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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Following the Tory 'austerity' agenda.
Not only was austerity the LibDems (and the Labour's) agenda also, the depth and speed of the austerity policies were not brought about in spite of the LDs but because of them. One of the reasons why the coalition government lasted a full term was because the LDs were absolutely committed to austerity and could be relied upon when some Tories could not (e.g. IDS resigning).
And the LDs were so committed to austerity they continued with that agenda at both the 2015 and 2017 elections. Even in 2019 while they changed the language their manifesto was economically to the right of both the Tories and Labour.

Ignoring the LDs active and strong participation in the coalition government feeds into the progressive alliance bullshit. So much of which is completely off base when it tries to make the Johnson government hard right. But while there has been some rhetorical attacks on 'wokeness', the actions of the government have not been out of step with previous governments. The relatively moderate economic policy of this government was part of the reason Johnson lost the support of many backbenchers.
For all the crap that has come from the present government the damage the coalition government did to society was far greater. Take COVID, certainly the )lack of a) response from the government led to deaths, but the cuts the coalition government made to the health service and elsewhere baked in a large number of the deaths this country saw.

The fretting of liberals about the end of liberalism in this country or elsewhere in 'the west' is a delusion, the fact is that liberalism is dominant (with a partial exception of the USA) in both the social and economic sense. The recent Australian elections showed that while conservatism may have significant support it is a minority position, rather than a move to the left the voters rejected conservatism in favour of liberalism. Macron might have been denied a majority but he was not really challenged at the presidential elections and still has a plurality.

And it is because liberalism is the dominant politics that it is absurd for socialists to try and ally with it. A better world can only be made in the opposition of liberalism.
Part of me worries for her and the kids, after all we started the week with Diane Abbot asserting that Johnson has an aggression towards women problem. It wouldn’t surprise me if he starts blaming her for everything going wrong.
Wondered about that myself yesterday. :(
Not only was austerity the LibDems (and the Labour's) agenda also, the depth and speed of the austerity policies were not brought about in spite of the LDs but because of them. One of the reasons why the coalition government lasted a full term was because the LDs were absolutely committed to austerity and could be relied upon when some Tories could not (e.g. IDS resigning).
And the LDs were so committed to austerity they continued with that agenda at both the 2015 and 2017 elections. Even in 2019 while they changed the language their manifesto was economically to the right of both the Tories and Labour.

Ignoring the LDs active and strong participation in the coalition government feeds into the progressive alliance bullshit. So much of which is completely off base when it tries to make the Johnson government hard right. But while there has been some rhetorical attacks on 'wokeness', the actions of the government have not been out of step with previous governments. The relatively moderate economic policy of this government was part of the reason Johnson lost the support of many backbenchers.
For all the crap that has come from the present government the damage the coalition government did to society was far greater. Take COVID, certainly the )lack of a) response from the government led to deaths, but the cuts the coalition government made to the health service and elsewhere baked in a large number of the deaths this country saw.

The fretting of liberals about the end of liberalism in this country or elsewhere in 'the west' is a delusion, the fact is that liberalism is dominant (with a partial exception of the USA) in both the social and economic sense. The recent Australian elections showed that while conservatism may have significant support it is a minority position, rather than a move to the left the voters rejected conservatism in favour of liberalism. Macron might have been denied a majority but he was not really challenged at the presidential elections and still has a plurality.

And it is because liberalism is the dominant politics that it is absurd for socialists to try and ally with it. A better world can only be made in the opposition of liberalism.

Well, you’d better get on and deliver socialism without allying with Liberalism then. TBF you’re only had about 180 years.

Reformism as a form of delivery of socialism is indeed wanky. But it has delivered the, admittedly flawed, NHS and universal state pensions in the UK.

Taps watch.
Well, you’d better get on and deliver socialism without allying with Liberalism then. TBF you’re only had about 180 years.

Reformism as a form of delivery of socialism is indeed wanky. But it has delivered the, admittedly flawed, NHS and universal state pensions in the UK.

Taps watch.
The usual straw man.
Working class action, supported by socialists from a wide range of political backgrounds, delivered the benefits the working class have achieved. Keynesism was as much a response to revolutionary socialism as it was to reformist socialism. And none but the most deluded of those in the revolutionary tradition have every argued against getting gains for the working class.

I do not think reformist socialism has much of a future (or a past) but I am perfectly happy to consider those that do follow that path as comrades and work with them at the tactical and strategic level. The Labour Party has never been a socialist party but I recognise that there are good comrades in it, much of my present day to day political activity is union orientated - but it would be delusion to not recognise that the LP and most unions are not in effect managers of capital, that ultimately there may/will be some point at which they need to be broken with.

