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    Lazy Llama

Purnell: more attacks on the unemployed, etc

Apart from the new ESA benefit, the rest of the "announcement" contains nothing new at all. As said previously all those sanctions and threats of voluntary community work are already here. Ask anybody on a New Deal "training course". The piss poor training companies cannot provide quality work placements, they can't provide people with basic skills they need because they don't have properly qualified staff, immigrants needing basic English lessons get better educated doing a 9 hour a week college course than they do "training" for 30 hours a week with a private training company who are swimming in Government contracts.

They couldn't train a dog to shit on the ground

Yes josef just another nu labour re announcment .the sun reporting was despicable as usual
Well, looks like it's all going ahead on Monday then.


Plus lots of private involvement in the scheme, of course. You can download the whole leaked doc from the Sky piece on it - http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Po...Planned-By-Government/Article/200807315046271

I'd say "cunts" but, you know, by now that both goes without saying and just isn't a sufficient description. At the same time as I'm reading this I'm listening to Any Questions, where a wheelchair-bound woman has just posed the question how she's supposed to survive the winter when she can't pay both her heating bills and her food bills at the same time.
strange isn't it that these people:

'severely disabled people, carers and parents of young children should be expected to look and train for work'

actually are picked out as not being part of wider society? this is fucking shite of the highest order, workfare does not work whatever the justification, let alone when it segregates sections of society. i cannot believe the sheer brass neck of this government. they deserve to be tossed out of power, as they're a shower of shit :mad:
It actually says that about severely disabled people, and Purnell is being considered in the LP as a future leader! some of this shit is the sort of stuff that in other countries leads to people's uprising,
I'd say "cunts" but, you know, by now that both goes without saying and just isn't a sufficient description. At the same time as I'm reading this I'm listening to Any Questions, where a wheelchair-bound woman has just posed the question how she's supposed to survive the winter when she can't pay both her heating bills and her food bills at the same time.

ah, it excludes them , but this still qualifies for righteous anger
as VP put it so eloquently on another thread, Purnell is a cunt. pure and simple and we didn't have the comfort of a Hear'say style compo to elect the smarmy fuck-lipped wanker.
Sounds like another form of community service. I would have thought my opportunities to search for jobs, fill in application forms, attend interviews, etc would be affected if I had to spend the working week walking the streets picking up rubbish and piles of dog shit. :)
strange isn't it that these people:

'severely disabled people, carers and parents of young children should be expected to look and train for work'

actually are picked out as not being part of wider society? this is fucking shite of the highest order, workfare does not work whatever the justification, let alone when it segregates sections of society. i cannot believe the sheer brass neck of this government. they deserve to be tossed out of power, as they're a shower of shit :mad:

What if there are no carers for the young children? Are parents meant to leave them at home whilst they go and shovel shit?
Sounds like another form of community service. I would have thought my opportunities to search for jobs, fill in application forms, attend interviews, etc would be affected if I had to spend the working week walking the streets picking up rubbish and piles of dog shit. :)

Yeah it would be easier shoplifting! At least then ya might earn a living wage to risk community service!
At least this is some way from becoming law, it's still a green paper, but based on it fitting in so well with everything that's previously been said and done, this is probably one of the final stages.
For The Working Class, Not The Shirking Class

Have to congratulate Purnell on his attempt to put people into work, training and where in some sink estates and other areas, where after around thirty years of our manafacturing industry being destroyed, mainly through privatisation. Where you have 3,4, if not five generations of people in long term unemoployment, putting schemes through to coerce people to learn basic literacy & numeracy, that in a country like Britain most of all is deplorable that skills like this are not fundamental. It is also good that at last an attempt has been made to try to eradicate the social underclass/lumpen proletariat that is nothing but despicable and degenerative to our society as a whole.

Unfortunately though, following the mindset of New Labour, he is attempting to do this through Neo Liberal measures and Privatisation, not only a detrament to unemployed people trying to get back into work, but most of all, the public sector and staff involved in these private schemes.

Good result for decent working people trying to look after 'challenged' people & not sliding into benefit culture.
For The Working Class, Not The Shirking Class

With growing casualisation, temporary contracts et al, some 'serious' initiative within the trade union movement should be initiated to organise these people and attempt to make links with Public Sector unions, especially as they are now more confident and now showing their teeth!
Purnell and New Labour are going much farther than old Thatch, they love the private sector so much - no surprise that they want to flog off all public services to their friends in the City.

