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Privileged people calling less privileged people "stupid" doesn't seem to be working...

Please don't use quotation marks if you're not actually quoting verbatim (regardless of whether or not you use the quote function).
Yes, sorry, was sloppy.
You said
I think you're right; it's important for class-based analysis to be seen to encompas race, gender etc., etc., rather than exclude it. To acknowledge the importance of those issues to class, and vice versa. To show focus on class as a win/win, rather than a zero sum game.
(which i liked a lot).
BTW, did you have any more thoughts on this?
Yep.. If I try to answer it honestly though it would just me displaying the full extent of my cluelessness, which might actually be helpful in some way but still would feel worried it'll be taken the wrong way, as some sort of attack. If I have a beer in a couple of hours might have a go though, get over the shyness. :facepalm:
Yep.. If I try to answer it honestly though it would just me displaying the full extent of my cluelessness, which might actually be helpful in some way but still would feel worried it'll be taken the wrong way, as some sort of attack. If I have a beer in a couple of hours might have a go though, get over the shyness. :facepalm:
How about dishonestly?
How about dishonestly?
I could google copy & paste something and do an impression of someone who has got a clue (about what class really means and how it intersects with race and gender) but not really much point is there.
A few pages back there was discussion of how to bring about a feeling of solidarity by class across the boundaries of race & gender etc, what language what sort of movement might be able to do that. I think that's the context in which Athos asked me the question, so the only point in me trying to answer it would be to show the extent of the need for such a thing.
He's a monumental freak.

View attachment 95630

Globalresearch link lol.

View attachment 95629

A twitter search for "democratically elected" and anything to do with Syria unearths piles of this stinky ilk.
Appreciate the research & heads-up, and would certainly think twice before linking to him again. That said, I wasn't endorsing the authors world view, merely putting up a view representative of some discussion in the thread.
Appreciate the research & heads-up, and would certainly think twice before linking to him again. That said, I wasn't endorsing the authors world view, merely putting up a view representative of some discussion in the thread.
No probs, I don't want to drag the thread OT but going through it, that annoyed me. His twitter avi and bio should set a few alarms off though - the absolute state of it. "Geopolitics, imperialism, (with focus on US/UK foreign policy)"
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The old left, dominated as it was (and still is) by straight white men, long echoed this sentiment. The class struggle comes first; after the revolution, we’ll sort out everything else. It was an approach that women and minorities rebelled against. The working class was full of diversity, they argued, and class oppression was not the only injustice that many working-class people suffered.
2016 in the UK.

A Tesco store in Edinburgh has been accused of discriminating against state school children by making them queue outside while private school pupils are allowed to come and go as they please.

It has been claimed that students from Boroughmuir high school, near the city centre, were made to stand behind a barrier by Tesco staff and only allowed to enter their local store in small groups. But students at the nearby George Watson’s college were not stopped at all.

The sort of article that just falls short of wishing there were less white males and less straight males .if only that was the solution.
That said, I can't really complain about all these Remoaners acting like a bunch of special snowflakes and spoilt brats. It shows them up for who they really are and proves the old saying about scratching a liberal right. They truly are their own worst enemy and most of them are too stupid and cocooned in their bubble to even realise it.
also 'special snowflake'

why have you adopted the rhetoric of the far right?

Lol, since when did those terms become the exclusive property of the far right?

I used those terms because they are accurate and spot on. Are you really going to try and argue that Remain voters have not spent the entire time since June moaning and whining about the result of the referendum and doing everything in their power to try and stop Brexit from happening, just as spoilt brats do when things don't totally go their way.
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