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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Viewing things from the point of view of someone who doesn't really understand UK politics, why is Johnsoh so hated, even by his own party? There has been a flood of demands for him to quit for months.
He's been a hate figure on the left for decades, particularly in London thanks to his turn as Mayor there but also because he was a prominent "nasty hard-right opinions for money" columnist for the Telegraph. Remainers hate him for being one of the key figures who slagged off Europe for years, and who touted Brexit hard during the referendum despite knowing the likely outcome of doing so full well (infamously he wrote two letters, one in favour of leaving and one against, and picked in favour because it was better for his political career). The Tories themselves were always pretty split between the more straight laced ones who despised his antics and shambolic personal life, and those with an eye for his supposed everyman populism.

He still has a constituency of idiots who love him almost solely because he delivered Brexit, but their supporting cast of opportunists who covered for his many indiscretions on the grounds of his electability have now abandoned ship, leaving the groundswell of people who he's wronged, outraged and let down over the years to swallow him.
Looking at it from a distance (well over 7,500 Km away) am I crazy to think someone like Ben Wallace will be seen as a safe pair of hands
Well it appears Ben Wallace is the clear favourite among party members, I have no idea how other MPs view him but not sure it is such a crazy guess. I notice you said "you need to know who is standing", why is that? You can have a view without knowing who is standing (I don't know if he is standing or that he was favourite among party members when I names him).

As one of the most prolific posters on here with what seems a view on almost everything, I think your reticence to offer a view speaks volumes. Come on show everyone that you have a clue and name your winner :)

Sources: ITV and Reuters and many more if you need them :thumbs:
Well it appears Ben Wallace is the clear favourite among party members, I have no idea how other MPs view him but not sure it is such a crazy guess. I notice you said "you need to know who is standing", why is that? You can have a view without knowing who is standing (I don't know if he is standing or that he was favourite among party members when I names him).

As one of the most prolific posters on here with what seems a view on almost everything, I think your reticence to offer a view speaks volumes. Come on show everyone that you have a clue and name your winner :)

Sources: ITV and Reuters and many more if you need them :thumbs:
you can have a view without knowing who is standing but the tory mps cannot cast a vote without knowing who is standing

as for crazy view, not so long ago the tory party decided it thought boris johnson was a safe pair of hands. and look where we are now
possibly from a grandchild...nothing wrong with a nice firm handshake, afaiac.
As one who has fallen foul of the house rules on hugs quite recently i can speak with a little authority on this matter. A good handshake is an excellent 'hello' when given to face to face familiars (existing friends/acquaintances etc), or as an introduction to newly met people. When coupled with a warm smile it can convey genuine affection (where appropriate). Handshakes are a really useful social tool. Hugs are also a really excellent social lubricant which, it can be said, serve a very similar purpose to h/shakes, whilst possibly conveying greater warmth and affection. In some circumstances, often difficult to define, love (romantic or familial) may be indicated with a hug. but not always. As with most things, context is everything. Hugs, it seems to me, are capable of being misunderstood (more so than handshakes). and certainly as signal purveyors, hugs might easily be misinterpreted. Therefore it seems sensible to exercise caution when offering hugs in any context which might involve the invisibility of sender and /or receiver - perhaps in an internet setting such as Urban for example. Suffice to say, my earlier transgression was not intended to make anyone feel at all uncomfortable - the opposite in fact. i think i have a generally warm and open character (others may disagree), and when i have made offers of a hug to anyone, i hope they will appreciate that my intentions were not in any way malign.

