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Russian anti war movement

Municipal deputies in Moscow issue anti-war statement​

The Council of Deputies for Moscow’s Gagarinsky Municipal District has issued a statement condemning the war in Ukraine and calling for Russia’s immediate troop withdrawal. (This is not an influential government body, but it is relatively uncommon for state officials at any level to criticize the Kremlin’s policies openly. The municipal deputies responsible for the statement belong to the liberal opposition party Yabloko.)
Also let's not forget there's another country which has declared war on Ukraine, which is Belarus. There have been brave anti-war protestors there, defying the Putin-affiliated dictator Alexander Lukashenko.

Belarusian hackers have allegedly disrupted trains in an effort to disrupt Russian soldiers moving into Ukraine.

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Belarusian politician and human rights activist, has written an anti-war manifesto, and openly stands with the people of Ukraine.

Anti-War Movement Manifest
Sociologist Grigory Yudin, too, was arrested and ended up hospitalized following an anti-war protest in Moscow. Meduza special correspondent Svetlana Reiter discussed with Yudin why it doesn’t make sense to call protests in Russia “small” — and why he thinks scholars have to take a principled stand.
Kremlin not winning hearts and minds with this one. Shame so few will see it over there.

I don't know why but something about that video really broke my heart. We thought we had learned something about the horrors of war, but here we are again.

I wonder if so much time has passed since the Second World War that we've forgotten what war means already. There are fewer people with living memory of it every year now. I am afraid that Europe might end up learning what it means all over again.
I don't know why but something about that video really broke my heart. We thought we had learned something about the horrors of war, but here we are again.

I wonder if so much time has passed since the Second World War that we've forgotten what war means already. There are fewer people with living memory of it every year now. I am afraid that Europe might end up learning what it means all over again.
Britain's been involved in tons of conflicts since the second world war, Afghanistan, Iraq (X 2 or 3), Libya, Sierra leone, Malaya, Aden, Oman, Korea, Kenya, Falklands etc etc. The last year in which a soldier wasn't killed was I think 1968.
Also let's not forget there's another country which has declared war on Ukraine, which is Belarus. There have been brave anti-war protestors there, defying the Putin-affiliated dictator Alexander Lukashenko.

Belarusian hackers have allegedly disrupted trains in an effort to disrupt Russian soldiers moving into Ukraine.

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Belarusian politician and human rights activist, has written an anti-war manifesto, and openly stands with the people of Ukraine.

Anti-War Movement Manifest
Another translation of a short anti-war text from Belarus:

Russian fliers opposing the invasion, reading “You pay for Putin’s war—taxes, closed borders, poverty, service blockages, information vacuum—no war!” and “No to military invasion of Ukraine: peace to the people, war on the rulers.”
Britain's been involved in tons of conflicts since the second world war, Afghanistan, Iraq (X 2 or 3), Libya, Sierra leone, Malaya, Aden, Oman, Korea, Kenya, Falklands etc etc. The last year in which a soldier wasn't killed was I think 1968.
Of the ones that happened in my lifetime, I wasn't happy about them either.

I think there's something about an expansionist land war to annex territory which just flies in the face of everything most people in Europe have been raised to believe though, its a repudiation of our sense of history. I think we all thought we were past those days.

Putin hasn't really understood how much this war pisses all over the core values of Europeans and our sense of historical progress, and that is his huge mistake imo. Europe will never forgive Putin. Russia can't really go back to normal relations with Europe until he is dead or at least ousted.

Ekaterina Zavizion and her friend Olga Alter and their children (Sofya Gladkova, 7 years old, Liza Gladkova, 11 years old, Gosha Petrov, 11 years old, Matvey Petrov, 9 years old and David Petrov, 7 years old), today, March, 1, went to put flowers at the Ukrainian Embassy. The children drew a poster and went with it.
All of them were detained by police, and the policemen were keeping them in police can, later they brought them to the "Presnenskoye" police station. Phones were taken away from parents (or will be soon), and the policemen are shouting at the parents and threatening these brave moms to put their children in the children care so these moms would lose their parents rights.
Right now we need the help of the community, help of journalists and human rights activists.
Update. All of them finally were released. Now they will meet a court trial.
Of the ones that happened in my lifetime, I wasn't happy about them either.

I think there's something about an expansionist land war to annex territory which just flies in the face of everything most people in Europe have been raised to believe though, its a repudiation of our sense of history. I think we all thought we were past those days.

Putin hasn't really understood how much this war pisses all over the core values of Europeans and our sense of historical progress, and that is his huge mistake imo. Europe will never forgive Putin. Russia can't really go back to normal relations with Europe until he is dead or at least ousted.
Can we really have a sense of historic progress after the Holocaust and in the age of climate change, of mass extinctions? It seems to me it's our fault, not Putin's or Johnson's or trump's or any other external forces if we delude ourselves.
Can we really have a sense of historic progress after the Holocaust and in the age of climate change, of mass extinctions? It seems to me it's our fault, not Putin's or Johnson's or trump's or any other external forces if we delude ourselves.

Well I think there was a hope we learned something from the holocaust.

And we did to some extent - not even the craziest right wing extremist in England is dreaming of a reconquest of Ireland for instance, there is no dispute over Alsace-Lorraine etc. There were quite a lot of reasons to believe wars of annexation in Europe were history.
Interesting interview:
Well I think there was a hope we learned something from the holocaust.

And we did to some extent - not even the craziest right wing extremist in England is dreaming of a reconquest of Ireland for instance, there is no dispute over Alsace-Lorraine etc. There were quite a lot of reasons to believe wars of annexation in Europe were history.
there are none so blind...

history is not a whiggish advance towards some better future. some things were indeed worse in the past - some were better. periods of religious, political and sexual tolerance come and go. rights aren't permanent things, they have to be continually used and fought for. it's daft and doesn't in any way reflect my post to talk about a conquest of ireland or alsace-lorraine: or indeed a duchy of auschwitz or a kingdom of jerusalem. PREVIOUS wars of annexation might be history - but did you REALLY think after 2014 that was the end of it? you've only yourself to blame for your delusions.
there are none so blind...

history is not a whiggish advance towards some better future. some things were indeed worse in the past - some were better. periods of religious, political and sexual tolerance come and go. rights aren't permanent things, they have to be continually used and fought for. it's daft and doesn't in any way reflect my post to talk about a conquest of ireland or alsace-lorraine: or indeed a duchy of auschwitz or a kingdom of jerusalem. PREVIOUS wars of annexation might be history - but did you REALLY think after 2014 that was the end of it? you've only yourself to blame for your delusions.

I'm not saying I thought that on a rational level, only that is part of the subconscious ideological terrain of modern Europe. And that Putin hasn't really understood how and why a return to that sort of war would constitute a major shock to Europe. This is part of how he has miscalculated.
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