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Russell Brand on Revolution

el-ahrairah .. your drug radar is letting you down ok .. RB has been clean for 10 years and still is tbf
el-ahrairah .. your drug radar is letting you down ok .. RB has been clean for 10 years and still is tbf

i hope so. there's a lot of people, myself included, who take strength and comfort from the successful continuing sobriety of other ex-addicts and to see a high profile one fall, even a dickhead like brand, can be personally distressing.
Well quit saying it on here then .. you expect it from Boris (Russell is a lovely fellow even if he did spend a lot of time in the gents !!) Johnson.
While I dont want to defend Brand particularly I wonder what the context is? random people run up to him all the time to pose for pics

with any luck he hasn't a fucking clue who that cretin is. still, it's probably the same with the pic of owen jones and weev, but we still use it to mock. brand is this lad's hero. what a legacy.
I'm surprised tbh el-ahrairah .. have you watched any of his trews channel ?
He answers every misgiving that folks are questioning him about in that plus any number of interviews .. I don't get why folks are so mad at him .. even if you don't like him he's on the side of any group that is proactive.

I suppose the proof will be in the pudding as phildwyer (who has!! read his book heh) said but in the mean time he surely can't be doing harm supporting unions and homeless folks, drug addicts and alcoholics and taking on huge media and business corporations. He can have no clue that he will have anything resembling a career in the future by doing this.
I'm not a fan of Brand, and please feel free to dismiss Russell Brand the entity, but his ideology shouldn't be dismissed, simply because you don't like or agree with the methodology he's using to put his point across.

Russel Brand is trying hard to address human rights issues. Just because he may not be as articulate as he could be, or because he seems to have spent more time reading a thesaurus than was necessary, doesn't make his POV any less valid.
I'm watching his Newsnight interview as I type, and the fact that he has to attempt to defend his position on planned obsolescence is laughable! Approximately 95% of Ford's revenue is based on planned obsolescence. Ford employ engineers who deliberately build in flaws to ensure their replaceable parts last 3 years (just) (see 'warranty period')

e2a.. Trying to find the light bulb thing...


Edit...A quote from the video... " Anyone who thinks that infinite growth is consistent with a finite planet is either crazy or an economist"... never a truer word spoken!
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Just got to the part about 9:11, and I see some people are dismissing Brand's ideologies because they think he might believe that 9:11 was instigated by the American powers... I don't think the twin towers were brought down by the yanks... I KNOW they were brought down by them, and I couldn't give a flying fuck who disagrees with me, because I've worked on demolitions and seen the mathematics and physics of controlled demolitions, and I know that a plane crashing into the towers couldn't ever create a situation where structural metals become molten, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fookin' div'!
Just got to the part about 9:11, and I see some people are dismissing Brand's ideologies because they think he might believe that 9:11 was instigated by the American powers... I don't think the twin towers were brought down by the yanks... I KNOW they were brought down by them, and I couldn't give a flying fuck who disagrees with me, because I've worked on demolitions and seen the mathematics and physics of controlled demolitions, and I know that a plane crashing into the towers couldn't ever create a situation where structural metals become molten, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fookin' div'!
You idiot (why do they always give themselves spurious doctorates?)
Just got to the part about 9:11, and I see some people are dismissing Brand's ideologies because they think he might believe that 9:11 was instigated by the American powers... I don't think the twin towers were brought down by the yanks... I KNOW they were brought down by them, and I couldn't give a flying fuck who disagrees with me, because I've worked on demolitions and seen the mathematics and physics of controlled demolitions, and I know that a plane crashing into the towers couldn't ever create a situation where structural metals become molten, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fookin' div'!
out of curiosity where did the molten metal found under ground zero come from then? seems to me the planes must have caused that...
none of which changes the apparent fact that molten steel was found at ground zero. as far as i can see it must have been caused by the impact of the planes or the subsequent inferno, caused of course by the planes.
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