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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

That's a bit puritan of you. I can appreciate that its not exactly classy, but good luck to him, I'm glad he got paid for his excellent work and I hope spent his windfall and something nice.

Unfortunately if he's spent the cash, then when the civil appeal succeeds, he'll have to sell his nice property to pay back the damages (+ the paper's legal costs). That should get him back to penury pretty quickly, still, no doubt he can touch up the Legal Aid fund for his bankruptcy proceedings.
I'm not sure, possibly more to do with the NotW appealing the defamation trial verdict.

Exactly. The requirement to pay damages was suspended pending the defender's appeal, and the appeal was held back until the criminal conviction was concluded.
Tommy Sheridan has some new witnesses.

The Scotsman can reveal Sheridan's legal team have unearthed the fresh witnesses who say they can place the former MSP at an SSP meeting on the day he was accused of being at a swingers' club in Manchester - a key part of the prosecution evidence used to convict him.

The lawyers claim the witnesses will cast "serious doubt" over the perjury conviction and could lead to the guilty verdict being thrown out on appeal.

Sheridan was convicted on five counts of perjury relating to evidence he gave in his civil action against the News of the World, and one of the charges related specifically to him attending Cupid's in Manchester on 27 September, 2002. However, one of the new witnesses, Fatima Uygun, whose evidence will form a key part of Sheridan's attempt to win an appeal, claims she was at a political meeting with the then SSP leader on that date and that he even planted a birthday kiss on her cheek.

Another witness, Mark Gilroy, claims to have spoken to Sheridan during the same meeting at the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow, where they were promoting an SSP event due to be held a few days later.

The Scotsman understands a third witness, who is currently out of the country, is also ready to give evidence, which Sheridan's camp say could cast "serious" doubt" over the "safety of the conviction".


Gosh - so some more Sheridan groupies have crawled out of the woodwork............

Where were they during the initial Civil trial and the perjury trial?

"Ms Uygun claimed the conviction was a "miscarriage of justice" and said she was so anxious to give evidence at any appeal that she would "rugby tackle" the former MSP in order to testify that he was at the event rather than the swingers' club on the date in question."

Sounds credible (sniggers)........

I'm sure that the Anti-Sheridan wing of the revolutionary Socialisticical free Garthamnock party will happily dredge up an equal number of brothers and sisters who can swear that he was at the swingers club to show their solidarity to their clique.

Unfortunately, one of them may turn out to be to be a little bit unreliable.

Community activist Fatima Uygun told a newspaper Sheridan could not have been at a sex club in Manchester on September 27, 2002, as his trial heard, since she was with him that night at an event on socialism and the arts in Glasgow.

However, according to public records, Ms Uygun’s birthday was four days earlier, on September 23. Files lodged at Companies House show that on six occasions between 2002 and 2009, she signed statements giving her date of birth as September 23, 1967, when she became the director or secretary of various limited companies. Ms Uygun also gives her birthday as September 23 on her Facebook page.


But she could also face questions about her objectivity after posting vitriolic messages on Sheridan’s Facebook page, vowing to hunt down his detractors “like wild animals”.

On December 29, six days after the guilty verdict against Sheridan, she wrote: “I have already made it my life’s mission to hunt the scab down like wild animals … adding their parasitic friends to my ‘hate list’.”

She also referred to former Scottish Socialist MSP Carolyn Leckie, who told the trial Sheridan was a liar, as “scab scum” who “in an ideal world would be tarred and feathered”, and added: “Tommy was convicted based on lies.

“The only people guilty here are socialist scabs from the SSP, [Rupert] Murdoch and the cops.”

In another Facebook comment she said: “I have been warned by the fat copper that his Lordship has warned that if I react again I will be thrown out for the rest of the trial.”

Oh, dearie me.
I'm not sure i'd advise you to hold your breathe for that 'new left to emerge'. Solidarity is effectively finished, the SSP will carry on, tiny as it is. The next big 'farce' is Galloway possibly standing in Glasgow.... that will be an even funnier lash up than the one you mentioned above.

No a fan of Gorgeous then, Fed?

His performance in front of that US Senate Committee is possibly my favourite TV performance ever. He made complete cunts out of them - and on their manor
No a fan of Gorgeous then, Fed?

His performance in front of that US Senate Committee is possibly my favourite TV performance ever. He made complete cunts out of them - and on their manor

He is a brilliant showman when he wants to be, fair play to him for that.
No a fan of Gorgeous then, Fed?

