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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

Welcome to the world of professional politics. A political party is like a Mafia family, business always comes ahead of personal loyalties, friendships and so on. If it's in the interest of a particular faction to throw a leader to the wolves then they'll do that, they'll produce crocodile tears at the fall of a political rival (whose downfall they will have either engineered or at least used for their own gain) in the same way that mobsters will attend the funeral of a dead mobster even when it was them who killed him.

Call me naive, but I expected that a declared "Socialist" organisation wouldn't stoop this low.
I do hope you die soon. I do hope it's awful painful too.

From what I've read of your posts and Plumped's, I prefer hers. You've got a lot of posts on urban and I'd never dream of talking to you, generally. There seems to be something wrong with you.
From what I've read of your posts and Plumped's, I prefer hers. You've got a lot of posts on urban and I'd never dream of talking to you, generally. There seems to be something wrong with you.

me too. i'm not sure i've ever really read a serious, constructive post by BA. every thing is just hyper-aggressive, sect-obsessed 'fcuk you' 'cnut', or 'i hope you die'. i have absolutely no idea what he stands for, what the driver behind his ideology is, and how he thinks he's going to acheive it. just a big mouthed, yah boo, gobshite who thinks he is the be all and end all of 'the left'.

he's kind of right, in that he's an arse.

happy christmas to all, i hope you're with the people you love, and that the new year brings you happiness.
Call me naive, but I expected that a declared "Socialist" organisation wouldn't stoop this low.

I would have thought so at one time but, being a former Swappie, I swiftly became aware that the old left are every bit as capable as the old mainstream parties of screwing each other over for an advantage. Also, seeing as the prospective audience for the old left's ideas seems rather smaller than it is for the old mainstream parties, there seems to be an even more competitive edge to sweeping up what's left of the small number of fish in the old left's increasingly dry and stagnant pond.
Call me naive, but I expected that a declared "Socialist" organisation wouldn't stoop this low.

They batter their keyboards. They run to the cops. They shout sweary insults on blogs and forums. At their worst they will get the crown and state that they serve to put you away for a while, but they have no cold holes or nutting squads.
the irony in all this is he ripped off Murdoch for £200,000 yet they're estimating he'll get 5 years . It costs 40 grand to keep someone in prison so....

thats £200,000 only this time paid by the taxpayer to keep someone in jail who isn't a threat to anyone, to prove a political point
the irony in all this is he ripped off Murdoch for £200,000 yet they're estimating he'll get 5 years . It costs 40 grand to keep someone in prison so....

thats £200,000 only this time paid by the taxpayer to keep someone in jail who isn't a threat to anyone, to prove a political point

Coincidence that it should happen at this crucial time too?
from the dailymash item

"The bright orange former Big Brother contestant has been a fierce critic of News International, particularly when he was a columnist for the Mirror Group, the newspaper company owned by banks and pension funds that make Rupert Murdoch look like Mahatma Ghandi's lovely old mum.

But now the guilty verdict has shattered his plans to return triumphantly to his utterly insignificant political career in which he made not the slightest difference to anything."

An excellent summary of Tommy's "career".
the irony in all this is he ripped off Murdoch for £200,000 yet they're estimating he'll get 5 years . It costs 40 grand to keep someone in prison so....

thats £200,000 only this time paid by the taxpayer to keep someone in jail who isn't a threat to anyone, to prove a political point

plus there's the £5 million the investigation is estimated to cost the public


The entire cost to the public, for proving that one man lied in a defamation trial four years ago, will not be much short of around £5m.
This is effectively a call for the criminalisation of sex work of the kind advocated by New Labour moralists like Jacquie Smith. Sex workers are no longer workers. They are "vulnerable victims" No longer workers in need of safe working conditions and workers rights but "victims to be saved by the moral guardians of the left. And saved how? By criminalising punters. An action which has been condemned by sex workers and sex workers organisations as guaranteed to make sex work more unsafe. This is prohibition by another name. That it is advocated by the left is a disgrace.
This is the law in Sweden, and it's already a recognised feminist position on the UK left, so I don't think it's all just down to Tommy.
This is the law in Sweden, and it's already a recognised feminist position on the UK left, so I don't think it's all just down to Tommy.

I get what Dylans is saying tho, this Spring,in my area SP councillors linked up with the Godsquad to pressurise a local publican to stop having lap dancing on his premises. Sheridan is an SP/CWI supporter no? If the allegations are true there is some hypocrisy on his part .
However having said that it's still a shame he's got caught out. Just because he'd lied about his sex life doesn't undermine the fact that politically he's a principled man who has done a lot of hard work helping people.
Free Tommy Sheridan!
Just because he'd lied about his sex life doesn't undermine the fact that politically he's a principled man who has done a lot of hard work helping people.
Free Tommy Sheridan!

He has done a lot of good work in the past, of course. But it's not that he lied about his sex life - it's that he tried to drag other people into a mess of his own making, and when they refused to lie for him, he called them liars and scabs. That is no way to treat people.
This is the law in Sweden, and it's already a recognised feminist position on the UK left, so I don't think it's all just down to Tommy.

It is indeed the law in Sweden and it is a disaster for sex workers. It has driven the industry further underground and forced women into more dangerous working conditions by criminalising women working together as well as their families.
The law against procurement renders it illegal to work indoors, work with others, to profit from the sexual labour of others, and advertise. Due to the law against procurement, sexworkers are forced to lie in order to rent premises, or alternatively they have to pay exorbitant rent. Either way, they constantly worry about being discovered. They also report often having to move (when discovered) and being treated badly by landlords and ’’rent pimps’’. Some women prefer to make contact with their customers on the street. Other sexworkers find this too humiliating.

Most of the women I have spoken to wish to be able to work together with others. This is to ensure safety and to support each other. They find it unfair that they cannot do this and feel scared when they have to work alone.

This law also makes it difficult for sexworkers to cohabit with a partner since it is illegal to receive any of a sexworker’s income. It is hard for a sexworker to have a family at all since sexworkers are considered to be unfit parents and therefore can lose custody of their children if it emerges that they sell sex.
"A recognised feminist position on the left?" If by "feminist left" you mean Harriet Harman and Jackui Smith and the likes of the poppy project.Then I would question your definition of "left". A left wing position on prostitution should start with the demand for s sex workers to be given the same rights to safe working conditions as all workers. That begins with decriminalisation and workers rights not dishonest attempts to prohibit the industry under the false labels of "trafficking" and "rescue" and certainly not by denying agency to sex workers, moralising about the rights and wrongs of sex work, ignoring the voices of those in the industry and labelling them "victims" when they are nothing of the sort. Sex workers are workers. The "left" should be fighting for their rights as workers.

They are the scum of the earth. So called socialists grassing to the police and collaborating with the state to get a man jailed. 200K one of the scumbags pocketed for covertly taping Sheridan then selling it to Murdochs News of the World.
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