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Purnell: more attacks on the unemployed, etc

Its similar to the German Harz laws, the one euro job,but there was uproar there
with mass marches etc, here nothing.:(
160 pages of bile on Have Your Say.

Ugh, just ugh.

Please tell me this isn't representative of the country as a whole and that these morons are a minority of hateful embittered ignoramuses? (Ignorami?)
160 pages of bile on Have Your Say.

Ugh, just ugh.

Please tell me this isn't representative of the country as a whole and that these morons are a minority of hateful embittered ignoramuses? (Ignorami?)

IMO it is not representative of the country - just people who should be working themselves but it is representative of a neo con agenda with the media going along with it BBC and all and stoking the flames and scapegoating

600,000 job vacancies 2 million and rising unemployed not one jouranlist has made this point and the question is why not?
600,000 job vacancies 2 million and rising unemployed not one jouranlist has made this point and the question is why not?

It's quite scary isn't it? You think that we have something approaching a free press in this country, and then you see something like this where the state uses a blatant lie (ie there is plenty of work for everyone) to pass off some truly loathsome policies and absolutely nobody in the media calls them on it. This whole thing is (or should be) a scandal right up there with the whole '45 minutes' farrago and yet nobody seems to give a toss.

Fuck this country :mad:
Mr Farrelly,

I have corresponded with you over the last couple of years about welfare reform as someone who is grateful in the extreme for the help I have received and continue to receive and once again we appear to be being singled out for attention!.

I saw Mr Purnell on the 'Sunday Programme' on 20th July 2008 informing us that his policy was the same as the Tory policy ( Doesn't that make him a Tory then and, if you agree, you too? ) and his latest Green Paper would take these Tory policies further.
Sir, as someone who is 57 lives alone in fear of pain and has not slept in a bed since 2000 due to this chronic pain and who has to be careful in everything he does because if my back or legs give way has no-one to look after him, who sometimes has difficulty in keeping clean after using the toilet , I say this to you;
I am a frightened man!
Your government, my government, is instilling fear in me!!
Are not my disabilities, my heart disease, my diabetes enough to cope with?
How can I work if I can't even wipe my own backside properly for Gods sake!!
How can I work if I don't know until I wake up how much I can accomplish in a single day let alone a week?
Would anyone employ me under these conditions? Would you employ me sir?
I ask you sir. Is this fair? Is this right?
I ask you sir to take these questions into the House of Commons when the Green Paper is next debated and ask Mr Purnell for answers please.
I fully appreciate that the government has a duty to seek out those who misuse the benefits system for the good of us all but I get the feeling that the real cause of this benefit reform is not to help those who could work but to cut the welfare bill regardless of the social cost.

For example, Mr Purnell said on 5 live on 21st July that anyone who turns down a job could have benefits stopped. The interviewer asked if anyone should have to take a job no matter what. Mr Purnell replied that being on benefits is not about choosing a job! He seemed to be saying that a claimant has no choice about job suitability. So if I am an animal lover ( which I am ) and am offered a job in a slaughterhouse I must accept or lose my benefit? If your teenage daughter was offered a job as a pole dancer she could not refuse or lose benefit?

I hope you will stand with those like some of your colleagues in the party who appear to say that this smacks of “all benefit claimants are shirkers “
Mr Purnell says that with rights comes responsibility. Can I ask if I have the right to live fear free of the feeling of being accused as a shirker, as that is how all benefit claimants will feel shortly I fear!
Why does your government always attack those who can not defend themselves? Why do I not hear of such attacks on tax avoiders or VAT abusers. I see ads on the TV against benefit fraudsters but not these tax and VAT avoiders. Why is this so? Could it be that they have power and can fight back?
Please Mr Farrelly do not allow these reforms to pass through without due care and attention as it may lead to early deaths due to worry and concern.
I feel ill now just thinking of what might be, what next cock-up by this cock -up prone government may do to me and those less fortunate than myself!!

Everyone should write to their MP and let them know where you stand.

Great letter that, but trying to appeal to their better side is easier said than done, they have no heart, no feelings.
But i guess the more people that write and oppose this the more uncomfortable the bastards will feel. A bully does not like to be challenged.
Some really hysterical posts on this thread as usual. Disability benefits are a bloody mess. There are loads of people stuck on IB or Income support with a disability premium who could work. Loads of them would like to as well. There will as usual be major holes in this legislation but some of the suggestions on here are just plain nonsense. James purnell trying to thin thru a way of getting hundreds of 1000s of people off IB and into work does not make him Hitler or Bush...
People saying that Nigel should be banned for saying what he thinks are just being silly.

Still working for a company that helps disabled claimants into work, balders?
So tbaldwin agrees with nigels offensive comments how does that not surprise me it was offensive because it makes light of problems with mental health that people suffer it is a very morally corrupt person who can not judge things but only on his own experience thank fuck that there are people who understand mental illness
and look, what the Indie editorial says, a liberal paper, more a manchester liberal!

Leading article: A welcome return to the principles of Beveridge

Tuesday, 22 July 2008
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Some were bound to react to the Government's proposals for further welfare reform by attacking them for "punishing people for being poor". They are nothing of the sort, and it does not foster mature political debate to dismiss as right-wing or illiberal the idea that people have a responsibility to work, alongside a right to social support when they are in difficulties. It is true that yesterday's Green Paper targets those in the bottom quartile of the social economy. But the plans are an attack not on poverty so much as on dependency.

