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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

The scumbag was Sheridan's best man, wasn't he? Birds of a feather and all that.

Sheridan was never on the gear, never robbed the houses of the working class,never done gaol for anything other than politics unlike McNeilage. Years ago George was under a heavy threat and Sheridan and a good few others went to lengths to dig him out and get him some protection. Wish they hadnt bothered for the scumbag. George was given every chance andlookhow the scumbag rat repays. Fuck him.
They are the scum of the earth. So called socialists grassing to the police and collaborating with the state to get a man jailed. 200K one of the scumbags pocketed for covertly taping Sheridan then selling it to Murdochs News of the World.
are you saying that TS was not, in any way, the architect of his own misfortunes?
are you saying that TS was not, in any way, the architect of his own misfortunes?

We are all to some degree architects of our own misfortune pal. But we dont usually get dobbed in by our comrades nor have the level of scrutiny and surveillance that Tam had. He is guilty of underestimating the Brits and the socialist types who are fairly clueless at best and downright midnights at worst.
We are all to some degree architects of our own misfortune pal. But we dont usually get dobbed in by our comrades nor have the level of scrutiny and surveillance that Tam had. He is guilty of underestimating the Brits and the socialist types who are fairly clueless at best and downright midnights at worst.

You're mental.
are you saying that TS was not, in any way, the architect of his own misfortunes?

If only he were only the architect of his own misfortune!

He is also responsible for putting his then comrades in the SSP into an impossible position, slandering them when they opted not to commit perjury in the service of Big Tommy's vanity and for the destruction of a political party he had done much to build.

The fools who insist on applauding Tommy's foolishness and join Tommy in denigrating the SSPers who failed to commit perjury like to pretend that objections to Tommy are objections to his sexual antics. They also like to pretend that the News of the Screws ran an exposé because News International wanted to do down a socialist, as if they don't run similar gossip about politicians of all persuasions and non-politicians of all sorts, too. It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that the Tommy-ites are idiots or liars or both.
They set the whole thing up with their factional methods and desire to have Sheridan replaced. They took the minutes and kept them. They could all have quite easily avoided being NoTW witnesses. Sheridan had took the NoTW on after standing down as leader of the SSP.
He has done a lot of good work in the past, of course. But it's not that he lied about his sex life - it's that he tried to drag other people into a mess of his own making, and when they refused to lie for him, he called them liars and scabs. That is no way to treat people.

SSP members testifying for Murdoch, a leading SSP member going to a newspaper, police informants and another member, a so called “mate” selling his soul to the class enemy for £200,000. They did all these things because they wanted to, not because they were compelled or obliged to do so. All beyond the pale and history will record this lot as a bunch of unprincipled traitors to their class.
SSP members testifying for Murdoch, a leading SSP member going to a newspaper, police informants and another member, a so called “mate” selling his soul to the class enemy for £200,000. They did all these things because they wanted to, not because they were compelled or obliged to do so. All beyond the pale and history will record this lot as a bunch of unprincipled traitors to their class.

This is it in a nutshell. Look, if I do something stupid say shoplift something from a shop, and get caught. It's my fault and I am solely responsible. But if, say, I get away with shoplifting and, for reasons of their own, my former friends grass me up, sell the story to the press and then sit back and watch me get knicked and humiliated in the press then they are complete cunts who betrayed me. If they are former comrades who do this for petty factional reasons they are traitors. I am still a fool. but they are still treacherous dogs.
Well put Dylans.
Sheridan would not have been charged, prosecuted and convicted without the demand for his prosecution and the collaboration with the crown in the court, freely and actively given by the SSP leadership and a whole host of its members.
This is it in a nutshell. Look, if I do something stupid say shoplift something from a shop, and get caught. It's my fault and I am solely responsible. But if, say, I get away with shoplifting and, for reasons of their own, my former friends grass me up, sell the story to the press and then sit back and watch me get knicked and humiliated in the press then they are complete cunts who betrayed me. If they are former comrades who do this for petty factional reasons they are traitors. I am still a fool. but they are still treacherous dogs.

