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Russell Brand on Revolution

I've explained this before on another thread. It's the username I used on The Guardian's website which I picked years ago in response to an article by some members of the Fabian Society who wanted the word "chav" banned and wrote "You cannot consider yourself of the left and use the word". I picked "PoorButNotAChav" because I was pointing out that some chavs are not poor and some poor people are not chavs. The name wasn't chosen to denigrate chavs. It was chosen to differentiate.


However, I'm prepared to denigrate chavs. I see no contradiction between being "of the left" and disliking chavs and their predecessors such as townies. There might have been a revolution in this country (or at least no Tory-led coalition government) if thousands of young people had been more interested in politics, socialism and bringing down the system than in getting pissed, consumerism and battering goths and students and the Labour Party hadn't been taken over by the likes of Peter Mandelson and Tony Blair and sold its soul to the City of London and Rupert Murdoch.

So the students and goths didn't climb on board the capitalist system getting jobs in banking and I.T. ex thus diminishing any prospect of a revolution.
You sound like a swappie .
I've explained this before on another thread. It's the username I used on The Guardian's website which I picked years ago in response to an article by some members of the Fabian Society who wanted the word "chav" banned and wrote "You cannot consider yourself of the left and use the word". I picked "PoorButNotAChav" because I was pointing out that some chavs are not poor and some poor people are not chavs. The name wasn't chosen to denigrate chavs. It was chosen to differentiate.


However, I'm prepared to denigrate chavs. I see no contradiction between being "of the left" and disliking chavs and their predecessors such as townies. There might have been a revolution in this country (or at least no Tory-led coalition government) if thousands of young people had been more interested in politics, socialism and bringing down the system than in getting pissed, consumerism and battering goths and students and the Labour Party hadn't been taken over by the likes of Peter Mandelson and Tony Blair and sold its soul to the City of London and Rupert Murdoch.

what a load of wank.
I got sent this. I was unable to watch more than a minute but perhaps others will find it interesting.


Googly-eyed ninja FTW!
(a) Don't know and (b) hugely unlikely I'd imagine.

Did you sit through the whole thing?

Yeah, had it on in the background. Broadly reasonable points made - thought RB might actually find some of it interesting if it got to him. Though at times wasn't sure if it was Beaker in a ninja costume or Will Self having a laugh.
Yeah, had it on in the background. Broadly reasonable points made - thought RB might actually find some of it interesting if it got to him. Though at times wasn't sure if it was Beaker in a ninja costume or Will Self having a laugh.
I thought will self simply because of the posho accent. If it's not a joke and they are about being embedded in communities with fuxing kendo nagasaki masks on.

Nah, some poshoes on the internet read some stuff out.
Jarvis Cocker made an excellent point about 10 years ago, as regards the seemingly apolitical stance of many popular musicians, which boiled down to "if you're not hungry, you don't get angry". Given the predominance of "fame school" alumni, manufactured groups and the like that populate the charts, there's little hunger there, so no urge for change from them.
It's a class thing.

From my observations most musicians come from a middle class backgrounds, any anger is borne from teenage angst... It subsides once the money rolls in...

I know a lot of people don't agree with me on here but I find Russel Brand a hypocrite, he may make some pertinent points, but he could at least lead by example and give most of his dosh away if he truly feels the way he does.

I have always felt this way ever since Geldof spouted at Live Aid 'give us your fucking money'. Well Bob and Bono 'Give us your fucking money'

Live Aid raised about 30 million, between them Geldof and Bono (main players in Band Aid) they are pupportedly worth £550 million . Brand is heading that way too. It's not just Bankers that generate telephone number wealth.
He probably could stand to put some of his money where his mouth is. But I think it's a bit ridiculous to expect him or anyone to just give all their money away. If he's a tax dodger like Bonovox (or as much of a pious hypocrit cunt, whichi don't htink he is) then fair enough. But this is bordering on the politics of envy. That said, I wish I had that kind of money!
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