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Russell Brand on Revolution

I guess some degree of internal change is necessary such as change in some beliefs and assumptions.

Ie the belief of what a lifestyle should look like, that somehow we could have a fair society with less impact on the earth but nothing else would change.

In the civil rights movement in America I think people of all races had to question their own feelings and beliefs probably.

But I get the feeling that when people talk about changing their thoughts they mean in a deeper way than this and I'm not sure about that as a priority.
nonsense. Schools, churches, family or friends of family all get w/c kids into music and there are tons of w/c musicians. You can find them playing in pubs, fairs etc. What you are probably confusing is the visible outlet for artistry with the entirety of it. Would you claim there are no working class poets? No working class painters?

or is art in your head a middle class pursuit, too good for the likes of us?
Absolutely. Total nonsense statement
Oh dear.

The author is a total knob, but, fucking hell.

Ha, indeed, it's all gone a bit Nathan Barley rise of the idiots in my mind now. Not that I'm at all surprised, after all Brands youtube program is called 'the trews' for fucks sake.

I wonder how his investigation into Easeman is going. Actually I don't.
Oh dear.

The author is a total knob, but, fucking hell.

tbh, that author actually makes me more sympathetic to russell brand. we've all go to start somewhere, perhaps in a few years brand's naive idealism and shonky understanding of things will turn into a proper political analysis.

the author of that piece was born a dickhead, raised a dickhead, lives as a Massive Clanging Bellend and on his deathbed his children will gather round and sneer at the passing of a proper fucking cock.
tbh, that author actually makes me more sympathetic to russell brand. we've all go to start somewhere, perhaps in a few years brand's naive idealism and shonky understanding of things will turn into a proper political analysis.

the author of that piece was born a dickhead, raised a dickhead, lives as a Massive Clanging Bellend and on his deathbed his children will gather round and sneer at the passing of a proper fucking cock.
How old do you think brand is? He's not a kiddy. He's almost at the end of his life.
the fool is older than me, so he should have picked up a bit of nous by now. but even so, my mum didn't have a functioning class analysis until her 40s! for very different reasons though, i should make clear.

i know what you mean though. i just really hated the sneering arrogance of the writer of that piece. because he was using russell brand to have a pop at all left-of-centre positions.
nonsense. Schools, churches, family or friends of family all get w/c kids into music and there are tons of w/c musicians. You can find them playing in pubs, fairs etc. What you are probably confusing is the visible outlet for artistry with the entirety of it. Would you claim there are no working class poets? No working class painters?

or is art in your head a middle class pursuit, too good for the likes of us?

Err who is 'us'? 'Majority' is what I said you are a painting a picture (a working class one of course!) that I have said all musicians

And that's not what I said. Of course there are w/c musicians and artists, my mother was such an artist from a working class background. What I am saying is that in my opinion (I am allowed one aren't I?) the majority of musicians would appear to come from middle class backgrounds. And in musicians that incorporates all musicians not just those that play indie rock and roll in pubs or busk on streets.
what is a revolution of thought?

Inside Brands head thoughts... Well I 'thought' about inciting revolution and how other people can do it, whilst I write the book on revolution of thought and thus make some more money..... . That's revolution of thought! :p Simples!
Err who is 'us'? 'Majority' is what I said you are a painting a picture (a working class one of course!) that I have said all musicians

And that's not what I said. Of course there are w/c musicians and artists, my mother was such an artist from a working class background. What I am saying is that in my opinion (I am allowed one aren't I?) the majority of musicians would appear to come from middle class backgrounds. And in musicians that incorporates all musicians not just those that play indie rock and roll in pubs or busk on streets.

thats arrant nonsense though isn't it? Worse so because its sourced from the roots before its packaged for sale.
39. :D <feels the icy claw of death>

Know what you mean though. His book just sounds risible. He'd not get away with writing that sorta tosh on here.

Do you know, reading that piece, those misquotes and misunderstandings really do read like Hari's. I went through as many of his pieces on intellectual subjects and writers during hari/leroy jones-gate and they struck me as exactly the same sort of rushed gropings as in Brand's book - chararcterised by the need to be seen to mention these people, to be up with the intellectual curve rather than doing serious methodical study of them and then successfully integrating the useful bits into your own thoughts. Note russel, before you threaten someone else with legal action over ther authorship of your book, i'm not saying he wrote it, i'm not saying he's your little socky-wock, i'm saying it reads like you did the above verbally to Hari and he turned it into his usual mush for you.

No he's just getting publicity that enhances his career as Geldof did.

Cynicism is a useful tool born of costly experience. The above isn't useful cynicism though - it's the simple attribution of base motives to the actions of someone you don't like. I don't like him, i think he's a dilettante letch who isn't even suggesting he's going to follow through the logic of what he says in a credible manner - but he's genuine and sincere in his mistakes and there's plenty space for him to actually get them sorted if he grasps the easy way of living his life without double-standards and hypocrisies.
Totally agree all the points Moynihan raises are clearly Hari at work(except the 911 stuff)

I also think Brand like Owen Jones and Ellie Mae whatserface means well even if I disagree with a lot of what he says
I think the biggest problem with brand is his dalliances with truthers and other consipraloons
Brand got it in the neck yesterday from Jeremy Duns who dug out all tweets from him supporting Icke, 911 madness, anti-anti-semitism (rothschild stuff) etc. Looks like stuff that was brought out on here by a couple of posters back in june 2013.
Brand got it in the neck yesterday from Jeremy Duns who dug out all tweets from him supporting Icke, 911 madness, anti-anti-semitism (rothschild stuff) etc. Looks like stuff that was brought out on here by a couple of posters back in june 2013.

Ah yes. In an ideal world someone with a worldview that isn't made of magic cheese would use the attention that Brand is getting to launch a more worthwhile project, but I don't see that happening.


Jeremy Duns @jeremyduns · 14h14 hours ago
Russell Brand's Magical Loquacious Shoddily Researched Sexy And Ooh Missus A Bit Blokily Sexist Conspiracy Theory Open Mind Tour
From the mag that millionaire Brand guest edited for its billionaire editor:

Stuff your revolution if it doesn’t include treating women as people

Russell Brand, clown that he is, is taken seriously by an awful lot of young men who see any criticism of the cartoon messiah’s misogyny as a derail from “the real issues” (whatever they are). The fans claim they love Brand despite the fact that he talks about women as poisoned birds of paradise, sucubus-like vultures or material accoutrements of wealth (“Are you reading this on a yacht, through your Ray-Bans, with, I dunno, a pair of glistening Russian sisters,” Brand asks his implicitly male reader at the start of his atrocious Revolution). I think the fans are dishonest: the sexism is part of the sell. If you know what power feels like, even if you have ever so little of it, how many people could commit to a new order with none at all?
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