Most people who go around shoplifting are intelligent enough not to sue anyone who accuses them of being a shoplifter - Tommy was stupid enough to do so as he thought that his comrades would do anything to support his their dear leader.
Sheridan would not have been charged, prosecuted and convicted without the demand for his prosecution and the collaboration with the crown in the court, freely and actively given by the SSP leadership and a whole host of its members.

Not strictly true. During the original defamation trial, the judge said "It seems to me pretty much inevitable there will have to be a criminal inquiry at the conclusion of this case into the question of whether witnesses have committed perjury. Witnesses who have committed perjury would be liable to be sentenced to imprisonment for a lengthy period."

Most people who go around shoplifting are intelligent enough not to sue anyone who accuses them of being a shoplifter - Tommy was stupid enough to do so as he thought that his comrades would do anything to support his their dear leader.

Indeed he was stupid. He didn't deserve support for his stupid decision to sue. However, not supporting him is one thing. Actively collaborating with the enemy, profiting from his situation and grassing him up is another. Its ABC. Socialists don't join forces with the News of the World to stitch up their comrades. If they do they are class traitors. End of story
Not strictly true. During the original defamation trial, the judge said "It seems to me pretty much inevitable there will have to be a criminal inquiry at the conclusion of this case into the question of whether witnesses have committed perjury. Witnesses who have committed perjury would be liable to be sentenced to imprisonment for a lengthy period."


The fact that this Sheriff made this remark is very telling. A perjury investigation was a definite if Sheridan won the defamation as the SSP had been briefing medialeftright and centre and of course the McNeilage tape was there. News International were going to put a hell of alot of pressure on for round two. They certainly didnt lack influenceor contacts.
Even if he hadn't won, a perjury investigation was on the cards -- the judge after all made his remarks during rather than after the trial. What with one lot of people saying one thing and the other lot the opposite, some of them were obviously lying. And given how high-profile the trial was, can't see there's any way they could've got away without investigating it whatever the outcone.
Did they volunteer as witnesses in the original trial, or were they subpoenaed and given the choice of perjuring themselves or being called liars in court by Sheridan? Noone comes out of this looking good, but I don't think you can argue that the perjury trial came about because some people decided to betray Sheridan - it came about because he put them in an impossible position by making a big deal out of a trivial NotW story.
They set the whole thing up by their actions at the Executive meeting , recording the minutes and then Alan McCombes goes and puts an affidavit into the Herald behind the back of the SSP. Sheridan stepped down so as to distance his action against the NoTW from the SSP. The SSP witnesses had by the time of the case all become very keen witnesses for the NoTW.
Indeed he was stupid. He didn't deserve support for his stupid decision to sue. However, not supporting him is one thing. Actively collaborating with the enemy, profiting from his situation and grassing him up is another. Its ABC. Socialists don't join forces with the News of the World to stitch up their comrades. If they do they are class traitors. End of story

How many people have profited from the situation?
How many people have profited from the situation?

A PROSECUTION witness against Tommy Sheridan has spent £200,000 he received from a Sunday newspaper, but denied his evidence had been bought.
George McNeilage approached the News of the World, and negotiated a £200,000 payment for the tape. He also received an initial £1,500 cash payment so he and his children could escape the glare of publicity when the tape was revealed by the paper. He had a week in a caravan at "damp and dreary" Flamingoland theme park.


George McNeilage, 46, told Sheridan's perjury trial he was paid £200,000 by the Sunday newspaper for the video footage he secretly filmed of the former Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) leader in November 2004.

Of course, the SSP will be expelling McNeilage for such treacherous behaviour right? ... Oh!
The fact that this Sheriff made this remark is very telling. A perjury investigation was a definite if Sheridan won the defamation as the SSP had been briefing medialeftright and centre and of course the McNeilage tape was there. News International were going to put a hell of alot of pressure on for round two. They certainly didnt lack influenceor contacts.