The Independent is too boring to be worth bothering with but if i was a reader of their i'd tell em to fuck off and never buy the paper again...evil bastards
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What a load of rubbish! You cannot get more right wing than forcing the sick to work, and not even pay them the minimum wage for doing so. It's straight out of Hitlers Germany and will lead to a huge increase in crime as people have to steal to survive - let's face it, if they're going to be forced to do community service when they HAVEN'T committed a crime , may as well do the crime anyway...

The above is my comment on the Independent site, so you can read it before it gets taken off!
I think i have been banned after one post!, i though ISP's had dynamic IP adresses, can i log in again with a new IP, its saying no comment allowed...
I saw an intersting quote from Frank Field the other day, he said that as ESA will pay more than Jobseekers Allowance (after 14 weeks) and so human nature will kick in and people will not spend those 14 weeks getting themselves ready for work but will spend it finding a way to get the higher rate of benefit paid to them.

This happened with Incapacity Benefit so why not ESA?

The people who will be required to get treatment for their condition, be it back pain, depression, alchoholism or whatever, will find a waiting list the length of the Great Wall of China for treatment. Its bad enough now waiting for physio, counselling or even getting an appointment.

How the fuck can this piece of shit work?
Is anyone really surprised at the Independent? They live in a hermetically sealed north London bubble of their own ilk and sneer at the rest of us.
It looks like Johann Hari is supporting the reforms, its Clinton's tough love again, saving the unemployed from themselves.
Hari: "If you apply for benefits, you will be swiftly matched up with jobs or training in your local area, and required to choose one. If there are none, or if you keep losing the jobs, you will be required to work in government schemes in return for the cash. If you absolutely and consistently refuse to do that, then you will not receive money."

Firstly, how does stripping people of the means to actually and fundamentally live equate to help and encouragement. It's a fragile threat and a gamble. It's a bet that the unemployed will take the work rather than starve. That's not helping people that's bullying and blackmail and fosters little more than resentment. Aren't people who are living right now in our soceity entitled to at least feed themselves in somewhere warm and safe?

Secondly, and through no fault of your own, if you live where there are no jobs or you get sacked a lot (such is the nature of this increasingly casual workforce), you get the punishment - community service. Let's call it what it is. It's community service; the sentence we use to correct criminal behaviour. How the fucking hell do you separate workfare from community service and how is it the fault of the jobless that there are no jobs or that employers will treat him like crap?

Still we better support this because it's better than what Cameron plans eh! :(

THis is all so very fucked up.

Actually, there is also no guarantee such brutal policies work. A Canadian Govt report has shown their Welfare To Work programmes just didn't achieve their aims. The report indicated there had been no increase in the numbers of employable welfare clients declaring employment income after leaving welfare. Many actually have died on the streets. In Australia, major charities like the Salvation Army actually refused to work with similar programmes.


Whilea a new report commissioned by the DWP also found that the use of benefits sanctions: ‘worsens existing health problems and can provoke new mental health problems’. The conclusions of the report suggest that benefit sanctions should play a more limited role.


the question is why is the media not reporting these...
Thing is, if I was a shitty employer ( and there are many about ) Whose job it was to clean graffiti off walls for an authority and I had 6 employees who I paid min wage would it not increase my profits to sack them and hire dole scum (in the eyes of said employer ) for peanuts and increase my profits so I haven't helped employment its the same just different people on the dole?:confused:

Perhaps I'm missing something but this stinks of the Tory 80s and YOPS for all ages not just young people!!
New Labour attacks welfare . . . again
Yesterday, the Government set out its new plans for 'welfare reform'. The plans reform both Jobseeker's Allowance and Incapacity Benefit (soon to become Employment Support Allowance).

The proposals include compulsory community service for those on unemployment benefits (equating benefit entitlement with criminality), and a range of punitive measures for people on incapacity benefit.

At a time of increasing unemployment such draconian measures will not only prove counter-productive, but the requirement for forced labour and the greater harassment of disabled people is a moral disgrace.

Allowing the private sector to make money out of the unemployed and those on incapacity benefit is a step further than even the Governments of Thatcher or Major went.

The Government has sacked 30,000 staff in DWP since 2004 and now it is proposiing to give more of their jobs to the private sector through letting private companies deliver welfare programmes.

I will be standing in solidarity with the unemployed and the disabled, as well as PCS members working for Jobcentre Plus, to defend public services and welfare rights.

John McDonnell MP has come out very strongly against them, he has have aword with the 'left MP Paul Flynn who seems to support them.
Thing is, if I was a shitty employer ( and there are many about ) Whose job it was to clean graffiti off walls for an authority and I had 6 employees who I paid min wage would it not increase my profits to sack them and hire dole scum (in the eyes of said employer ) for peanuts and increase my profits so I haven't helped employment its the same just different people on the dole?

That is exactly what has happened in places like NYC, the unions really should be outspoken on all this, even in their own best interest, never mind a moral reason to....
Is anyone really surprised at the Independent? They live in a hermetically sealed north London bubble of their own ilk and sneer at the rest of us.

I have lived in and around north london all my life .but you are right in what you say angel:p
Well i dunno how but I'VE been allowed to put another comment on the Independant....and it's good to see that 95percent of posts are common sense. I think they will lose a lot of readers over this Tory scum editorial
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