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Anti war Anti Putin songs : got any?

Several threads I could post this on, but here's one of them: can anyone whose Deutsch ist ein bisschen less schrecklich than meine have a read of this PDF uber die Situation in Russland and let me know if there's owt interesting in it?
It's interesting to get his take on it, in that he's a member of a group whose beliefs/stance is very much contrary to the Russian state, who placed them on the 'black list' for being left wing extremists, but he mentions that it's a very bad time for creative types and that the way forward is just to help the refugees. An interesting read- I know nothing about the group.
It's interesting to get his take on it, in that he's a member of a group whose beliefs/stance is very much contrary to the Russian state, who placed them on the 'black list' for being left wing extremists, but he mentions that it's a very bad time for creative types and that the way forward is just to help the refugees. An interesting read- I know nothing about the group.
I'd say they're worth a listen if slightly earnest slavic punk/techno-influenced hip-hop sounds like your cup of tea? They're meant to be going on a European tour soon, which is quite surprising to me - I don't know if I'm more surprised by the rest of Europe letting (obviously very oppositional) Russian musicians in to tour or by Russia letting a blacklisted "extremist" band out to go on tour.
Been listening to an interview with a member of this band:

Apparently the majority of them have now relocated from Kharkiv to Lviv and are planning to write new songs about the current situation, and are also hoping to play a bomb shelter gig soon. Also, it doesn't really work so well with a British accent, but turns out Kharkiv hardcore has a pleasing alliteration if you say it in a Ukrainian accent.
Moscow Death Brigade are also doing a new shirt with all proceeds going to Ukrainian refugees:
Probably a good thing that the shirt just says "MDB" on it, I think it'll be a while before you can wear a shirt that actually says MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE without having to worry about giving the wrong impression.
There's a thread questioning their position on refugees here.
There's a thread questioning their position on refugees here.
Interesting thread, in the Bezlad interview I was listening to he was saying some critical stuff about unnamed high-profile Russian bands so I wondered if he was having a go at them.
I think their actual statement is fairly decent, if it's not perfect then it is at least a fairly brave thing for a Russian band to say publicly:

And "The group appeared as part of patriotic antifa "russian against fascism" that had a lot of current russian state narrative in it where antifascism was connected with historical might of russian people in struggle against nazis. Some of the followers of russians against fascism ended up in imperial pro-russian division in Donbass in 2014-2015 and the worse of those patriotic antifas were killed in fights. MDB never had a critical perspective on their past" - this bit seems unfair, when that scene splintered in 2014 MDB were very clearly on the right side of it and told the pro-Russian antifascists to fuck off pretty directly and unmistakably.
And on reflection, I suppose that statement's an illustration of how important context is - if it had been put out by a British political organisation, I suppose I might well be going "well, the analysis could be a bit sharper". But given how easy it is to get arrested in Russia for holding a blank piece of paper, saying "war" instead of "special military occupation" and so on, I think anyone there who says "we condemn this war" is already basically on the right side, if the FSB decided to call MDB in for a chat I don't think it would end with them going "well, your 'fuck this war' statement did not explicitly say that Russia are the aggressors, and so we think you're alright."
Actually, not to spend too much time on this cos obviously it's not the most important thing going on right now, but looking at it again that poster's line of argument seems really dodgy, I can see why only helping refugees fleeing to Russia and not to Europe would be a bit suspicious but when you look at what MDB are actually saying and doing they're working with this group to help refugees fleeing to Europe as well:

I'm not convinced it makes sense to say that you should help Ukrainians who end up in Europe, but if they're in the east and the easiest way for them to escape the war is to cross over into Russia, then you shouldn't help them because it plays into Putin's narrative? Shame, because I normally think that poster's sound, but this feels more like a weird bit of score-settling than actually pointing out where someone's done anything wrong.
Big compilation from all over the former Soviet Bloc (eta or that's what it looked like, just clicked on a few of the tracks to find individual descriptions and apparently one of them's from Wigan) here:

Links to this big list of fundraiser compilations:
Apparently this is a new anti-war/anti-Putin song called "Listen Mom, this is Ukraine/Послушай мама, это Украина/Россия без Путина. За Свободу":

Absolutely no fucking clue what the lyrics are though, going by the title I'm guessing it's referencing the "just don't tell mum I'm in Afghan/Chechenya" songs I posted upthread.
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