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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

And? She did what was right for her. Selfish cow eh? :hmm:

If it helps, I'd say the same thing if the people who apparently recorded his row with Carrie in 2019 decide to release it. When MPs or members of his cabinet come out and say "well, I always knew he was a wrong 'un ever since he did this thing that I am only now telling you about" are we not going to criticise them?
If it helps, I'd say the same thing if the people who apparently recorded his row with Carrie in 2019 decide to release it. When MPs or members of his cabinet come out and say "well, I always knew he was a wrong 'un ever since he did this thing that I am only now telling you about" are we not going to criticise them?
Of course, but they weren't involved directly. This is between a young woman and older man with a lot of authority/establishment friends. Who has supposed to have recorded the shouting at his home with Carrie? Neighbours?
If it helps, I'd say the same thing if the people who apparently recorded his row with Carrie in 2019 decide to release it. When MPs or members of his cabinet come out and say "well, I always knew he was a wrong 'un ever since he did this thing that I am only now telling you about" are we not going to criticise them?
MPs and members of his cabinet, yes, and they are in a stronger position than members of the public.
I don't know the reasons why the 2017 recording wasn't released earlier. The public's right to know doesn't override every other right, but there's no question the press barons will keep their powder dry till it can achieve greatest coverage. Not sure this is the time, though - I'd have thought that time well past.
I'm now feeling angry again.

Angry at the despicable, sociopathic cunt that these audio recordings reveal. The coercion and control element chimes with domestic abuse indicators. Makes me feel sick.

But also angry at the shitty cynicism of people like Murdoch and their hacks. No moral compass, all totally strategic.

Lost and rotting. And yet you turn on the radio and hear these wankers playing in to their strategies. Coercion and control is only worth getting outraged about when the tide has turned. before that, they cry, 'sanctimony'.

And the sad thing is, there's no reason that things couldn't get worse. All the possible contenders for PM are either loons or thick as pig-shit. When's the revolution?

(Pissed, ignore my maundering shite....)
7,307 in the petition now.

Get in while they’re still hot!!

(They’re still dribbling in like disappointed cum down the inside of cheap velour trousers, but unless something changes I don’t think 9k by Monday is going to happen)
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Senior Tories accused Boris Johnson of trying to torpedo Rishi Sunak’s bid to succeed him as prime minister – and of refusing to leave No 10 with good grace – as the leadership race descended into bitter infighting.

As a trio of cabinet ministers entered the contest last night, senior MPs said the battle now risked inflicting even more damage on the party than the fall of Margaret Thatcher more than three decades ago.

One party grandee accused Johnson of installing unsuitable MPs to middle-ranking and junior government posts when he knew he was on his way out “to cause maximum problems for his successor” who would inevitably have to sack most of them on taking office.

“Those appointments were the most appalling thing I have seen in politics,” said the senior source. “It was obviously a move to sabotage his successor’s first weeks in office.”

Looking forward to seeing the S's from all the keyboards glued to the ceilings* when/if Sunak gets in :thumbs: .

and yes I know it didn't happen
So we have multimillionaire corrupt tax dodging fucks vs carpetbagging imbeciles. Mordant will get it because she appeals to the older retired grey majority of party members. That’s about all she has to offer. I cant see them going for someone who isn’t white tbh.

All scum
Mordaunt not someone who comes to mind when you think of the vile worm Johnson, so not as tainted by association as say sunak
According to the article I linked to on the leadership thread she's known in some tory circles as 'Penny Dormant' because she's done absolutely nothing in government.

That applies to Javid as well, but he's had more major roles than anyone: chancellor, health, trade, home, local gov, culture...yet achieved nothing of note in any of them.
Despite johnson's all round vile behaviour, there's nothing I've seen in his various extra marital relationships - aka serial cheating - that adds up to weinstein style assault. However with the all offers of jobs or promotions that he dangles, with the power disparities, all these stories come from exactly the same place.
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