As with most things human, the more we consider aspects of our 'touching' behaviours (including h/shakes and hugs) the more complicated they can seem, and the layers of complexity are multiplied and magnified by the advent of internet communications, not to mention changing social mores. Proceeding with care is always best.. Want a handshake campanula? :)
As one who has fallen foul of the house rules on hugs quite recently i can speak with a little authority on this matter. A good handshake is an excellent 'hello' when given to face to face familiars (existing friends/acquaintances etc), or as an introduction to newly met people. When coupled with a warm smile it can convey genuine affection (where appropriate). Handshakes are a really useful social tool. Hugs are also a really excellent social lubricant which, it can be said, serve a very similar purpose to h/shakes, whilst possibly conveying greater warmth and affection. In some circumstances, often difficult to define, love (romantic or familial) may be indicated with a hug. but not always. As with most things, context is everything. Hugs, it seems to me, are capable of being misunderstood (more so than handshakes). and certainly as signal purveyors, hugs might easily be misinterpreted. Therefore it seems sensible to exercise caution when offering hugs in any context which might involve the invisibility of sender and /or receiver - perhaps in an internet setting such as Urban for example. Suffice to say, my earlier transgression was not intended to make anyone feel at all uncomfortable - the opposite in fact. i think i have a generally warm and open character (others may disagree), and when i have made offers of a hug to anyone, i hope they will appreciate that my intentions were not in any way malign.

As with most things human, the more we consider aspects of our 'touching' behaviours (including h/shakes and hugs) the more complicated they can seem, and the layers of complexity are multiplied and magnified by the advent of internet communications, not to mention changing social mores. Proceeding with care is always best.. Want a handshake campanula? :)
One of the few good things about COVID is never having to hug anyone I don't love ever again,,,
you can have a view without knowing who is standing but the tory mps cannot cast a vote without knowing who is standing

as for crazy view, not so long ago the tory party decided it thought boris johnson was a safe pair of hands. and look where we are now
Your not a Tory MP are you? You can have a say now.

For Tories picking Johnson wasn't crazy, he won them a massive majority, I'm not so sure they thought he was a safe pair of hands, they just thought he'd get them elected. Most will have known what a liability and lying cunt he is but just wanted to get elected.
Your not a Tory MP are you? You can have a say now.

For Tories picking Johnson wasn't crazy, he won them a massive majority, I'm not so sure they thought he was a safe pair of hands, they just thought he'd get them elected. Most will have known what a liability and lying cunt he is but just wanted to get elected.
you've not thought this through. you cannot vote for anyone at the moment as nominations have not only not closed, they have not opened.
Therefore it seems sensible to exercise caution when offering hugs in any context which might involve the invisibility of sender and /or receiver - perhaps in an internet setting such as Urban for example. Suffice to say, my earlier transgression was not intended to make anyone feel at all uncomfortable - the opposite in fact. i think i have a generally warm and open character (others may disagree), and when i have made offers of a hug to anyone, i hope they will appreciate that my intentions were not in any way malign.
I think I would revise this to "it seems sensible to exercise caution when offering hugs in any context".
He's been a hate figure on the left for decades, particularly in London thanks to his turn as Mayor there but also because he was a prominent "nasty hard-right opinions for money" columnist for the Telegraph. Remainers hate him for being one of the key figures who slagged off Europe for years, and who touted Brexit hard during the referendum despite knowing the likely outcome of doing so full well (infamously he wrote two letters, one in favour of leaving and one against, and picked in favour because it was better for his political career). The Tories themselves were always pretty split between the more straight laced ones who despised his antics and shambolic personal life, and those with an eye for his supposed everyman populism.

He still has a constituency of idiots who love him almost solely because he delivered Brexit, but their supporting cast of opportunists who covered for his many indiscretions on the grounds of his electability have now abandoned ship, leaving the groundswell of people who he's wronged, outraged and let down over the years to swallow him.
He didn't deliver 'leave'.
Fuck knows what brexit is.
Richard Seymour's latest in the Staggers is worth reading (although it's worth noting he was adamant that Johnson wasn't going to resign on Wednesday night, so how much insight he has is perhaps debatable) - his assessment of the challenges facing Johnson's successor is worthwhile though I think

