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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Anyone else anticipating a war with Russia to save Bojo from relinquishing the PMship and oblivion?

I think declaring war on the EU at Russia's side is more Johnson's style. After all, we have always been at war with EUania. There will be another photo-op posing with Zelensky shortly before stabbing him in the back. In crisis times such as that, you'd need to suspend Parliament completely and make being a member of an opposition party a capital offence. Dan Wooton and Nadine Dorries' unholy spawn will slither across the blighted land, laying waste to anything even faintly reeking of socialism or receiving licence fee money. Single mothers will be used in lieu of coal for a wholly renewable, carbon-neutral fuel and food source. Jacob Rees Mogg's Somerset Capital will pivot to being Debtors Prisons UK Plc and anyone* in debt to anyone (or a woman) will be considered one of his extended indentured servants until a lucky orphan's inheritance can be found to pay of their debts.

* Only the wrong sort of anyone of course. You know the type of people I'm talking about.
I can thank Boris for a nice easy day today - On hearing the news, the member of the government I was working with cancelled all his appointments after mid-day and high-tailed it back to London on the first available flight. Did I go back to the office - hell no! :D

I did hear the words "This is not the best day to leave Westminster" said at one point. :D
sorry do you mean the philandering bojo

was never a masterplan

not sure how the catholic priest at his wedding withstood the giggles
Blummin heck Bimble. i stayed up till gone midnight just to test your hug resolve.. Offer withdrawn now - no second chances. We will have to remain as passing acquaintances 😉
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