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Russell Brand on Revolution

Dude, you really need to provide some evidence if you hope to convince people.

The statement you quoted isn't evidence, because it applies to every man.

Do you have any real evidence or not?
Every man?

I don't know the details but Brand was worse than most I think. I think it was also in the context of drug and possibly sex addiction. I am not sure though.

Google "is russell brand a sexist", there's a lot of stuff.
Google "is russell brand a sexist", there's a lot of stuff.

OK I just skimmed the top few links.

Most of them say he's sexist because he is (or used to be) promiscuous.

That's just silly. And when it comes from heterosexual men, it's motivated by jealousy.
When i listened to him being interviewed by Evan he was stating that one of his main aims was to become a voice for oppressed people who had few champions.

He's right, our side of the free market fuckwittery v socialism/anarchism/communism battle does not have many high profile articulators. Sadly, gone are the days when we could watch/listen to the news and hear a Scargill or a Benn or a Foot arguing for and urging proper change.

Worse still is the absence of a sustaining labour movement. Hopefully that will be back, when people finally awaken from the long slumber..

Till then, Russell has my respect, and occasional attention. We've to take whats available, warts and all.
No problem dude.

Now, once again, do you have any evidence that Russell Brand is a sexist?

I like Barton, so no, that's not evidence of what you suggested. (and he did apologise for being sexist).
Have another go, eh?
I like Barton, so no, that's not evidence of what you suggested. (and he did apologise for being sexist).
Have another go, eh?

No problem dude:

More dated sexism..."collar and cuffs":eek:

Look, this is getting ridiculous. You're obviously one of those people who throw the word "sexism" around wildly, applying it to just about anything you happen to find objectionable. I think that robs the term of its import and significance.

When i listened to him being interviewed by Evan he was stating that one of his main aims was to become a voice for oppressed people who had few champions.

He's right, our side of the free market fuckwittery v socialism/anarchism/communism battle does not have many high profile articulators. Sadly, gone are the days when we could watch/listen to the news and hear a Scargill or a Benn or a Foot arguing for and urging proper change.

Worse still is the absence of a sustaining labour movement. Hopefully that will be back, when people finally awaken from the long slumber..

Till then, Russell has my respect, and occasional attention. We've to take whats available, warts and all.
I happen to agree with quite a few of Prince Charles' view. He doesn't have my respect and occasional attention though.

I don't hate Russell Brand or anything. In fact I kind of like him. But I think some of his strengths, enthusiasm, idealism and a lot of charisma are a bit if a dangerous cocktail.
Look, this is getting ridiculous. You're obviously one of those people who throw the word "sexism" around wildly, applying it to just about anything you happen to find objectionable. I think that robs the term of its import and significance.

A great part of its import and significance stems from the large number of phenomenon that quite fairly fall under its name.

Some of Brands most obvious failings in the past may well fall under a range of labels that go beyond what you see the core of sexism to be. Thats your problem, and failure of others to adhere to these restrictions does not mean other people are 'watering down' the term sexism in a manner that harms the cause, no matter how loud or how long you bleat on about it.

Whatever labels people find most appropriate, clearly Brand has done things in the past that he shows at least some signs of being ashamed about these days. I'm not sure if he will manage to convince all of his critics that he's really got a clue on some of these fronts now, perhaps because the way he speaks and writes tends to add a sort of fickle, glossy objectivisation to bloody everything. So even when he's trying to declare that he now stands against the sexual objectification of women, the declaration itself seems to end up encapsulated in a shiny bauble.
No problem dude:

Look, this is getting ridiculous. You're obviously one of those people who throw the word "sexism" around wildly, applying it to just about anything you happen to find objectionable. I think that robs the term of its import and significance.

I think you've just got into the habit of calling everyone you don't like "sexist."
So, to re-cap, referring to an archaic term intimating some discrepancy between the colour of a woman's head and pubic hair as sexist, somehow proves your assertion that I've "...got into the habit of calling "..everyone you don't like...'sexist'".

You're hoping to convince people of something?
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I happen to agree with quite a few of Prince Charles' view. He doesn't have my respect and occasional attention though.

I don't hate Russell Brand or anything. In fact I kind of like him. But I think some of his strengths, enthusiasm, idealism and a lot of charisma are a bit if a dangerous cocktail.

Brand is just another celeb, but at least he isn't prominent merely because he got born into the Saxe Coburg Gotha Windsor tribe of talentless and lisping aristo's.

Brand has often got it wrong, and no doubt will again. But i believe he is sincere, and that he has changed - for the better. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step?
I read something written by him maybe nearly a year back where he said he feared he 'had a bit of a case of the old sexism' and was taking a look at his behaviour. Has he been backsliding a bit?
Russell Brand said:
One thing I've learned and was surprised by is that I may suffer from the ol' sexism. I can only assume I have an unaddressed cultural hangover, like my adorable Nan who had a heart that shone like a pearl but was, let's face it, a bit racist. I don't want to be a sexist so I'm trying my best to check meself before I wreck meself. The problem may resolve itself as I'm in a loving relationship with a benevolent dictator and have entirely relinquished personal autonomy.

From here.
Russell Brand got political... a lot of people are sceptical of his motives and his political knowledge. We don't all need to be super intelligent or morally angelic to make a difference to the world around us. If Russell wants to shine his light on something, he has just as much right to do so as anyone.

Sometimes online conversations are too much like a bunch of concert pianists criticising a bloke who's just learned a few chords on a pub piano. He might not understand exactly what he's doing, but it's still music and although it may be clumsy or unoriginal, he's the guy who has made the effort to create something.

Good luck to him, and I'd much rather vote for Russell Brand than Milly Band. :)
Who is Milly Band?
A great part of its import and significance stems from the large number of phenomenon that quite fairly fall under its name.

Some of Brands most obvious failings in the past may well fall under a range of labels that go beyond what you see the core of sexism to be. Thats your problem, and failure of others to adhere to these restrictions does not mean other people are 'watering down' the term sexism in a manner that harms the cause, no matter how loud or how long you bleat on about it.

Whatever labels people find most appropriate, clearly Brand has done things in the past that he shows at least some signs of being ashamed about these days. I'm not sure if he will manage to convince all of his critics that he's really got a clue on some of these fronts now, perhaps because the way he speaks and writes tends to add a sort of fickle, glossy objectivisation to bloody everything. So even when he's trying to declare that he now stands against the sexual objectification of women, the declaration itself seems to end up encapsulated in a shiny bauble.

So no evidence of his sexism then?
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