Would not surprise me if they try to move everyone on benefits into the Army - they can join the 'lets put all anti social behaviour knife thugs into the Army' mob.

FFS its going to a mega huge Army. Things are going to get worse before the general election in 2010.
Have to congratulate Purnell

I read these first four words of your post and instantly knew I didn't want to read the rest of it.

To all those who say 'yes it's tough love but you've got to get people into jobs somehow' I will say, for the fourteen billionth time; there are more people than jobs and this is not the fault of those who don't have one. If there actually was a job for everybody then the free market economy would be utterly fucked because the workers and the unions would have too much power over employers that couldn't easily replace them. Purnell et al's schemes have various purposes, including providing an excuse to shovel more public funds into the pockets of useless 'training' companies; removing the right of workers to choose what kind and what conditions of employment they will accept; to shift the blame for a fucked economy onto those claiming part of a benefit bill that actually adds up to less than the amount embezzled from the public purse by civil servants every year; and to score easy points amongst daily mail reading cunts for whom only rebuilding the workhouses is a fair way to deal with the poor. But actually helping the poor? Anyone who has first-hand experience of using the benefits system over the last few years will know that that is waaaaay down the list of priorities if it actually appears at all.

And lets not forget that using the threat of removing all benefits to motivate people isn't a case of denying people their fags and scratchcards or whatever your prejudices state that poor people buy, but more a case of 'do as we say or die of starvation'. The drones at the jobcentre can already cut off your benefits for weeks on end with only the most arbitrary of reasons for doing so; moves to increase the ease with which claimants are cut off are superfluous to say the least. These reforms will cost lives, I'm certain of that.
Have to congratulate Purnell on his attempt to put people into work, training and where in some sink estates and other areas, where after around thirty years of our manafacturing industry being destroyed, mainly through privatisation.
You say that as if Purnell and his party have had fuck-all to do with the ongoing decline of manufacturing (think how many breaks "the city" gets in comparison to our industrial base).
Besides, you're mistaking government-subsidised "makework" for real work.
Where you have 3,4, if not five generations of people in long term unemoployment, putting schemes through to coerce people to learn basic literacy & numeracy, that in a country like Britain most of all is deplorable that skills like this are not fundamental.
So, rather than just blaming the victims, why isn't a great socialist mind such as yours enquiring as to how the fuck the education system let so many of those people down in the first place?
Nah, that'd be too much like acknowledging that the fault doesn't just lie with the masses, wouldn't it?
It is also good that at last an attempt has been made to try to eradicate the social underclass/lumpen proletariat that is nothing but despicable and degenerative to our society as a whole.
So you believe in the eradication through enforced labour of an entire social class?
Now whose political ideology does that remind me of, I wonder?
Unfortunately though, following the mindset of New Labour, he is attempting to do this through Neo Liberal measures and Privatisation, not only a detrament to unemployed people trying to get back into work, but most of all, the public sector and staff involved in these private schemes.
Well quite, and he's only fucking doing it because that's what "business" wants; cash cows they can milk public money from, so congratulating him is the act of a cunt, wouldn't you say?
Good result for decent working people trying to look after 'challenged' people & not sliding into benefit culture.
It's a bad result for any working person who'll be affected by the release onto the labour market of a load of what amounts to short-term indentured labour.
Purnell and New Labour are going much farther than old Thatch, they love the private sector so much - no surprise that they want to flog off all public services to their friends in the City.

Would not surprise me if they try to move everyone on benefits into the Army - they can join the 'lets put all anti social behaviour knife thugs into the Army' mob.

FFS its going to a mega huge Army. Things are going to get worse before the general election in 2010.

Wouldn't happen. The Brass would probably rather be responsible for a coup d'etat than have a load of ASBO'ers in their barracks. The armed forces want people capable of dealing out controlled aggression, not muppets who get het up if someone says their mum sucks tramps cocks.
Have to congratulate Purnell on his attempt to put people into work, training and where in some sink estates and other areas, where after around thirty years of our manafacturing industry being destroyed, mainly through privatisation. Where you have 3,4, if not five generations of people in long term unemoployment, putting schemes through to coerce people to learn basic literacy & numeracy, that in a country like Britain most of all is deplorable that skills like this are not fundamental. It is also good that at last an attempt has been made to try to eradicate the social underclass/lumpen proletariat that is nothing but despicable and degenerative to our society as a whole.