His performance in front of that US Senate Committee is possibly my favourite TV performance ever. He made complete cunts out of them - and on their manor

Not really, he's already wittered on about the Muslim vote. It's not politics for him, he said it himself, he sees himself as a 'big hoitter' and the Scottish parliament needs big hitters like him. Georges only principle is what's good for George. His legacy in Dundee isn't exactly something to be proud of neither.

Yeah he was good in that Senate hearing, he's had his moments on his radio show when a Rangers fan phone him and George rather ripped him a new arsehole. But that's not exactly what we need in a pro-working class representative is it? And as spanky-ironic name for this thread-says he's a showman, but not much else.
What will be interesting is the response of the sectarians ie SWP & the CWI. After all the SWP 'hate' him after the RESPECT debacle, the CWI criticised him over it. But I wonder if the ability to sell papers and recruit as part of his campaign will over-ride that political animosity. Obviously it'll be dressed up as 'unity' if they do...... :rolleyes:

Sheridan’s appeal in disarray as doubts arise over witness

Tom Gordon and Paul Hutcheon

8 Jan 2011

Plans for former MSP Tommy Sheridan to appeal his perjury conviction using fresh evidence were in disarray last night after holes appeared in the claims of a supposed new witness.

Community activist Fatima Uygun told a newspaper Sheridan could not have been at a sex club in Manchester on September 27, 2002, as his trial heard, since she was with him that night at an event on socialism and the arts in Glasgow.

“Tommy was definitely at the meeting and I was chairing it,” she was quoted as saying. “I wound up the meeting as it was my birthday and my husband and I were going out for dinner for my birthday. Tommy spoke to my husband and Tommy gave me a kiss for my birthday.”

However, according to public records, Ms Uygun’s birthday was four days earlier, on September 23.

Files lodged at Companies House show that on six occasions between 2002 and 2009, she signed statements giving her date of birth as September 23, 1967, when she became the director or secretary of various limited companies. Ms Uygun also gives her birthday as September 23 on her Facebook page.

Sheridan, 46, was found guilty last month of lying during his 2006 defamation action against the News of the World. The newspaper claimed the then Glasgow MSP had been unfaithful to his wife Gail and visited a swingers’ club in Manchester.

Sheridan sued and won £200,000 damages, but contradictory evidence during the case led to a perjury investigation and charges being brought against the politician and his wife. All charges were later dropped against his wife.

Ms Uygun, who stood as a council candidate for Sheridan’s Solidarity party in Glasgow in 2007, was one of three new witnesses reported to have been unearthed by the Sheridan camp as it prepares an appeal against his conviction after he is sentenced later this month.

In an interview, she said she was so keen to correct the “miscarriage of justice” that she would “rugby tackle” Sheridan in order to testify that he was with her in Glasgow, not Manchester.

But she could also face questions about her objectivity after posting vitriolic messages on Sheridan’s Facebook page, vowing to hunt down his detractors “like wild animals”.

On December 29, six days after the guilty verdict against Sheridan, she wrote: “I have already made it my life’s mission to hunt the scab down like wild animals … adding their parasitic friends to my ‘hate list’.”

She also referred to former Scottish Socialist MSP Carolyn Leckie, who told the trial Sheridan was a liar, as “scab scum” who “in an ideal world would be tarred and feathered”, and added: “Tommy was convicted based on lies.

“The only people guilty here are socialist scabs from the SSP, [Rupert] Murdoch and the cops.”

In another Facebook comment she said: “I have been warned by the fat copper that his Lordship has warned that if I react again I will be thrown out for the rest of the trial.”

Although she sat through much of Sheridan’s trial as an observer, she said she felt unable to give evidence as it was “going on during a date” which coincided with the birthday of her late husband, singer-songwriter Alistair Hulett, who died last January. However, Mr Hulett was born on October 15. Sheridan did not call his first defence witness until December 3, six weeks later.

Ms Uygun said last night that, after taking legal advice, she was declining to comment further. “I have been inundated by calls and I did not expect to make that much news,” she said.

As The Herald asked about her birthday, she hung up.
...Yeah he was good in that Senate hearing.... he's had his moments on his radio show.... ripped him a new arsehole. But that's not exactly what we need in a pro-working class representative is it?
No..you don't want an expert speaker who can shit on the right-wingers in their own house, expelled from his party for being against a war that we were all against, shown himself to be adept on his feet, can host a phone in comfortably.

You want mary fucking poppins.

