anyone else (nor could i find it in the editions from the 18th or 19th):
I did try and search that appallingly designed site, but got this message: "The website you've just visited has tried to provide you with search results from Google. Unfortunately, the site violates our terms of service so your search could not be completed."

No doubt jazzz thoroughly researched the story before posting it up here, so I'm sure he'll be along shortly with the correct attributed sources/URL etc etc

(Well, we can dream).
Well that would appear to be a different newspaper - that's a paper from Pakistan rather than a Pakistani local, isn't it?
same thing:

he Daily Jang (روزنامہ جنگ) is the largest Urdu language newspaper of the world, published by the Jang Group simultaneously from Pakistan's main cities, Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta and Multan, as well as from London (UK) as well for circulation throughout Europe. Mir Khalil ur Rehman was the founder of the newspaper and now his younger son Mir Shakil ur Rehman is the present owner.

Jazzz said:
Well that would appear to be a different newspaper - that's a paper from Pakistan rather than a Pakistani local, isn't it?
Are you going to produce a credible source for your yarn or not?
Jazzz said:
ok I'm registering! If it's not there I'll chase it up.
Do me a favour. Please take the time to adequately research credible sources before posting up your next batch of wild claims otherwise you mind find them being deposited straight in the bin.
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