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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

Have people seen this disgusting defence of the killing of a peaceful protester by the former UK ambassador to SA
Jenkins said the Saudis would argue that most of those executed on Saturday had taken up arms against the state, had called for the secession of the eastern province, or had disclaimed loyalty to the Saudi state. “In Saudi terms, disavowing the Saudi state is almost as serious as taking up arms,” Jenkins said.
What a grade A cunt.
Have people seen this disgusting defence of the killing of a peaceful protester by the former UK ambassador to SA
What a grade A cunt.
Or, alternatively HMG former Saudi expert has just said a sizeable portion of SA is now dangerously close to "in for a penny, in for a pound"
Lovely. We are financially up against it and we want to unite our people and our allies and maybe even evoke another war which will be great for the cause and putting oil prices back up. THINKS! Lets execute someone we don't like to stir things up a bit.
Aren't they doing enough as it is what with Yemen and Syria? sighs.
Friday is execution day, so we'll see if last week was a one-off or the beginning of a new policy
Interesting article from Patrick Cockburn here:
The motive for the mass execution of Sheikh Nimr and 46 others, many Sunni jihadists, was primarily domestic. The threat to the al-Saud family within Saudi Arabia comes from Sunni extremists in al-Qaeda and Isis and not from the Shia, who are only a majority in two provinces in the eastern region of the country. Furious denunciations by Shia communities and countries will do nothing but good to the reputation of the ruling family among the majority of Saudis.
Saudi rulers have faced serious challenges before, but they have never been faced with the degree of instability in states surrounding or close to the kingdom. There are wars in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, a guerrilla conflict in Sinai and street protests in Bahrain that could always become more serious. It should be much in Saudi Arabia’s interest to mitigate these crises but instead it stokes them but without any real plan on how to bring them to an end.
Saudi arms sales are in breach of international law, Britain is told

The government has been put on notice that it is in breach of international law for allowing the export of British-made missiles and military equipment to Saudi Arabia that might have been used to kill civilians.

The hugely embarrassing accusation comes after human rights groups, the European parliament and the UN all expressed concerns about Saudi-led coalition attacks in Yemen. Lawyers acting for the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) have stepped up legal proceedings against the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, which approves export licences, accusing it of failing in its legal duty to take steps to prevent and suppress violations of international humanitarian law....

Nevertheless I fully expect the government to prevaricate and generally drag their feet as much as possible over this.

background article from September last year

London's arms fair is privileging countries with the worst human rights records
I knew the UK government didn't really give a fuck but ...

A Foreign Office minister has urged Saudi Arabia to make more of its human rights successes

A government minister has urged Saudi Arabia to do a “better job” of trumpeting its human rights successes during an official visit to the country, less than a month after it carried out the mass execution of 47 people.

Tobias Ellwood, the Foreign Office minister for the Middle East, made the comments on Monday as he and other British delegates addressed Saudi Arabia’s National Society for Human Rights in the capital Riyadh,...
Which successes would that be then?

Well they didnt execute 50 people :hmm:
Havnt been accused of genocide this month.
Don't experiment on prisoners or sell their organs.
Don't have any offical slave markets.

See its all in the presentation Saudi Arabia leading the way in human rights in the middle east :D:facepalm:.
Now wheres my £50k
So the government have set up an enquiry to look into arms sales UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia face inquiry and high court legal action

"The high court case brought by the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) calls for the government to suspend all current export licences and refuse all new licences to Saudi Arabia where it is possible the weapons could be used in Yemen, while the business secretary, Sajid Javid, reviews whether the sales are legal." :facepalm:

Good on CAAT, cant see much coming of it mind Campaign Against Arms Trade
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