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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

Anyway, back to Mr Sheridan's trial. It seems that one of the jurors has been busy on Facebook, and may be facing a jail sentence of her own.

The juror, who cannot be named for legal reasons, may have breached the Contempt of Court Act by posting details of the jury’s deliberations – a crime which, if found guilty, can lead to a jail term. In ungrammatical English she described her fellow jurors as “dirty low life b*******” for finding Sheridan guilty, before saying she hoped they “choke in their f****** sleep, scum bags they are”.

On a public Facebook group linked to Sheridan, the female juror wrote: “Hi tommy i was one off youre jurers.” She revealed how the jurors had voted and commented on whether Sheridan was guilty or not. The post, which was written on January 4, then said: “Dont know if this letter gets too you personally but id be grateful if you can get back too me please.”She continued: “Hubby is 1000% behind you and so am i dawl ok i really think strong for you dawl and youre going to appeal against these idiots.” She finished by describing where she sat in court and said: “please please tommy get back to me or tell gail too do it let me know how you are ok pal take care.”

Oh, dearie me.
Anyway, back to Mr Sheridan's trial. It seems that one of the jurors has been busy on Facebook[/URL], and may be facing a jail sentence of her own.

"The woman also revealed where she sat during the trial and and urged Sheridan or his wife Gail to get in touch In a Facebook posting, she described fellow jurors as "dirty low life b******" and hoped they "choke in their fckn sleep scum bags they are"

It has to be a wind-up except that the Juror's literacy/intelligence level seems to be about right for a Sheridan-ite.
Gail Sheridan to run for Holyrood

The wife of Tommy Sheridan – convicted of perjury last month – is planning to run as a candidate for Solidarity, the party founded by her husband.

A formal announcement of her place at the top of Solidarity’s Glasgow list is not planned until after her husband is sentenced later this month.

But The Herald can reveal that Mrs Sheridan has agreed to put herself forward in the hope of rekindling the fortunes of the party, which broke away from the Scottish Socialists during the schism over her husband’s private life.

A friend of the couple said last night: “Gail has said she has been overwhelmed by the support she has received since the trial and the pressure on her to stand.

“She told me: ‘I realised this was the only move forward for Solidarity and I felt I had to take up Tommy’s mantle. There is everything to fight for and I am fighting to win. Given the strength of support I have received in recent weeks, anything is possible.’”

Trial judge Lord Bracadale has warned Sheridan to expect a lengthy jail sentence when he is sentenced later this month.

Party sources claim that, while her husband is in prison, Gail will not only stand for Holyrood in May, but is also prepared to spearhead Solidarity’s campaign for the local authority elections next year by standing for Glasgow City Council.

Oh, dearie me.
If puir wee Gail wants to " take up Tommy’s mantle ", she'll have to start the sunbed sessions,3 in a bed romps and wilful perjuring now.
If it fucks up Galloway getting elected then for that alone it would be great.

Or an even more cynical reading would be if they fuck each other over in getting elected.

There's an interesting comment by Andy Newman-rare in itself-over on SU about this article.
Reports on Twitter that Tommy Sheridan has died. I'm presuming that this is a sick hoax at present until I see something from the mainstream media :(
Glad to say that Mr Sheridan safe and well and fit to face the sentencing diet in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, seen on twitter ten minutes ago -

BREAKING: Popular People's Glasgow socialist front to contest Holyrood election to give voters on left a proper choice of a dozen parties

and eight minutes ago -

Popular People's Glasgow Socialist Front to split into Popular People's Socialist Front of Glasgow and People's Popular Socialist Front
Sure is. All the radical and intellectually challenging talent is on our side your lot is left with middle class careerist placemen/women and Iain Gray.As for Galloway just who with a brain believes him?
I like Galloway :)

I get slightly more shit for liking Galloway than Sheridan. Church of the Latter Day Socialists and all that.
What do you like about him? His wealth,his British patriotism and unionism, his love of certain regimes, his catholicism, his speeches? Galloway abandoned socialism and his class years ago- like so many of the misnamed representatives of labour.
I once read a bit of Galloways autobiography but he lost me when he started arguing again scottish independance on the premise that 'the world needs fewer borders, not more'.

That's all very well as an abstract theory but while the english keep voting in the tories i'd prefer if their voting didn't have any impact up here thanks.
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