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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

I think this is awful sad. Tommy Sheridan was one of the most charismatic and, to many inspiring politicians we've seen in Scotland for many a year. In his work in the Scottish parliament he brought forward some very valuable legislation.

But he brought this disaster upon himself and his family. He was correctly reported in a sleazy newspaper as having done a number of things that on the face of it are nobody's business but that of the individuals involved. He should have kept his head down, but instead he engaged in a course of deliberate deception in the civil courts, lying on oath and blackening the names of many other sincere and dedicated people who once called him comrade.

He thought he had got away with it but the wheels of justice caught up with him and he now finds himself with one last month to spend with his daughter before he is locked up in prison for many years.

He now faces a civil appeal which the News of the World is bound to win to recover the money he dishonestly came by, and his family will undoubtedly lose their home to pay for this.

It is a tragedy, which through extraordinary arrogance and hubris he brought upon his shoulders and that of his wife and child, and nobody should take any pleasure from it.
I recall notorious career criminal 'Mad' Frankie Fraser once trying to initiate legal proceedings against a newspaper and the case was almost immediately stopped on the grounds that Fraser didn't have a good reputation to lose.

Much, much closer to home for Tommy... Glasgow gangster Paul Ferris had a similar experience when he sued a Scottish paper for libel. Ferris then took full advantage of the 'no reputation to defend' rule by writing a very entertaining book in which anybody who had crossed hime was labelled (but not, appparently, libelled) a nonce, a grass, a bitch or a bitches bitch.
I do hope you die soon. I do hope it's awful painful too.

Your remark shows you as the the indomitable class fighter and socialist firebrand you really are, as well as a master of the internet.

Furthermore, you are clearly a Real Man.

For myself, let me wish you all the best wishes for the forthcoming festive season, with the hope that you eventually find love and true meaning in your future life.
Been a good week for that malignant,cancerous,reptilian old cunt Murdoch,he's getting on a bit though,hopefully next year will be the last year he infests the planet
Tommy's not fınıshed yet, nowhere near. Strıkes me as a sıngularly determıned sort of fellow. I reckon he's just gettıng started.
Tommy's not fınıshed yet, nowhere near. Strıkes me as a sıngularly determıned sort of fellow. I reckon he's just gettıng started.

Hardly, now that he's been exposed as a swinging liar, he'll only appeal to a fairly restricted demographic as opposed to the wider audience of thicko losers who were impressed by his shouty-firebrand-0-content-bollox schtick which may have had a certain appeal long ago before he lost his MSP's wages due to a lack of popular support for his "party of one".

Now, not even slebrity dancing on ice would offer him an invite.........
Hardly, now that he's been exposed as a swinging liar, he'll only appeal to a fairly restricted demographic as opposed to the wider audience of thicko losers who were impressed by his shouty-firebrand-0-content-bollox schtick which may have had a certain appeal long ago before he lost his MSP's wages due to a lack of popular support for his "party of one".

Now, not even slebrity dancing on ice would offer him an invite.........
they certainly wouldn't offer you one. :D
I suspect he'll do just fıne.

Possibly, so long as his future career follows a different direction such as street-sweeping as he's clearly never going to get anywhere anywhere in politics where you actually need some support at the ballot box............

it's not as if he's been found guilty whilst espousing a "cause", unless you think that "Tommy Sheridan is THE big man" is a cause in its own right (unfortunately that appears to be Mr. Sheridan's only belief).
Yeah, he's clever enough to carve a niche for himself. Unlike Archer or Aitken he doesn't have millions in the bank which he can fall back on after release from prison
Yeah, he's clever enough to carve a niche for himself. Unlike Archer or Aitken he doesn't have millions in the bank which he can fall back on after release from prison

Exactly. He'll HAVE to do somethıng. Fırst thıng ıs wrıte a book, obvıously. Not a memoır though but a novel. In the style of James Kelman. I'd buy ıt. Then some poems.
What do you suggest, he's a bit old and haggard to be a success in the porn industry!

I must say that the thought of watching Tommy Sheridan's arse, pumping and grinding away combined with the obligatory porno dialogue delivered in a thick Glaswegian accent, followed by Tommy's gurning face and bulging eyes as he hits the money shot, is not something I'd be paying to rent next time I visit Blockbusters.
I must say that the thought of watching Tommy Sheridan's arse, pumping and grinding away combined with the obligatory porno dialogue delivered in a thick Glaswegian accent, followed by Tommy's gurning face and bulging eyes as he hits the money shot, is not something I'd be paying to rent next time I visit Blockbusters.

such a narrow view of porn!

he'll be back, there's enough half-wits about who'll ignore the central message that 'oor tommai' will put anyone in an immpossible situation in order to protect his own ego so they can bask in the reflected glory that is 'oor tommai's tantastic orange glow.

i hope he goes away from a long time - only when the blight that is the ego and charisma of Tommy Sheriden is out of sight and out of mind will serious politics be able to be formed again.
Tommy's not fınıshed yet, nowhere near. Strıkes me as a sıngularly determıned sort of fellow. I reckon he's just gettıng started.