Unfortunately though, following the mindset of New Labour, he is attempting to do this through Neo Liberal measures and Privatisation, not only a detrament to unemployed people trying to get back into work, but most of all, the public sector and staff involved in these private schemes.

Good result for decent working people trying to look after 'challenged' people & not sliding into benefit culture.

No no no. Throwing people onto workfare is not creating jobs for them.

Any clue on where the childcare for parents of kids over seven is coming from? There's been a resounding silence on that one from all angles.
Oh, well, you know, that's just a detail.

Something Nigel's diatribes against the lumpen proleteriat are usually conspicuously short of.

You get the impression he'd feel more comfortable ranting his bollocks off from a soapbox at Hyde Park Corner, where he wouldn't have to worry about troublesome stuff like details, and could froth away at the mouth to his heart's content. :)
I know I've asked this before, but can anyone find a link to any actual information about how this will affect carers of disabled children?

I post on a local autism group and think a lot of the lone carers on there may be in for a shock. I know the Freud report acknowledges some groups like parents of disabled kids may find it hard to find work, but it doesn't say specifically they will be exempt from it.

It seems very blurred. And no one had really mentioned what about lone parents with no childcare at all...???

I actually couldn't physically take my eldest son if I had to sign on in the school holidays/ go for back to work interviews. It's impossible.

Thank God I won't be classed as a single parent soon.
The leaked green paper itself is linked to in the Sky article on this that I linked to on the last page, if you really want to read it... personally I'd wait until Monday when the official launch is, and when there'll be a lot more detailed analysis around. It'll only depress you on the weekend I suspect.
The leaked green paper itself is linked to in the Sky article on this that I linked to on the last page, if you really want to read it... personally I'd wait until Monday when the official launch is, and when there'll be a lot more detailed analysis around. It'll only depress you on the weekend I suspect.

H'mm, it does say exempting the severely disabled and carers, but I don't trust them.

The leaked document says everyone other than severely disabled people, carers and parents of young children should be expected to look and train for work.

Would also be worried about losing the carer's allowance for any reason. Whether I claim it or not, I'm in the same position vis a vis employability (at least as a single person)
I doubt they'd get away with removing allowance for carers completely, just like they won't remove disability benefits completely. What I _can_ see though is making it harder to qualify, as they've been doing with disability.

I don't think that's something that it's possible to more than guess at until some actual legislation comes along.
Hopefully it isn't the usual "threaten all sorts of shit then do what you originally meant to do in the end, and the press and lobbying groups think it's a climbdown and don't challenge it" situation (does this have an actual name as a tactic? it should do if not)
I doubt they'd get away with removing allowance for carers completely, just like they won't remove disability benefits completely. What I _can_ see though is making it harder to qualify, as they've been doing with disability.

I don't think that's something that it's possible to more than guess at until some actual legislation comes along.

There were campaigns this week to broaden the spectrum of carer's allowance actually. (It'll never happen)
Have to congratulate Purnell on his attempt to put people into work, training and where in some sink estates and other areas, where after around thirty years of our manafacturing industry being destroyed, mainly through privatisation. Where you have 3,4, if not five generations of people in long term unemoployment, putting schemes through to coerce people to learn basic literacy & numeracy, that in a country like Britain most of all is deplorable that skills like this are not fundamental. It is also good that at last an attempt has been made to try to eradicate the social underclass/lumpen proletariat that is nothing but despicable and degenerative to our society as a whole.

Unfortunately though, following the mindset of New Labour, he is attempting to do this through Neo Liberal measures and Privatisation, not only a detrament to unemployed people trying to get back into work, but most of all, the public sector and staff involved in these private schemes.

Good result for decent working people trying to look after 'challenged' people & not sliding into benefit culture.
you mug, congratulated for what exactly? congratulated for presiding over a system of welfare that enforces an ideal of charity rather than mutual support, that has notions of deserving hard-working people running through it despite the impending credit crunch clearly undermining that strategy. 2/10
People who want to care for their children themselves will find it hard to leave their kids .no mention as been made of where this child care is coming from ,so does it mean you will be forced to use child minders without acreditation
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