Sheridan also briefed the press via Ron McKenna and his pal Mark Smith, then at the Daily Mirror. Sheridan even admitted he did this, or did you forget this per chance?
They set the whole thing up by their actions at the Executive meeting , recording the minutes and then Alan McCombes goes and puts an affidavit into the Herald behind the back of the SSP. Sheridan stepped down so as to distance his action against the NoTW from the SSP. The SSP witnesses had by the time of the case all become very keen witnesses for the NoTW.

Clueless as ever, Sheridan subpoenad the witnesses.

Btw, of course, given your former inside knowledge, you are aware, and do remember that at the NC in late November 2004 that took place at the Cally University Sheridan agreed with the minutes, didn't utter a word against their existence and agreed for them to be held by the EC/Party. Or did you forget that wee snippet?!
Sheridan was never on the gear, never robbed the houses of the working class,never done gaol for anything other than politics unlike McNeilage. Years ago George was under a heavy threat and Sheridan and a good few others went to lengths to dig him out and get him some protection. Wish they hadnt bothered for the scumbag. George was given every chance andlookhow the scumbag rat repays. Fuck him.

Anmd George also did a stretch to save Sheridans neck. Tell me 'fianna', given I know you know this, when did Sheridan start to get angry about George's past? All this was well know, it was also 30 years ago..... His time as a user is well documented in Tommy's book 'A time to rage', which of course you would know about given you were around at the time. He disliked him so much he was one of his best men, aye, that rings true..... Now, if, as TS claimed in court, George was such a terrible person, why did he go to great lengths to point out he was a good bloke in his book and have him as a best man.......??? I get TS rage at what George did, but the shite he, and Hugh Kerr elsewhere, brought up about George was pathetic.
They are the scum of the earth. So called socialists grassing to the police and collaborating with the state to get a man jailed. 200K one of the scumbags pocketed for covertly taping Sheridan then selling it to Murdochs News of the World.

At any point, other than your internet hardman persona spouting forth against george with mention of nutting squads and the like, have you ever had the sweets to actually tell George to his face of your opinion?!
Anmd George also did a stretch to save Sheridans neck. Tell me 'fianna', given I know you know this, when did Sheridan start to get angry about George's past? All this was well know, it was also 30 years ago..... His time as a user is well documented in Tommy's book 'A time to rage', which of course you would know about given you were around at the time. He disliked him so much he was one of his best men, aye, that rings true..... Now, if, as TS claimed in court, George was such a terrible person, why did he go to great lengths to point out he was a good bloke in his book and have him as a best man.......??? I get TS rage at what George did, but the shite he, and Hugh Kerr elsewhere, brought up about George was pathetic.

I dont get what your driving at here. Sheridan is obviously going to hate McNeilage after all they had been through as mates etc for the guy to turn round and set him up and betray him in such apublic and utterly mercenary and greedy, rapacious way. George McNeilage is dog shit and i would have no problem face to face with the SSPs hardest man [gangster].
I dont get what your driving at here. Sheridan is obviously going to hate McNeilage after all they had been through as mates etc for the guy to turn round and set him up and betray him in such apublic and utterly mercenary and greedy, rapacious way. George McNeilage is dog shit and i would have no problem face to face with the SSPs hardest man [gangster].

Yes, which I acknowledged. the shite i'm referring top is Sheridans pathetic trawl through Georges past6, he didn't hate him then, he had no problem with his past then, he had no problem with his younger persona that he had him as a best man. To drag that up, as if he's always seen george as a dodgy bastard was pethetic. Fine, dislike him for the tape but don't try and claim he's this nasty ex junkie you couldn't trust even though you did for 25 years.

And yet you've not bothered to do that, you've been up here since the tape was published have you not? It's funny how all these people are venting, like you with your cold holes and nutting squad wank fantasies, and yet no-one seems to have the sweets to put theory into practise. Perhaps you could get your Scottish comrades to do the bizz?!
You are out the SSP right? So why you so het up about McNeilage? Hes a scumbag and a grass. The SSP never expelled him. No surprise.

You appear to be suggesting something between McNeilage and me? I hardly no him and he wouldnt know me. If theres any scores to be settled, im sure someone will settle them.
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