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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

What do you like about him? His wealth,his British patriotism and unionism, his love of certain regimes, his catholicism, his speeches? Galloway abandoned socialism and his class years ago- like so many of the misnamed representatives of labour.

Didn't your lot just sell out Sheridan for the murdoch coin? Glass houses...stones?
Dexter i support Sheridan against the British courts and have been unsparing in my criticism of the SSP. Check my posts on here. I was in the SSP at the beginning and cant believe how easily it crumbled with its first bit of pressure from the secret British state and its friends in the Scottish "left".
Yeah, I did notice. So it's more cutting your own nose off to spite your face than throwing stones in glass houses ;)
I'd support just about anyone going up against the news of the world. but suing them for libel when you did what they reported you did thats just fucking stupid. only really going to be one result your going to jail.
any chance of NOW provoking tony into suing please preety please:)
Me and Mr Sheridan would no doubt disagree on almost any and everything but I think its a joke that he has gotten jailed for this. How does it benefit society in anyway ? Especially since it was only some shitty tabloid that was meant to be the 'victim' of this crime.
Oh come on ....

He is hardly a dimwit innocent ...

He knew perfectly well that it is against the law to lie in court, there is even a word for it "perjury".

He knew all that yet he spun a web of lies for profit in his libel court and now he has been found out!

A person of political substance, with a reputation to protect.

Foolhardy, stupid, criminal ....

He deserves every day he spends inside, perhaps he will grow up a bit!
Oh come on ....

He is hardly a dimwit innocent ...

He knew perfectly well that it is against the law to lie in court, there is even a word for it "perjury".

He knew all that yet he spun a web of lies for profit in his libel court and now he has been found out!

A person of political substance, with a reputation to protect.

Foolhardy, stupid, criminal ....

He deserves every day he spends inside, perhaps he will grow up a bit!

I dont think anybody is saying that he was innocent but surely what matters in any crime who the victim is. If he had been caught lieing under oath to prevent somebody being found guilty of murder or similar then fine, lock him up.

But in the case of shitty tabloid whose original story was just a farce (his sex life is his business. As I understand it everything was consensual and between adults and in private so why is that 'news' ? ) then I am personally pissed off that the tax payer is going to have to foot the bill for keeping this man locked up.

Its this sort of thing that community service should be designed for.
My own 'venom' is reserved for those political organisations who cheerled Tommy into court, whispered support in his ear as the courtcases loomed safe in the knowledge their liberty was never at risk and that they were safe. The armchair generals and Marxist Earl Haigs who celebrated this disaster from behind the front lines. The very people who relished theor 'political martyr' utterly safe in the knowledge that their liberty was never at threat but gifted a political cause celebre they never had to worry about losing on.....
Perjury is a very serious crime indeed - he should count himself lucky.
I was expecting more like 4 or 5 years.
My own 'venom' is reserved for those political organisations who cheerled Tommy into court, whispered support in his ear as the courtcases loomed safe in the knowledge their liberty was never at risk and that they were safe. The armchair generals and Marxist Earl Haigs who celebrated this disaster from behind the front lines. The very people who relished theor 'political martyr' utterly safe in the knowledge that their liberty was never at threat but gifted a political cause celebre they never had to worry about losing on.....

I cannot imagine anybody seeing him as a 'political martyr'. I guess Lord Archers jailing for perjury following a similar(ish) sort of scandal shows that its hardly the preserve of lefties to be targeted by the tabloid press in this manner.
I cannot imagine anybody seeing him as a 'political martyr'. I guess Lord Archers jailing for perjury following a similar(ish) sort of scandal shows that its hardly the preserve of lefties to be targeted by the tabloid press in this manner.

I suggest you read the dribblings of Solidarity on the issue...
I suggest you read the dribblings of Solidarity on the issue...

I will take your word on it.

They must be fucking idiots though to try and push a political angle on this. I mean all that swinging stuff aint my cup of tea for all sorts of reasons ( I have a minor case of OCD about personel hygine and that sort of thing would be far too sticky for my liking ignoring any moral stuff) but its hardly going to discredit a left wing politician is it ? Some right winger who banged on about family values maybe but a leftie ? Nah.
It's a pity then that it was his left-wing mates who sold him out to the news of the world for money after he won the original defamation case.

And I'd argue that with the notw...yes, you are much more likely to be attacked as a politician if you're left-wing.
I dont think anybody is saying that he was innocent but surely what matters in any crime who the victim is. If he had been caught lieing under oath to prevent somebody being found guilty of murder or similar then fine, lock him up.

I am not sure that the status of the victim should determine the severity of the crime. I understand that it is a tempting argumentative line to take but I am not sure it is right.

But in the case of shitty tabloid whose original story was just a farce (his sex life is his business. As I understand it everything was consensual and between adults and in private so why is that 'news' ? ) then I am personally pissed off that the tax payer is going to have to foot the bill for keeping this man locked up.

But people who stand up in public life and preach to others (I admit I don't really know what his personal preachings were about) have historically been fair game. So the paper picked him up about his private life ........... no I don't know enough about that.

Its this sort of thing that community service should be designed for.

Would you have been happy if Archer had just got a community sentence?
I'm sorry for his family, but he was an idiot who brought this on himself, and fucked over (in more ways than one) a lot of other people on the way - so I have no sympathy at all for the position he's now in. And this is really fuck all to do with this political position, if he hadn't lied, then lied again, he wouldn't have been sleeping behind bars tonight.
I'm sorry for his family, but he was an idiot who brought this on himself, and fucked over (in more ways than one) a lot of other people on the way - so I have no sympathy at all for the position he's now in. And this is really fuck all to do with this political position, if he hadn't lied, then lied again, he wouldn't have been sleeping behind bars tonight.

I agree ..
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