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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

No matter what the verdict it was defeat for us. A defeat brought on by Sheridan and his arselickers. I take it you're fucking off for the duration of his sentence dexter?

What a mess.
I'm fucking off from voting for all of them pretty much permanently. A Sheridan win would have suited me. A verdict against the notw with the Cable and Coulson stuff still going on would have been great.

They should have backed him to the hilt. They didn't, most of them took murdoch's coin. This'll be the end of them outside of small areas of Glasgow.
Lie in court - get what you deserve ....

Just because politicians can get away with lies and half truths in other spheres they should not be able to do the same in court.

How long did Archer get? I bet Sheridan gets the same ish ..
I'm fucking off from voting for all of them pretty much permanently. A Sheridan win would have suited me. A verdict against the notw with the Cable and Coulson stuff still going on would have been great.

They should have backed him to the hilt. They didn't, most of them took murdoch's coin. This'll be the end of them outside of small areas of Glasgow.

You still haven't worked out what's going on. You total mug.
The piece of shit got what he deserved. It became clear quite early on in the trial that he was not telling the truth. Should the Crown Office wish it, there is scope for a number of further perjury trials against the witnesses who lied, both in the Civil Suit, and the current trial.
I'm fucking off from voting for all of them pretty much permanently. A Sheridan win would have suited me. A verdict against the notw with the Cable and Coulson stuff still going on would have been great.

They should have backed him to the hilt. They didn't, most of them took murdoch's coin. This'll be the end of them outside of small areas of Glasgow.

Did you follow the evidence? How on earth can anyone with a shred of integrity defend these people?
Lie in court - get what you deserve ....

Just because politicians can get away with lies and half truths in other spheres they should not be able to do the same in court.

How long did Archer get? I bet Sheridan gets the same ish ..

The betting is on 6-8 years. What a vile creature he is.
Where is the public interest in spending thousands of taxpayers money investingating TS for perjury when the yard conspires to cover up the extent of NotW's illegal activities and turns a blind eye to Coulson? You can say that TS brought it on himself, but that doesn't justify these blatant double standards.
Where is the public interest in spending thousands of taxpayers money investingating TS for perjury when the yard conspires to cover up the extent of NotW's illegal activities and turns a blind eye to Coulson? You can say that TS brought it on himself, but that doesn't justify these blatant double standards.

it won't stop the plonkers having a go though
nope - "pathetic" is what the crowers here represent. so glad you are all happy.

Happy? Why the fuck should anyone be happy? It has been a despicable business from start to finish. Sheridan will get what he deserves, certainly, but the damage done to his family, and also to his erstwhile colleagues is incalculable.
Where is the public interest in spending thousands of taxpayers money investingating TS for perjury when the yard conspires to cover up the extent of NotW's illegal activities and turns a blind eye to Coulson? You can say that TS brought it on himself, but that doesn't justify these blatant double standards.

You no doubt have incontrovertible proof to back up that assertion? Thought not.

Edited to add:

If you believe that here is nothing wrong with telling lies under oath, which is what Sheridan did, I hope you never find yourself in the dock accused by untruthful witnesses. Perjury undermines the whole legal system.
I'm fucking off from voting for all of them pretty much permanently. A Sheridan win would have suited me. A verdict against the notw with the Cable and Coulson stuff still going on would have been great.


yeah it was all about the politics, wasn't it!
You no doubt have incontrovertible proof to back up that assertion? Thought not.

Proof beyond reasonable doubt -they conspired to keep people in the dark even though they had reason to suspect that their phones had been illegally hacked. And around 10 people from Coulson's watch have said that it was common knowledge that this was happening when he was Editor and that he must either have known and sanctioned it or at least turned a blind eye systematically without ever asking where all this highly confidential material kept coming from.

If they put anything like the time and effort into a prosecution than has gone into vilifying TS then they would really take some scalps. But of course they didn't and won't.
You still haven't worked out what's going on. You total mug.

I most certainly have it worked out.

And being a voter in a democracy I can see it didn't go my way this time, I look for other options and move on to the next political situation that I can see which may be helpful to my political, social and communal desires. And I can generally do it without being a dick to those with other opinions.

I'd rather be me than (and this isn't targeted at anyone, everyone has their opinion,) some sad fool who thinks that a political party is like a football team, one for your whole life. Politics is a changing game, you should make the most of the good hands you're dealt. And that counts for voters as much as prospectives/mps/msps.

This lot can't even play the game - and I've said that from the start. They're probably already signing the contracts for the 'exclusives'.

I never said that Sheridan was innocent or guilty that I recall - it was never a consideration for me. I looked for evidence that was weak, inconsistent or whatever I thought would get him off.

I wanted him to get off, others didn't. At least if it had gone my way then maybe it would have had a bigger effect. Hell, maybe it will start a snowball effect which attacks and curtails media/business power in the UK because our institutions have become subverted, imo.
What the fuck has "democracy" have to do with Sheridan being a lying arsehole? The best defence to the NOTW was to fess up and say "so fucking what"? Instead Sheridan tried to drag his family and comrades into a moral abyss. For what?
What the fuck has "democracy" have to do with Sheridan being a lying arsehole? The best defence to the NOTW was to fess up and say "so fucking what"? Instead Sheridan tried to drag his family and comrades into a moral abyss. For what?

i said that some posts up
What the fuck has "democracy" have to do with Sheridan being a lying arsehole? The best defence to the NOTW was to fess up and say "so fucking what"? Instead Sheridan tried to drag his family and comrades into a moral abyss. For what?
Well you see...this is a politics forum...I outlined my political opinions and reasoning.

You appear to be saying that you don't want politicians who can be good liars. I want them to be good liars when they are furthering the representations of my views. I don't care if they sleep around, as long as there is something in it for my politics.

I don't go to church.

I don't know what you're going on about, rioted. You're not talking about politics, I know that.

You lot are on about the personal.
Thanks JHE, so if Archer got 4 years and Aitken 18 months I recon Sheridan might get 2-4 years.
archer procured an excuse he didn't in the end use in court. sheridan i think will get longer than aitken or archer. perhaps not the 6-8 years sas is on about, i'd go 5.
Well you see...this is a politics forum...I outlined my political opinions and reasoning.

You appear to be saying that you don't want politicians who can be good liars. I want them to be good liars when they are furthering the representations of my views. I don't care if they sleep around, as long as there is something in it for my politics.

I don't go to church.

I don't know what you're going on about, rioted. You're not talking about politics, I know that.

You lot are on about the personal.

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