Coming to terms with late onset Anarchism
Really informative post; thanks.But moaning that GPs just 'sit about' and give phone appointments and sending people to A&E unnecessarily is so fucking clueless it's a fucking joke.
Regarding your last point; I can appreciate how annoying it must be to read hear such ill-informed comments but isn't there an inevitability about push-back when changes to PHC access have been made so rapidly? Most patients remember when they were able to see a GP, and those of us that are older will even remember having our own 'family' GP who gave us continuity of care. The practice with which I'm registered will now no longer take phone calls or make appointments beyond 1 day and it is very difficult to make progress through the gate-keepers to get a GP appointment. On the rare occasions that I have to visit the Health Centre (to drop off repeat requests) the place is always empty. These are big cultural changes for patients and I do worry about the reality of PHC for those less able to access IT etc. I suppose what I'm saying is, I completely understand why staff like yourself might be considering other other career opportunities, because less reflective/informed patients must be lashing out at what has become of our NHS PHC.