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Russian anti war movement

I'm not saying I thought that on a rational level, only that is part of the subconscious ideological terrain of modern Europe. And that Putin hasn't really understood how and why a return to that sort of war would constitute a major shock to Europe. This is part of how he has miscalculated.
in that case the subconscious ideological terrain of modern europe is bollocks and this miscalculation will no doubt cause part of the shock.
Also, if we have any readers who are desperately looking for Russian anti-war leaflets to print off, here's some PDFs for you:
Of the ones that happened in my lifetime, I wasn't happy about them either.

I think there's something about an expansionist land war to annex territory which just flies in the face of everything most people in Europe have been raised to believe though, its a repudiation of our sense of history. I think we all thought we were past those days.

Putin hasn't really understood how much this war pisses all over the core values of Europeans and our sense of historical progress, and that is his huge mistake imo. Europe will never forgive Putin. Russia can't really go back to normal relations with Europe until he is dead or at least ousted.
Well it makes a fine change from Europeans pissing all over our "core values" ourselves I suppose.
Looks like loads of those protesting have been arrested

Protests across Russia see thousands detained

Thousands of people have been detained at anti-war protests across Russia on Sunday, rights groups and Russian authorities say. Some 1,700 people were detained in Moscow alone, the RIA news agency reported, citing the interior ministry.
The OVD-Info rights group says detainments took place in 49 cities.
Although protests have become increasingly restricted in recent years, rallies have taken place across Russia since the Ukraine invasion. More than 10,000 people have been detained since the war began 11 days ago, OVD-Info says.
New telegram channel for Russian feminists against the war:

It is all in Russian, though.
eta actually this bit isn't:
How to join our action if you are not in Russia

We know that many people outside of Russia support our resistance. Thank you for that, it meens a lot for us! Many of you write to our coordinators and ask how they can join our action. Here are a couple of ideas:

- March 6: demonstrations against the occupational war in Ukraine. On Saturday at 3 pm, we gather women's columns at anti-war rallies in various cities of Russia. You can join the Russian activists by going out at 3 pm local time to the Russian embassy in your city to protest against the war. Or organize your own demonstration. Feel free to use the symbol of our movement and the hashtag #FeministAntiWarResistance.

- March 8: all-Russian mourning for the dead Ukrainians. On International Women's Day this year, we will not talk about women's rights but about those civilians who died from Russia's military aggression. We call on everyone who is not in Russia to lay flowers at the Ukrainian Embassy in your city on this day.

Please, share this information with others!
Of the ones that happened in my lifetime, I wasn't happy about them either.

I think there's something about an expansionist land war to annex territory which just flies in the face of everything most people in Europe have been raised to believe though, its a repudiation of our sense of history. I think we all thought we were past those days.

Putin hasn't really understood how much this war pisses all over the core values of Europeans and our sense of historical progress, and that is his huge mistake imo. Europe will never forgive Putin. Russia can't really go back to normal relations with Europe until he is dead or at least ousted.
core european values. massive fucking lol.
what you said was the fucking stupidest fucking thing ive seen in a while and thats saying something. take your own medicine.
A huge part of European ideology relates to the idea of moving on from our long history of war and building something based on peace and cooperation.

Whether this is true or not is besides the point. It is a commonly held worldview. Just because you don't share this worldview doesn't change that it is widespread.
Google translation:

The police in St. Petersburg beat up women right on the roadway. Animals in uniform.

Another view

Google translation:

A man scolded a police officer for strangling a young girl in the middle of the road. In response, he was simply beaten by an inadequate uniform.

Video deleted. Another copy here:

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I can’t see any reason to think the Russian police and interior forces, and the detention and prison system plus their ‘courts’ will be any more logistically prepared for what, even allowing for pro Ukrainian propaganda and Western Left wishful thinking, must be huge numbers of people. They can’t easily continue for weeks to keep clearing the streets and keep detained people in huge numbers locked up.

They are probably looking at similar issues to the army and airforce. And whilst they still can resort to shooting people, unlike in the 40s and 50s there is no way they can keep that from the wider population or outside world.

Not that this helps the brave fuckers getting locked up and beaten up on the streets of Russian cities today. But Two weeks ago most people were saying the Ukrainian army would be rolled up easily.

Perhaps these protests will be the same.
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