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Prince Charles letters

Something about beef farmers, military helicopters and sustainable buildings. Rather dull so far.
Ok sorry I will try and make up some bollocks the next time I start a thread about something that has been published in the last two minutes.
or maybe if you feel so strongly :rolleyes: that you should have read stuff before you can offer an opinion :rolleyes: why not read the stuff before starting the thread?
As we trawl through the cache of correspondence, it’s becoming clear that Prince Charles wrote to ministers almost exclusively on matters that are well known to be his closely-held personal interests.

Farming, the environment, armed forces, supermarkets, architecture, schools, Prince’s Foundation projects, badger culling and even Patagonian toothfish and albatrosses.

I see few spidergrams.

Mostly letters typed by his officials (and in some cases apparently pasting from National Farmers' Union documents!) and replies by Ministers...

Is there more to come?
Charles comes out of them quite well :D

Whatever...but the import of this story lies in the vermin's response to it...
The spokesman said: “The PM’s view around the importance of there being confidential correspondence between the Government and the sovereign and the heir to the throne.

“There is some degree of lack of clarity with regard to a slightly distinct areas of the exercise of the ministerial veto which is in FOI [rules].

“Given that the court ruling has generated a degree of uncertainty in this area this is an issue which the Government will look at and consider carefully and thoroughly.”

The spokesman said it was too early to say whether the changes would require legislation.

It won't happen again. If the monarchy choose to write to the PM demanding that the UK be given to Putin or made part of the IS...we won't know.
Charles comes out of them quite well :D

I'd agree with that. Only written down coz Blair told him to,Charlie even pointed out the FOI implications. A few areas I think he's wrong on but nobody is ever entirely right. For all the Guardian are banging about being constitutionally unacceptable, think its a useful insight into what sort of the thing the next Head of State will be talking about at his weekly meetings with the PM. or do the likes of Michael Crick think the Queen just asked Cameron what he thought of last weeks game between West Ham & Aston Villa? (though that must be a tempting question)
So the Guardian pursued a ten year legal battle to get these letters published..

No, they wanted the interesting ones published. Given that all the correspondence from Chuck is typed, and there is a longstanding joke about black spider letters, it's obvious that a shit load of handwritten loonspud notes remain hidden.
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