In the meantime you can continue to support the LP in attacking workers conditions while telling yourself you're still on the side of workers.
The usual straw man.
Working class action, supported by socialists from a wide range of political backgrounds, delivered the benefits the working class have achieved. Keynesism was as much a response to revolutionary socialism as it was to reformist socialism. And none but the most deluded of those in the revolutionary tradition have every argued against getting gains for the working class.

I do not think reformist socialism has much of a future (or a past) but I am perfectly happy to consider those that do follow that path as comrades and work with them at the tactical and strategic level. The Labour Party has never been a socialist party but I recognise that there are good comrades in it, much of my present day to day political activity is union orientated - but it would be delusion to not recognise that the LP and most unions are not in effect managers of capital, that ultimately there may/will be some point at which they need to be broken with.

In the meantime you can continue to support the LP in attacking workers conditions while telling yourself you're still on the side of workers.
Thanks, except after joining the labour party on my 16th Birthday I'm well and truly fucked off with them now TBF.

You can keep going to meetings and publishing papers and delivering fuck all through your purity of politics.

I don't know you obviously, you may well have been part of delivering some great stuff through campaigning, strikes or perhaps even one to one actions and support. But that's all been delivered without bringing down the system (so, you too are a reformist wanker like me).

Besides, I got my Marx literally on my mother's knee and have my own views about how the previous revolutions that saw changes to our economic systems actually come about to think you can railroad before it's time to railroad. And I also worry, that my personal preferred form of socialism is far to authoritarian to appeal to most liberals...
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Thanks, except after joining the labour party on my 16th Birthday I'm well and truly fucked off with them now TBF.

You can keep going to meetings and publishing papers and delivering fuck all through your purity of politics.

I don't know you obviously, you may well have been part of delivering some great stuff through campaigning, strikes or perhaps even one to one actions and support. But thats all been delivered without bringing down the system (so, you too are a reformist wanker like me).

Besides, I got my Marx literally on my mother's knee and have my own views about how the previous revolutions that saw changes to our economic systems actually come about to think you can railroad before it's time to railroad. And I also worry, that my personal preferred form of socialism is far to authoritarian to appeal to most liberals...
To clarify I can recognise that socialists joining the LP (or equivalent) for tactical reasons is coherent political position, not now I agree with but one that I can understand.
But any socialist in the LP that does not realise that sometime sooner or later* they are going to have to fight against the party is either mad, naive or just a hypocritical sellout.

*And likely sooner under the current leadership
I don't know you obviously, you may well have been part of delivering some great stuff through campaigning, strikes or perhaps even one to one actions and support. But thats all been delivered without bringing down the system (so, you too are a reformist wanker like me).
This is another deliberate strawman.

There may be a very small number of morons that have argued for against gains for the working class but the overwhelming majority of revolutionary socialists have not only never opposed achieving limited gains for the w/c they have taken part in achieving them.
I realise we may be close to solving the revolutionary vs parliamentary socialism thing here so I apologise for diverting us with more trivial matters, but this morning I'm enjoying the revelation that apparently it was Hugh Grant who encouraged Steve Bray to play the Benny Hill theme outside parliament before BJ's resignation

(Sorry if it's been posted already - my adblocker obscures FB content posted here)
I realise we may be close to solving the revolutionary vs parliamentary socialism thing here so I apologise for diverting us with more trivial matters, but this morning I'm enjoying the revelation that apparently it was Hugh Grant who encouraged Steve Bray to play the Benny Hill theme outside parliament before BJ's resignation

(Sorry if it's been posted already - my adblocker obscures FB content posted here)

It's great. I just wish the people playing 'bye bye' outside Downing Street yesterday during the clown's resignation speech had played this instead...

Still here's 24 hours of it....

Back to what johnson will do in the next couple of months, assuming he is allowed to carry on as caretaker (which I think he will - he's got a new cabinet and all the energy about removing him as PM has probably dissipated a bit now): I don't see him doing anything objectively mad, starting a wat etc. However, there will be plenty of spiteful little measures, along with setting up every opportunity for self enrichment after leaving the job. And as others have said, he'll actually be quite Churchillian - pissed every fucking day.
This is another deliberate strawman.

There may be a very small number of morons that have argued for against gains for the working class but the overwhelming majority of revolutionary socialists have not only never opposed achieving limited gains for the w/c they have taken part in achieving them.

Anyway. Stop this. You’re making us look bad in front of the anarchists…
Deeply moving piece in the daily mail about the king's final tragic hours.
Actually so terrible i recommend it. Screenshot 2022-07-08 at 10.42.11.png

particularly good when it explains that they had the veg curry because the day had been hard enough to digest.
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