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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

The end is interesting actually. It claims that the last thing he did was tell them all that he’d changed his mind, he wasn’t resigning he had a fab new cabinet in place, and then strode out to the lectern. Which is at best a cruel joke.
The end is interesting actually. It claims that the last thing he did was tell them all that he’d changed his mind, he wasn’t resigning he had a fab new cabinet in place, and then strode out to the lectern. Which is at best a cruel joke.
Couple of things being speculated along those lines now.

Gove's meant to have given him a deadline of 9pm to resign the previous night and he rings him to fire him at 8.59.

I take it all with a massive pinch of salt tbh but I wonder if more of this sort of stuff might come out once he's properly buggered off.
What the fuck are the mail up to, I thought they'd turned against him? Then they go with this fallen hero stuff. It's almost as if ..... gasp .... they are unprincipled shites! :eek:
Like I mentioned last night, when Thatcher was axed by her own side they went nuts about it and were very negative towards the tories that came next. My opportunity to observe the Mails propaganda that time was limited to a couple of years, but I believe this went on for years and years. Even though it did damage to the conservative party they didnt care, and they ended up sort of relishing all the scandals that engulfed the Major years. I wonder if their appetite for that will last as long this time. It might, if the key ingredient is the end of a tory leader that they perceive to have been a big vote winner whose political appeal extended well beyond the normal tory electoral base. How far that leader had already fallen by the time their own party axed them did not really seem to factor into their thinking. Perhaps thats a normal aspect of myth making, mask over the inconvenient details of how the exalted one had already fucked up their own standing by turning it into a story of how they were betrayed by their own side, and how those who wielded the knife and dared to later stand in the great ones shoes must never be forgiven. Blame that singular event for every electoral defeat that the tories then go on to endure.
Couple of things being speculated along those lines now.

Gove's meant to have given him a deadline of 9pm to resign the previous night and he rings him to fire him at 8.59.

I take it all with a massive pinch of salt tbh but I wonder if more of this sort of stuff might come out once he's properly buggered off.
I think there was probably a lot of uncertainty, confusion and miscommunication and most of those involved will give different accounts before they even start to lie about it.
Like I mentioned last night, when Thatcher was axed by her own side they went nuts about it and were very negative towards the tories that came next. My opportunity to observe the Mails propaganda that time was limited to a couple of years, but I believe this went on for years and years. Even though it did damage to the conservative party they didnt care, and they ended up sort of relishing all the scandals that engulfed the Major years. I wonder if their appetite for that will last as long this time. It might, if the key ingredient is the end of a tory leader that they perceive to have been a big vote winner whose political appeal extended well beyond the normal tory electoral base. How far that leader had already fallen by the time their own party axed them did not really seem to factor into their thinking. Perhaps thats a normal aspect of myth making, mask over the inconvenient details of how the exalted one had already fucked up their own standing by turning it into a story of how they were betrayed by their own side, and how those who wielded the knife and dared to later stand in the great ones shoes must never be forgiven. Blame that singular event for every electoral defeat that the tories then go on to endure.
Yes, the 'traitors' theme was pretty significant amongst the right wing press in the early to mid-90s. Strangely enough, from memory, I don't remember Major being a particular focus for that, though he very soon got the 'hapless'/cones hotline tag. Suppose the difference was that New Labour came along and began to woo the murdoch press and others, whereas that isn't going to happen with kieth.
Yes, the 'traitors' theme was pretty significant amongst the right wing press in the early to mid-90s. Strangely enough, from memory, I don't remember Major being a particular focus for that, though he very soon got the 'hapless'/cones hotline tag. Suppose the difference was that New Labour came along and began to woo the murdoch press and others, whereas that isn't going to happen with kieth.
The Mails version of it did involve some direct 'traitor' attacks on Major, though I cannot say how often - I've got a memory of it but that memory could be based on just one or two articles for all I know. There was certainly prolonged bitterness towards his regime more broadly. And beyond the traffic cone hotline, there was of course the 'back to basics' stuff that took on a life of its own as a powerful form of mockery when contrasted with the various sex scandals that soon engulfed that government.
The Mails version of it did involve some direct 'traitor' attacks on Major, though I cannot say how often - I've got a memory of it but that memory could be based on just one or two articles for all I know. There was certainly prolonged bitterness towards his regime more broadly. And beyond the traffic cone hotline, there was of course the 'back to basics' stuff that took on a life of its own as a powerful form of mockery when contrasted with the various sex scandals that soon engulfed that government.
The back to basics thing is an amusing contrast to where we are now. Major was dull but honest, sexually continent and the rest (still a tory twat of course). As you say, he was ultimately brought down by a tidal wave of sleaze, financial and sexual. Johnson actually is that tidal wave of sleaze, along with a complete ability to pivot on just about anything to achieve personal advantage (notably Brexit). In that sense he's not one of the 'bastards' who opposed Major, he's just a gruesome opportunist. He's all the worst bits of MP and ruling class behaviour made flesh, but certainly an 'anti-Major'.

Edit: which of course is why Major detests him so much.
Viewing things from the point of view of someone who doesn't really understand UK politics, why is Johnsoh so hated, even by his own party? There has been a flood of demands for him to quit for months.
This is interesting and lays out Johnson's future options clearly.

Unfortunately no penguins are involved.

What the fuck are the mail up to, I thought they'd turned against him? Then they go with this fallen hero stuff. It's almost as if ..... gasp .... they are unprincipled shites! :eek:
had Angela Epstein on the vine show singing his praises this morning and how we all nasty people for not embracing his genius had to turn the telly off after a bit
Everyone needs a hug sometimes. Even this miserable misanthrope :D
possibly from a grandchild...nothing wrong with a nice firm handshake, afaiac.

feeling a bit queasy today...as though I had indulged in too many chocolate eclairs and shouting at the TV. Back to putting parliamentary spite and back stabbing on ignore (all of them being irredeemable cunts).
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Viewing things from the point of view of someone who doesn't really understand UK politics, why is Johnsoh so hated, even by his own party? There has been a flood of demands for him to quit for months.

He was loved because he was a mirror for all the base instincts of humanity. He was loved as a talisman for slovenly, ignorant, lazy, self-serving, exploitative, narcissistic liars everywhere.

He is now hated for exactly the same reason.

It's the difference between looking in the mirror before you leave for the party and looking in the mirror the morning after.
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