You're a realist. :)

You've got choices of quality reps.
No..you don't want an expert speaker who can shit on the right-wingers in their own house, expelled from his party for being against a war that we were all against, shown himself to be adept on his feet, can host a phone in comfortably.

You want mary fucking poppins.

You're a realist. :)

You've got choices of quality reps.

Actually he wasn't expelled for being anti-war but for comments prehudicial to the LP. A fair few Labour MPs were resolutely anti-war, and managed not to be rimjobs for Saddam at any time, remarkable that.

No, I want a pro-working class socialist with decent pro-working class principles. As such that counts Galloway out because his only principle is himself. His inability to stop getting his snout in any trough he can to make more and more money doesn't make me warm to him either...
Feel free to offer a possibility so we can compare, Fed.

this thread has pretty much shown that 'you lot' (no offence) don't actually deserve a capable politician, (a career politician?) because what 'you lot' do is not politics. You seem to want a church.

A decent politician would most likely be wasted on you. (Not you specifically, Fed, but I can't deny you're in the vicinty)
Feel free to offer a possibility so we can compare, Fed.

this thread has pretty much shown that 'you lot' (no offence) don't actually deserve a capable politician, (a career politician?) because what 'you lot' do is not politics. You seem to want a church.

A decent politician would most likely be wasted on you. (Not you specifically, Fed, but I can't deny you're in the vicinty)

What comparison? This isn't binary opposition, it's not a case of if Galloway or no-one. If there's no-one i'd support I wouldn't vote, rather an easy point to make but too difficult for you it seems.

'you lot'... 'don't do politics'. Fucking laughable, 'you lot' exercised democratic accountability, ie political control of political representatives and got pilloried for it. I'd stick to Sheridan puff pieces if I was you....

A decent politician would be wasted on me eh? But of course you are more than worthy of a decent politician.... :rolleyes:
You said you wanted a certain kind of politician, I only asked you to name one.

Why do I have to name one? Again you seem unable to grasp the obvious concept that it's not Galloway or bust. Any politician i'd vote for would have to have certain qualities, Galloway has plenty of 'qualities' but far too many that make him not worth voting for.
expelled from his party for being against a war that we were all against....

The charges laid against George and for which he was expelled from the Labour Party were that he -

- incited Arabs to fight British troops
- incited British troops to defy orders
- threatened to stand against Labour
- backed an anti-war candidate in Preston.
Like I said...being anti a war I and millions of others marched against.

As much as I agreed with him in opposing the war it's a bit of a bending of facts to say he was 'expelled from his party for being against a war that we were all against'.
This little remark is a perfect example of why I have little faith in galloway "As I told Tommy Sheridan once, I couldn’t live on three workers’ wages." in reply to people not supporting over his refusal to stand on a workers wage.

Awwww bless, £150,000....... What a fine representative of the working-class.

"I spend my life working, I don’t do anything else: I don’t go to casinos, I don’t drink alcohol, I’ve meetings nearly every night of the week. Of course I don’t go around in sackcloth and ashes, why should I? Everything I have in life I’ve earned myself. Every penny I make I spend. I earned nearly £150,000 last year: I’ve got an overdraft. I don’t have any savings. I spend it on the move on the things I need to function properly as a leading figure in a part of the British political system."

Indeed...and your reps are so much better. :)

As I keep saying...'you lot' don't know an opportunity when it drops in your laps.
Indeed...and your reps are so much better. :)

As I keep saying...'you lot' don't know an opportunity when it drops in your laps.

You can't even dispute the point politically can you.... And you say others don't do politics.... Oh the irony.

What reps? If you mean SSP MSP's they had more integtrity in their little finger that that carpet-bagging communalist clown.
Feel free to offer a possibility so we can compare, Fed.

this thread has pretty much shown that 'you lot' (no offence) don't actually deserve a capable politician, (a career politician?) because what 'you lot' do is not politics. You seem to want a church.

A decent politician would most likely be wasted on you. (Not you specifically, Fed, but I can't deny you're in the vicinty)

Funny you should write that 'cos you're the main culprit on this thread for needing something to worship.
This little remark is a perfect example of why I have little faith in galloway "As I told Tommy Sheridan once, I couldn’t live on three workers’ wages." in reply to people not supporting over his refusal to stand on a workers wage.

Awwww bless, £150,000....... What a fine representative of the working-class.

Galloway earnings are in or around the £500,000 per annum mark. The Scottish working class really needs another millionaire Brit unionist politician of the fake labour variety.


Fuck Galloway.
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