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Russia mobilises - consequences and reactions

strung out

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I figured this was worth having a thread of its own, to track and talk about Russia's 'partial' mobilisation in action, and the consequences politically and amongst the civilian population, particularly its effect on various demographics, minorities, etc.

Today has seen plenty of videos surfacing of men going off to war, having been conscripted, as well as more videos of airports and border checkpoints, with queues of people trying to flee before getting their conscription notice.

Reports of male students being taken out of classes to be mobilised, arrested protestors against the war being sent to the front line, and people who zero military experience whatsoever being handed their call-up notices.

Utterly grim, and likely to have little effect on the eventual outcome of the war in Ukraine other than prolonging and adding to the death inflicted on innocent people by Putin.
This is very sad. A 29 year old has had to flee, and leave his pregnant wife behind for now. He doesn't know when he'll see her again, if he'll ever set foot in Russia again, and will miss the birth of his child - whichhe describes as 'the most important day of his life'. He hopes to cross the border into Kazakhstan tonight.

I hope he makes it out safely, and his wife can join him ASAP. Conscription is a wicked thing to inflict on people.
Drafting anti-war protestors.

The people running all this are not very bright are they?

They're sending a message about what's going to happen to people who oppose the war and I'm sure the Russian military will be able to find jobs for them that don't involve combat, or being issued a gun they could shoot themselves in the foot with - cleaning the toilets at conscript induction centers maybe, or clearing minefields without equipment.
What's the Russian for "fragging"?
Both the Ukrainians and Russians must have a word for it

So bizarre that Russia is in this state when every guerilla army and tuppeny-ha'penny warlord in every corner of the planet has had AK47's coming out their ears ever since they invented the bloody things. I suppose those would mostly have been the Chinese knock offs though.
That’s the question I asked myself, & others on that thread the same - I suspect they did, but like everything else that’d been in storage for donks failed. Only have to look back at tyres on vehicles at the very beginning! 1000’s of rusty AK’s.
He's a bit of a liberal and tbh quite naive wrt his views on the west but when it comes to the war in Ukraine he's done some good stuff, he's been making these videos for a Russian speaking audience daily since February. I don't know how many people inside Russia are watching but many (most?) people will have VPNs and if you look on YouTube there's actually a lot of content made by people within the country. The ads on his show are also clearly made for a Russian audience as well.

I don’t know where he is now tbh, he looks like he's in a hotel room
So bizarre that Russia is in this state when every guerilla army and tuppeny-ha'penny warlord in every corner of the planet has had AK47's coming out their ears ever since they invented the bloody things. I suppose those would mostly have been the Chinese knock offs though.

That’s the question I asked myself, & others on that thread the same - I suspect they did, but like everything else that’d been in storage for donks failed. Only have to look back at tyres on vehicles at the very beginning! 1000’s of rusty AK’s.

I think the Chinese knock-offs thing is likely to be a player - there was always a hierarchy of AK's, the East German produced ones were the most desirable, and the most expensive, with the cheap Chinese ones at the bottom. The Russian ones were only marginally better...

One of the things that has been noteworthy has been that we expected them to follow the Sov model of units being put onto the front line, used to exhaustion, rotated out and reconstituted with new everything - casualty replacements, uniforms, equipment, rifles, absolutely everything - but there's been little of that. It's all be piecemeal and fairly haphazard, with some units - not cut off, not out on the arse end of nowhere, but well within the logistics chain - with a shocking state, and lack of, equipment, food, fuel and ammunition, and in place for months on end.

The rifles thing is bizarre - but it seems real, to the point where Russian state TV is making comments about second world war rifles and helmets - we wonder if it's something like a lack of cleaning kits, or barrels being flogged off for scrap metal. You can see where the budget goes, if they can whip out T-62's and 1943 rifles, while the 'reactive armour' on much more modern tanks turns out to be rubber blocks...
Supposedly Putin has already been conscripting Russian-speaking Ukrainians within the Donbas for a while now
Economist link

"Since the start of the war Russian forces and leaders in the occupied “people’s republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk are said to have mobilised some 100,000 men. Ukrainian officials say 25,000 conscripts from the occupied territories have been killed or are missing in action, an improbably high figure. Russian sources mention about 3,000 dead, an improbably low one. But data suggest that Ukrainians from the separatist republics are dying at a higher rate than troops from Russia. By June 2022 more than half of the original members of the Donetsk militia had been killed or wounded in combat, reckons Britain’s defence ministry.

Ukrainian officials say that conscripts from the “people’s republics” are sent into battle ahead of others, to draw artillery fire and force the Ukrainians to disclose their positions. “It’s very convenient for Russia, because they don’t lose their troops,” says Oleksiy Arestovych, an aide to Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president. “It’s Ukrainians killing Ukrainians.”

Pro-Russian sympathies run deep in Donetsk and Luhansk. Thousands of the men Russia has deployed to the eastern front are loyalists who have seen action frequently since 2014. Many of them have welcomed the chance to fight Russia’s war. But interviews with relatives and activists suggest that most of the new conscripts are unprepared, underequipped and unwilling. “He told me many of them did not know how to use weapons, and nobody wanted to fight,” says Alina, a woman whose brother, a schoolteacher from Donetsk, also ended up in Kharkiv. “Their commanders told them they would be shot if they turned back.”
ISW has a pretty comprehensive of analysis of the mobilisation -


  • The Kremlin’s heavy-handed approach to partial mobilization may successfully meet the Kremlin’s internal quota of mobilized personnel, but is unlikely to generate effective soldiers and is prompting significant domestic backlash for little gain.
  • The Kremlin is openly not adhering to its promised conditions for partial mobilization.
  • Kremlin quotas will likely force local officials to mobilize men regardless of their military status and will likely incentivize the mobilization of ethnically non-Russian and immigrant communities at a disproportionate rate.

Does look like they are doing it in a way that is guaranteed to provoke anger and resistance across the country. And having an influx of thousands resentful and utterly unmotivated troops is surely not going to lead to very effective troops - and who are likely to surrender, run or mutiny at the first opportunity

Edited to add the correct link!
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Slight aside there was a video on reddit I saw yesterday showing a woman who'd taken some cunt's sign who was protesting about abortion. He followed her videoing and shouting "she's stolen my sign, where are the police, arrest her she's stolen my sign". Policeman turned up and arrested her. Video was called something like "Entitled woman arrested for stealing sign".

Lot of people going on saying Ah well yes I'm for abortion rights but there's free speech in the US and she did steal his sign and the policeman was being very reasonable. I looked for it again today to give a mouthful of abuse but it seems to have been taken down.

So she'll likely get a criminal record for stealing said cunt's sign. Judge will doubtless be very reasonable as he fines or imprisons her if she ever comes up in court. Stealing to me is taking something of value, she should have charged cunt who was actually the entitled one for disposing of his toxic waste. So fucking angry.
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