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Russell Brand on Revolution

I've never in my life contemplated earning plus 30K. Perhaps I have limited ambition. I just want a roof to call my own and work to maintain my other needs. 78 thousand pounds for rental on ONE of your gaffs. Vive la.
People only say that to make us fight within ourself.

What sort of ourself contains a millionaire hollywood house owner knocking out 80 grand a year on rent? None that i want to be part of.
:confused: he's not responsible for his landlords tax arangements, and i'd rant about high rent if I was paying 76kpa.
Not a fan of the bloke, but didn't know about Newera until started talking about and fair play for sticking with it. Think he might come out of this quite well,as long as his ego doesn't get in the way. he is not the story.
What effectiveness is is this combating? It's just a posh cunt being caught? Show me the victories that would say 'get brand'.

The victory is that he has a voice, is using it, and people are listening.

Over a million people viewed the interview with Paxman on youtube.

You don't get that kind of attention unless you're saying things worth listening to, things nobody else has the balls to say.

edited to add: correction, over ten million viewed the video.
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The victory is that he has a voice, is using it, and people are listening.

Over a million people viewed the interview with Paxman on youtube.

You don't get that kind of attention unless you're saying things worth listening to, things nobody else has the balls to say.

The victory is a that a famous person gets to speak? You're serious. All the things that you don't believe are popular. Why must they shut down these music starts with endless fucking stories and pieces on them? WHY WHY WHYYYYYYY
People only say that to make us fight within ourself.

What sort of ourself contains a millionaire hollywood house owner knocking out 80 grand a year on rent? None that i want to be part of.

Why do you care how much money he has? Why don't you focus on the billions the Wallmart family has, while they refuse to give their workers a living wage?
Because it has no relevance to what he's saying about real people suffering real oppression from the oligarchs who run the world without any restraint.
That's not much of an answer. You've just said that you don't care where money comes from, how it's maintained and what it does as long as you like the person with it.

To think in london that paying 80 grand rent isn't part of the problem of rent inflation and thus knocking social housing is beyond stupidity - the sort you can only get from people living 4000 miles away.
Because it has no relevance to what he's saying about real people suffering real oppression from the oligarchs who run the world without any restraint.
I don't know what you think social housing or 'low income' people are but you better get informed before talking next.
Russell Brand hasn't made his millions exploiting labor, he isn't buying low income housing and then raising the rent on people who can't afford to pay, like the richest MP in Britain did. He's made his millions making people laugh. I have no problem with how he makes his living. He's entitled to his millions as far as I'm concerned.

Here, argue with Russell Brand.

The victory is that he has a voice, is using it, and people are listening.

Over a million people viewed the interview with Paxman on youtube.

You don't get that kind of attention unless you're saying things worth listening to, things nobody else has the balls to say.

Do you know why thats so insulting of a post? It's because plenty of people have been saying things in a more cogent manner than Brand for generations and the fact that some comedian has suddenly said things you agree with in a shit and easily ridiculed manner does not equal a revelation for the class. I've had conversations in the smoke room at a warehouse job that gets his gist without the woo. Thats before we even get into how sexually dodgy he is.

Someone famous mentions the screamingly obvious class war and suddenly he is the messiah
Russell Brand hasn't made his millions exploiting labor, he isn't buying low income housing and then raising the rent on people who can't afford to pay, like the richest MP in Britain did. He's made his millions making people laugh. I have no problem with how he makes his living. He's entitled to his millions as far as I'm concerned.

Here, argue with Russell Brand.

What's the point of posting that? Really?

I can't be fecking bothered so here's a video that tells you right.

You can't tell me diane. You can't because you only have ah but he's not the worst now come away.

You literally don't know how housing and money and rent works here - but you sure know how celebrity works.

You're so not from here. Let's keep it tht way.
Do you know why thats so insulting of a post? It's because plenty of people have been saying things in a more cogent manner than Brand for generations and the fact that some comedian has suddenly said things you agree with in a shit and easily ridiculed manner does not equal a revelation for the class. I've had conversations in the smoke room at a warehouse job that gets his gist without the woo. Thats before we even get into how sexually dodgy he is.

Someone famous mentions the screamingly obvious class war and suddenly he is the messiah
News to cali apparently. Nice of them to fill us low income types in and all.
Do you know why thats so insulting of a post? It's because plenty of people have been saying things in a more cogent manner than Brand for generations and the fact that some comedian has suddenly said things you agree with in a shit and easily ridiculed manner does not equal a revelation for the class. I've had conversations in the smoke room at a warehouse job that gets his gist without the woo. Thats before we even get into how sexually dodgy he is.

Someone famous mentions the screamingly obvious class war and suddenly he is the messiah

Sure, that's just how the oligarchs want us, whispering to each other in warehouses, unable to speak openly or be heard so that the whole world can hear the truth of what we're saying in our whispering rooms.

The importance of Russel Brand is that he's amplifying our voices. He's said that's all he's doing. He makes no claims to being the messiah.

So just run along and whisper with your friends. They've got you where they want you.
Butchersapron, if you spent the time you're wasting butchering Brand and insulting me doing something kind and loving, you could actually become part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Sure, that's just how the oligarchs want us, whispering to each other in warehouses, unable to speak openly or be heard so that the whole world can hear the truth of what we're saying in our whispering rooms.

The importance of Russel Brand is that he's amplifying our voices. He's said that's all he's doing. He makes no claims to being the messiah.

So just run along and whisper with your friends. They've got you where they want you.
We're openly laughing at him whilst the olograchs publish and favourbaly review his book. He's destroying my voice. He's making it his. You're making it yours and 911
Do you know why thats so insulting of a post? It's because plenty of people have been saying things in a more cogent manner than Brand for generations and the fact that some comedian has suddenly said things you agree with in a shit and easily ridiculed manner does not equal a revelation for the class. I've had conversations in the smoke room at a warehouse job that gets his gist without the woo. Thats before we even get into how sexually dodgy he is.

Someone famous mentions the screamingly obvious class war and suddenly he is the messiah
:confused: So he deserves that Sun front page
Butchersapron, if you spent the time you're wasting butchering Brand and insulting me doing something kind and loving, you could actually become part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
I do waste time doing that. I didn't insult you. You are a trucking idiot unable to reply to content though.
Butchersapron, if you spent the time you're wasting butchering Brand and insulting me doing something kind and loving, you could actually become part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
What an odd thing to say though - i wonder how many minutes a day i spend doing the juveniley alliterate butchering brand and the other thing. I reckon not so much on the first. Under a second. Over a week prob none. Now the other stuff...
:confused: So he deserves that Sun front page
I don't give a flying what that rag publishes tbf, any take down of Brand will be gross hypocrisy from monied charlie chang friends of fleet street and they can go fuck themselves. I critic him on my terms, for reasons relevant to my class. Not fist bumbping with shitty right wing gutter press
see I can forgive brand his substance abuse, we have all been there. Or some of us have anyway. It's the thing r/w press will use to crucify him. I can't forgive his sleaze though. It's a thing given space in his booky wook.

And thats while not really fine at least he is making atempts to deal with it. Wank four times a day is how you should deal with it lest lust cloud judgement.

Regardless of that and in recognition that nobody is perfect- he is beyond not perfect. Keystage 3 communism plated up by a very compromised source. It's just asking for any informed and thinking r/w voice to tear him apart and by extension valid points he makes.
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