I think I would revise this to "it seems sensible to exercise caution when offering hugs in any context".
Yes i sought to convey the idea that proceeding with caution is best - in particular with conditions of invisibility (and unfamiliarity) so i have no massive problem with your revision. its a bit semantic though. It is far easier in my experience to judge whether someone is receptive to a hug, or a handshake, if you are aware of their body language etc (a massive etc admittedly) because they are visible - roughly sharing the same space. In the example of my failure to be adequately cautious i was responding only to what i considered thoughtful and reasonable posts about bojo. i knew nothing of the poster. my bad (as they say) for inadequate consideration of all relevant factors🙁
Richard Seymour's latest in the Staggers is worth reading (although it's worth noting he was adamant that Johnson wasn't going to resign on Wednesday night, so how much insight he has is perhaps debatable) - his assessment of the challenges facing Johnson's successor is worthwhile though I think

You kidding? That’s a pretty shallow analysis mostly replicating what everyone has said. The idea he has any insight into the mindset of Tory mps is just silly.
Bunch of sad despicable amoral hypocrite cunts... It'd be terrible if the elevated blood pressure was to cause them a medical emergency.

Things are not looking much rosier since today's edition was printed, given that the Mail was pushing harder than all other media outlets for Starmer to be prosecuted for breaching lockdown rules, and he and Reyner have been given the all clear this afternoon... :D
Richard Seymour's latest in the Staggers is worth reading (although it's worth noting he was adamant that Johnson wasn't going to resign on Wednesday night, so how much insight he has is perhaps debatable) - his assessment of the challenges facing Johnson's successor is worthwhile though I think

TBF to Seymour, bojo remains, however constrained, and he will call shots and wreek havoc. fucker.
There's still a whole load of shit coming down the pipeline. Whilst he is in place he'll fuck up the management of it and keep tarnishing the Tory brand.
As one who has fallen foul of the house rules on hugs quite recently i can speak with a little authority on this matter. A good handshake is an excellent 'hello' when given to face to face familiars (existing friends/acquaintances etc), or as an introduction to newly met people. When coupled with a warm smile it can convey genuine affection (where appropriate). Handshakes are a really useful social tool. Hugs are also a really excellent social lubricant which, it can be said, serve a very similar purpose to h/shakes, whilst possibly conveying greater warmth and affection. In some circumstances, often difficult to define, love (romantic or familial) may be indicated with a hug. but not always. As with most things, context is everything. Hugs, it seems to me, are capable of being misunderstood (more so than handshakes). and certainly as signal purveyors, hugs might easily be misinterpreted. Therefore it seems sensible to exercise caution when offering hugs in any context which might involve the invisibility of sender and /or receiver - perhaps in an internet setting such as Urban for example. Suffice to say, my earlier transgression was not intended to make anyone feel at all uncomfortable - the opposite in fact. i think i have a generally warm and open character (others may disagree), and when i have made offers of a hug to anyone, i hope they will appreciate that my intentions were not in any way malign.

As with most things human, the more we consider aspects of our 'touching' behaviours (including h/shakes and hugs) the more complicated they can seem, and the layers of complexity are multiplied and magnified by the advent of internet communications, not to mention changing social mores. Proceeding with care is always best.. Want a handshake campanula? :)
Yes please. I am not any sort of hugger (despite having hippyish tendencies!)...and as for smoochy air kisses (mwha, mwah)...I really don't think that's me at all. A nice firm handshake (as long as no-one does that thing of grasping with both hands for an unreasonable length of time) is perfectly OK with me. Possibly, being around 5 foot tall (when stretching my neck), I don't much relish being clasped to anyone's midriff but yep, I really quite liked the distance we all got from Covid.

I would run a freaking mile (slowly) if any member of the political class attempted any sort of touching whatsoever.
When it comes to the success or otherwise of the incoming shite, part of that will be about their ability to attribute fuck ups and surplus Covid deaths to Johnson - something which might not be too straightforward if the mail and others are venerating him. But ultimately, it's about the other side of the equation - Labour. If there's nothing there other than a flag waving void with a few aspirations to 'fairness', the vermin win. Ditto if Labour don't actually rebuild in their former seats.
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