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Russell Brand on Revolution

I'm not a fan of lightbulbs in all honesty .. fuck with my ambiánce and tranquillity at the best of times but especially the 110 long life ones that keep going out when I'm down deep dark scary lightwells all on my own .. 'you can't read a book under those circumstances' .. tony cascarino chapter 3 it's only a game !!
Why do you assume I'm anything to do with the health service... or the UK, for that matter?

Good to see another graduate of the Hollywood Upstairs Medical College on the thread.
I am enjoying reading his book, so far. Part of his message is that he started with nothing, got the fame and the hollywood lifestyle but it still didn't make him happy, that the system we live in doesn't work for the majority of us. He acknowledges that he is lucky, and is using his sleb status, such as it is, to get the message out. He doesn't say he has solutions, he doesn't want to be the leader. It is up to us to work together to find our own solutions. The people he has worked with to write his book are better qualified to offer some solutions to the problems we face.
who's the "the plagiarist nonce-porn writer " ? ( havent seen the book yet)
Johann Hari I presume. He wrote some dodgy incest slash fiction using all that time he saved by cutting and pasting his "journalism", when he wasn't updating his own wiki page
Johann Hari I presume. He wrote some dodgy incest slash fiction using all that time he saved by cutting and pasting his "journalism", when he wasn't updating his own wiki page

You need to keep on top of Wikipedia - I've given up trying to clarify that I am not a Danish pop trio. :(
Saw this in email this morning. Just posting here for info / wider dispursel. Not as critisizm. (Might have been done TBF.)

he is doing something there, which the BBC, etc should be doing, fair play to him.
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He is not our saviour, far from it, but here is on a cold winters day outside a Tory M.P's office , he could be in LA making money, making out, etc.

btw, genuine question, did the radical chic of the sixties, Vanessa, etc protest on basic issues, not just, 'The War', etc, Brand is.
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Johann Hari I presume. He wrote some dodgy incest slash fiction using all that time he saved by cutting and pasting his "journalism", when he wasn't updating his own wiki page

hahaha...he's a frickin card that one for sure.
he could be in LA making money, making out, etc.
Then his agent/publisher/management/Hari would be ringing the bejabers out of his phone demanding to know why he isn't out promoting his shitty stocking filler as per his contract terms.
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