He has a very impressive CV. BA in Economics. MSc in Social Research, and no doubt he'll complete his LLB while in prison, with time for a doctorate as well. Top that with two terms as an MSP, and he will be eminently employable as an academic in a number of fields.

But of course he will earn a superb living as a telly personality, pundit and general media presence.

What I want to know is who's going to play him in the fillum.

I think there's only one candidate - step forward Michael Le Vell, Corrie's own Kevin Webster.

Not at all. No?

"I do hope you die soon. I do hope it's awful painful too." is what you said of me, merely because you disagree with my comment.

Obviously, having made seventy four thousand comments in this forum over nine years, you are a superior being, and we should all defer to you for your sagacity, political nous, and lack of anything else to do with your time.

Alternatively, we might note that most of your comments, indeed most of your presence here, seems to consist of put downs, insults, and general ill will towards others. I hope the section of the NHS responsible for your mental health care, and which has presumably prescribed spending time here as a form of therapy, is making a contribution to this website. But it doesn't seem to be having a positive effect.

Perhaps you could consider making a move for elected office, to fill in the gap left by the political superstar we are here to discuss.
I really don't care too much about the details of this case. The whole saga reeks of personal ego and self serving pettiness. So he shagged around, went to sleezy clubs and got caught. Concerned for his celebrity status and ego he lacked the courage to put his hands in the air and say. "So fucking what" and, god knows what he was thinking, he sued over allegations he knew were true. That was stupidity of the highest level.
To see his political enemies enjoying his situation and worse enjoying the NOTW win a victory is pretty disgusting. What's more, reading the self serving justification for this in the SSY site this morning just smacked of petty vindictiveness and self righteous moralism of the worst kind. What the fuck is this?

Concerns were also raised about where the dividing line between a swingers’ club and a brothel actually falls -- at Cupids, women don’t pay to get in while men do, and that is club policy for a reason. The website for Cupids was also only a few clicks away from websites where prostituted women were sold. The SSP was at this time still formulating its position on prostitution, so it was a sensitive subject. We have since adopted the position that prostitution is abuse, and that the perpetrators of that abuse (men who buy consent from vulnerable victims) should be punished.


This is effectively a call for the criminalisation of sex work of the kind advocated by New Labour moralists like Jacquie Smith. Sex workers are no longer workers. They are "vulnerable victims" No longer workers in need of safe working conditions and workers rights but "victims to be saved by the moral guardians of the left. And saved how? By criminalising punters. An action which has been condemned by sex workers and sex workers organisations as guaranteed to make sex work more unsafe. This is prohibition by another name. That it is advocated by the left is a disgrace.
I really don't care too much about the details of this case. The whole saga reeks of personal ego and self serving pettiness. So he shagged around, went to sleezy clubs and got caught. Concerned for his celebrity status and ego he lacked the courage to put his hands in the air and say. "So fucking what" and, god knows what he was thinking, he sued over allegations he knew were true. That was stupidity of the highest level.
To see his political enemies enjoying his situation and worse enjoying the NOTW win a victory is pretty disgusting. What's more, reading the self serving justification for this in the SSY site this morning just smacked of petty vindictiveness and self righteous moralism of the worst kind. What the fuck is this?


This is effectively a call for the criminalisation of sex work of the kind advocated by New Labour moralists like Jacquie Smith. Sex workers are no longer workers. They are "vulnerable victims" No longer workers in need of safe working conditions and workers rights but "victims to be saved by the moral guardians of the left. And saved how? By criminalising punters. An action which has been condemned by sex workers and sex workers organisations as guaranteed to make sex work more unsafe. This is prohibition by another name. That it is advocated by the left is a disgrace.

Welcome to the world of professional politics. A political party is like a Mafia family, business always comes ahead of personal loyalties, friendships and so on. If it's in the interest of a particular faction to throw a leader to the wolves then they'll do that, they'll produce crocodile tears at the fall of a political rival (whose downfall they will have either engineered or at least used for their own gain) in the same way that mobsters will attend the funeral of a dead mobster even when it was them who killed him.
I do hope you die soon. I do hope it's awful painful too.

You really are an utter twat. So many threads have contributions from you like this. You talk about building an anti cuts movement etc etc .......on what basis eh......with people like you constantly trying to tell people what they can say and do all the time? Your so arrogant you will never really have the capacity to make a useful contribution politically. Instead you trawl the internet for some kind of analysis you can use in pointless arguements to make you feel a bit better....
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